Monday, August 30, 2021


 (Ed.'s Note: Few people would find art in such a mundane thing as band of Texas Rangers hanging a Mexican after he supposedly stole the company's bugle and woke them up foolishly blowing it while they slept. A reflection of the times, perhaps, but this is the kind of literature that would probably be banned in classrooms by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and his fellow anti-critical race theory legislators in Austin. 

Yet, on April 21, 1875, the Dallas Daily Herald printed the poem in its front page called "Hanging the Chaparral, or the Midnight Bugler." written by someone with the pseudonym of Buckskin Sam. There is much mirth and bravado in the tale of a company of  Rangers busy with one Mexican, a tree, and a noose. Then "a half dozen boys who like that sort of fun" pull on the rope.

The simple plot revolves around a band of rangers looking for Mexicans and routing them from a camp, then catching one in the chaparral accused of stealing the company bugle after he foolishly blows it at night and wakes them up. It goes downhill from there on. They string him up, he refuses to tell them where Cortina is, and they ride on leaving the Mexican hanging " a warning to all Greasers." We thank author/researcher Dr. Marie-Theresa Hernández, a professor in the Languages department at University of Houston, for bringing it to our attention.)

"Remember the Alamo," this
The war-cry shrill and clear
Of our brave band of rangers fell
Upon the bandits' ears
As in the morning, damp and still
We dashed into their camp
And woke them from their slumbers by
The thunder of our tramp..."

Few were our numbers, many they,
But on our side was right;
We shot them down remorselessly
Nor spared them in the fight
They fled in terror – all who escaped
From our avenging hand
For quarter was not given then
Along the Rio Grande

(After the slaughter, they make camp and are awakened by a Mexican blowing the company's bugle and capture the man, allegedly one of Cortina's men. He refuses to give them information on Cortina and they hang him.)

"What's up my boys," says Donaldson
Is this some thievin' Mex
That stole a bugle from Ft. Brown
He'd better pass his cheeks,
Put out a half-dozen scout
And scour the chaparral
And if we take him prisoner, 
We'll ticket him to (hell)

(They capture a Mexican in the chaparral and return him wounded, and he refuses to talk)

They're coming, here they are," says Cap
And got a sneaking cuss
Dog-gone your dirty picture, why
Did you make such a fuss
Why didn't you come up decently
And say yer wanted hanging?
Where's Cortina and his band?
Look here now, none your shamin'

But not a word the bugler spoke
He fiercely looked around
While from his arms and from his cheek
The blood slow trickled down
"Bring me a rope, we'll find his tongue
You bet your bottom dollar
Here, Toby, make a hangsman knot
And fit him to a collar..."

The rope was looped around his neck
Then, o'er the limb was run
And half a dozen of the boys
Who liked that sort of fun
Pulled steadily upon the hemp
And brought him up standing
Till he was black as any nig
On Mississippi landing

"Hold on," says Cap
I'll interview the cuss
He'll give us information
If not, we'll treat him worse.
Now, Greaser, this is your last chance
Too do a  Christian deed
Where's Cortina, tell us quick
Or be hung up for seed."

From mortal fear and loss of blood
The bugler's legs they quiver
But knowing well he ne'er again
Will see his Grande river
He braced himself and gazed around
Like tiger cat at bay
Then yelled, "Viva la Cortina"
Which was his final say...

For e're he finished high he swung...

Then hastily we packed out traps
And take our morning meal
Fall into line, answer the roll
And southward silently steal
Leaving the rigid bugler there
Slow swaying 'neath the tree
A warning to all Greasers, who
May chance that way to be....


Anonymous said...

The guy at the end of the rope looks an awful lot like you, Montoya.

So, do all Mexicans look alike?

Pos, si.

Anonymous said...

They wouldn't hang a coco would they? Kissing ass won't change your skin color even if your name is white.

Anonymous said...

Now, we have border patrol. Raping little girls and stealing drugs.

Anonymous said...

We need more “river justice” like the good ole days. The cockroaches South of the border would think twice about invading MY COUNTRY!

Anonymous said...

Raping and stealing. How did you make it across?

Anonymous said...

The cockroach europe countries were smart they sent all the white cockroaches to the new world released from the cockroach european prisons. Soon they'll be the minority and justice will be served and this will be OUR COUNTRY... its coming!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Los H-Town cuh's limpiándose las uñas apenas después de más de 100 años!
This critical race theory bullshit is useless and it is being used to open
Wounds that have long been closed. If people re-lived the past and burned
Progress we have made then everything would be for nothing.Look at Afganistán.
Where are they now? The same place where they were 20 years ago. The Afgan
People were given every tool possible to defend their country and they fled!
Now the Taliban is standing again but even stronger.

What's the end game of digging up the past? Is it to take back land? Is is to
make our society better?Really? What is the real purpose of CRT? Will out
Children be more loving and smarter for it? I really doubt it.

México is just across the river here in Brownsville and while I love its richness
In culture and food and beautiful land and scenery. It's history is no better than
the U.S.

I love the United States. I am greatful to GOD to have been born American!

For all it's faults look at all the people in WORLD that want to come here. If the past few days haven't openned your eyes instead of opening wounds then no CRT or
education in the universe will help your life.

Anonymous said...

For your information, Mexico is located geographically in north America, so, Mexicans are also Americans.

GGL said...

Those damn white people I hope the cartel takes over they only cut heads off so no worry about being hung!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like that pendejo hillbilly coco wanna be white, pinches gringos made a mistake and hung one of their own, idiota.
