Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday despite being fully vaccinated, his office announced.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court  in San Antonio and Dallas that allowed mask mandates despite Gov. Greg Abbott's executive order prohibiting them.

The City of San Antonio responded to the Texas Supreme Court's decision in a statement on Sunday night, saying that the ruling didn't do much.

Late this afternoon Texas Supreme Court ruled to stay the City of San Antonio and Bexar County’s temporary restraining order (TRO), pending tomorrow’s trial court hearing on the petition for Temporary Injunction. The TRO was set to expire with tomorrow’s hearing, so the ruling has little practical effect.

Importantly, the Supreme Court did not rule on the Attorney General’s Petition for Writ of Mandamus, meaning that the City and County will move forward with presenting their case tomorrow. The hearing is set for Monday, August 16, 2021 in Bexar County District Court.

“The City of San Antonio and Bexar County’s response to the Texas Supreme Court continues to emphasize that the Governor cannot use his emergency powers to suspend laws that provide local entities the needed flexibility to act in an emergency,” said City Attorney Andy Segovia. “His suspension authority is meant to facilitate action, not prohibit it.”

"The governor has been testing daily, and today was the first positive test result," the governor's communications director, Mark Miner, said in a statement. "Governor Abbott is in constant communication with his staff, agency heads, and government officials to ensure that state government continues to operate smoothly and efficiently."

Gov. Abbott received his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine in December of last year. He will now isolate in the Governor's Mansion and receive Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment while continuing to test daily.


Anonymous said...

the republicans are the biggest hyprocrits.

Anonymous said...

So what if he tested positive? He's not a chicken little like Cameron County judge Eddie Gretchen Whitmer TreviƱo.

Anonymous said...

Pos no que no, Guey?

Anonymous said...

Spoke to a parent who took his kid to pediatrician to get tested and he came back positive.Parent told the teacher that the doctor had at least 8to 9 positive yesterday alone.

Anonymous said...

Masks will not prevent the virus; getting the jab won’t prevent the virus...and the many Valley Sheeple all went bahahaha, bahahaha! And the County Judge of Hidalgo, Jaba the Hutt Cortez also went bahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Scary times for all of us. Somebody has to think about the health of the community.

Anonymous said...

And how many of these positives went to hospital or died?

Anonymous said...

Big money in for Phizer,J&J, Moderna. Follow the money. Bill Gates and George Soros buying Mologic(Covid test Co.) NO wonder we no longer hear from Ancestry.com and 23 and me! I know the number but will someone please enlighten everyone on how much a doctor and/or hospital get for diagnosing someone with Covid19. Its not $100!
Its in the tens of thousands!

BronsvileƱo y que!

Anonymous said...

August 17, 2021 at 11:11 PM

coco joto

Anonymous said...

@11:11 A calculated percentage of those virus tests are made to come out as postive, as to control the grand total infected numbers and to help push the lie that the virus is spreading like wildfires. The hospitals are more than happy to go along with it, because they are making tons of money for each postive results! For example, my cousin died of a heart attack, but was quickly tested for Covid before he could die on them. He supposedly came out positive, and was added to the Cameron county fake COVID-19 deaths list, for king Trevino to use, to keep us all scared, and in bondage! Wake up people! They are going to use the same game plan with the supposedly more deadly Delta Variant virus! No seas pendejos ya! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

August 18, 2021 at 9:11 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

He wants to be like his idol el pendejo trump pinche lapdog.

Anonymous said...

August 18, 2021 at 9:11 AM

In Mexico, family members are paying hospitals to not list coronavirus as the reason for dying.

Communicable diseases are like that: nobody wants to be known as the kid with piojos, the young lady with a private illness, the old gentleman with a non-mentionable illness.

We should embarce all humans and their diseases.

Anonymous said...

Abbott has been vaccinated, has access to COVID fighting medications.
The unvaccinated sheep cult followers are the ones with the lives of their loved ones in the conscience. You think COVID vaccines are poison? You don't know what they contain? Do you know exactly what the vaccines you took as a child (measles, rubella, whooping cough,) have in their vaccine? Do you know the side effects? Really? and you still had to be vaccinated so you didn't question, but ah, orange man came up with a "deadly vaccine" and suddenly we question. Sit in front of the tv and count how many medications for diabetes, dry eye, emphezema , etc.etc. etc. how many side effects and people still drink the pill, the liquid, the content and you refuse to wear a mask because they "dont work, you still get the virus". You still get the flu, even with the flu shot, but you blame everyone from the local lazy politician to the state and federal ratas. How about looking in the mirror first? Our local, state and federal are a REFLECTION OF US. You don't vote? DONT COMPLAIN, you don't get involved and make a difference? STOP criticizing the ratas or the bad politicians. They are there because of people like you (or me or anyone who is too confortable criticizing and not doing).

Anonymous said...

August 18, 2021 at 7:38 PM

convoluted pendejo!

Anonymous said...

@7:38 First of all pendejo, the vaccines for the measles, rubella, whooping cough, and including prescription drugs took years to develop, test, and then made for public use. It was not made in months like this still not approved safe by the FDA vaccine. Parents, Google the name Jacob Clynick, and always remember what happened to this poor innocent child can also happen to your children. There's a reason, that they quickly made into law, that you cannot sue those vacccine companies if something bad happens to you health wise. And este pendejo commenter is calling the unvaccinated a sheep cult, when in reality, all the vaccinated are mindless vacas following the government herd. Word of advice, whenever Dr. Feces(Fauci), Biden, Gates, and Pelosi tells you to do something, always do the opposite! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Can't even ride a horse idiota
