Thursday, August 19, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: By a process of elimination, El Rrun-Rrun has learned that Brownsville Independent School District board member Minerva Peña has tested positive for COVID-19 and must self-quarantine for two weeks, giving her fellow board members a welcome respite from her constant sermonizing about Da Lawd and chest-beating over "working for da keeds."

BISD administrators, citing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Privacy Rule that establishes national standards to protect individuals' medical records and other personal health information and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically, said they could neither deny nor confirm she had been infected with the virus.

However, BISD sources say that the administration has initiated contact tracing in the matter. With summer graduation coming up next month, we are eager to see who attends and who doesn't.

Now, we know that obesity is listed as an underlying condition that increases the possibility for infection, but HIPPA prevents us from learning whether she might have others like diabetes, etc. 

We remember that both Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Peña initially scoffed at and minimized the possibility of people catching the virus. Now both Abbott and Peña – if our sources are to be believed – have reportedly come down with the devil virus they both declared a hoax or non-existent. In BISD's literature classes the term "poetic justice" is defined as an outcome in which vice is punished and virtue rewarded usually in a manner peculiarly or ironically appropriate.

We couldn't think of a more appropriate use of the term as it applies to Peña. 

At top, "Not-so-Mini" gets her award.


Anonymous said...

This virus was intended to sicken the weak ,obese and elderly. So Abbott and Minerva are in that category! Minerva is vaccinated and I'm sure our governor is as well. let's see what happens. I see Minerva eating her way out of this.

Anonymous said...

So now Rose Longoria has it too? Minerva Pena is always with Rose Longoria, now back eating together at Chick-fil-A.

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena is ignorant and stupid as can be. Did she ever return the money Sylvia paid her for the vote?
If she didn't, then add thief to her description. Ms. Holy roller is also a GLUTTON. Ignorant, stupid, lying pig.
You Reap what you sow. OINK, OiNK.

Anonymous said...

Why do the commentators here dislike Mrs. Pena? Are they jealous of her because she needs nothing from them? Really Juan you the poor
Man is talking about people who might or might not have COVID-19. Cuídate mucho Juan, tu sistema no está fuerte porque el alcohol te ha dado una patada fuerte a tu salud y si te pega el COVID-19 puede ser que tu cuerpo no lo resista. Cuídate mucho por favor y deja de criticar a la gente, para que no se regrese tu maldad a ti.

Anonymous said...

August 20, 2021 at 12:31 AM


Anonymous said...

How can one be jealous of fat tissue or a pig oink

Anonymous said...

Did by any chance Minnie-nots-so-minnie crash the trip to Penn wity the Pony League. She tends to want to always be in the spotlight! If so, have those kids been tested? What about all those board members around her and every one in all the offices she bothers throughout the entire day. Now maybe she can stay home and cook for her husband instead of bringing him all her leftovers.

Anonymous said...

Let me look into it it's all she says

Anonymous said...

As a courtesy the feds should sent this fatso to live with the other idiota at her new place of residency TOGETHER AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Juan so school classes are back in force, in person classes, so how many kids have gotten sick with Covid or tested positive for Covid so far? Is there anyway a parent can find out about how many kids are infected in a school where their kids attend? Or will it be a guessing GAME? Miniie Mouse can you and your majority help out with this or are you just there attending meetings just to get a FREE LUNCH?

Former RGV LEO said...

This worthless ex-DPS POS probably got it from a pedophile!
