Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Guest Editorial
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Is this breaking news?

We just heard Texas Governor Greg Abbott will order all schools to open second, parallel-but-alternative nurse's offices on their campuses. It looks like the new offices will be to accommodate those who are opposed to Covid-19 vaccinations.

Early indications are treatment protocols will include bloodletting, leeches and skull boring. While the medieval practices appear to fly in the face of modern medicine, a spokesman for the governor pointed out that the world survived a pandemic when these practices were prevalent, with losses of only 25 to 50 million lives. 

The new offices are expected to focus on the four humours, and emphasize preventions such as avoiding bad smells. (sports, however, will remain a priority, so any locker room odors will be considered sacrosanct.) 

Another area the Abbott administration considers out-of-bounds is whipping. While it is an accepted practice to earn God's forgiveness and thus eliminates a cause of disease, once a child reaches school- attendance age, whipping is no longer appropriate, the spokesman said. 

Adult employees also will not be whipped (as a medical treatment). "If an employee feels they need whipping to earn God's forgiveness," the spokesman explained, "They're going to have to self-flagellate and earn it themselves."


Anonymous said...

Rhetorical vomit....

Anonymous said...

Manteca Barton has a son?

I thought he gave his wife's body to science after she died? Always thought a son would veto such cruelty.


Anonymous said...

Quit acting stupid work the whole year just like every body else in this universe. BOLA DE HUEVONES!!!!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, este Abbott no un pendejo puppet. He knows that the delta virus is all bullshit. If you want to risk your health on an unproven vaccine, that's your right, and if for whatever reason, you don't want to get it, that your right also. There's a reason they are forcing hard for everyone to get it, and it's not for good reasons. If you want to know how safe this vaccine is, just Google the name Jacob Clynick and read what happened to this innocent kid, may he RIP.

Anonymous said...

There a fuking Biden shit-show going on in Afghanistan and ese pendejo half coco taliban dumpster rat Trump hater is so silence? Puro crickets se oye! No seas mamon ojete! I bet este Pinche mierda is going to blame Trump por la mamadas de Veggie! Idiota! Americans in Afghanistan are in danger because of este senile vegetal! Hahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

August 17, 2021 at 12:10 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

republicans, idiot morons, just like trump.

Anonymous said...

@2:57 What idiot moron party is responsible for the fuk up in Afghanistan?

Anonymous said...

I agree with @10:34 AM. We cannot allow this international Commie Democrat conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Anonymous said...

3 45. trump and the republican party.

Anonymous said...

@7:38 This is your mentally disturb reality when you don't take your meds: Trump blotched withdrawal plunges Afghanistan into chaos! Because of senile Trump, the taliban have taken over the capitol city of Kabul. Pinche pendejo Trump didn't listen to his top military adviser , and now we have thousands of Americans in danger of being killed or beheaded. Por culpa de estúpido Trump, we are again the laughing stock of the whole fuking world! This country is going to shit, so let's just blame Trump!! Hahahahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

August 17, 2021 at 10:34 AM
August 17, 2021 at 12:10 PM
August 17, 2021 at 3:45 PM
August 17, 2021 at 4:02 PM

Its great that all you hillbillys don't take the vaccine its call the nature way of eliminating scum from this earth...

Anonymous said...

See it coming: a country without hillbillys bye bye trash, please don't take the vaccine.

Anonymous said...

Estúpido half coco dumpster rat! Hablando por el culo! It's the other way around, who's going bye bye! Just Google what happened to Jacob Clynick and many others. The kid took the vaccine and now he's gone. Pinche retard, why don't you go talk to his parents and tell them how safe the vaccine is! Hahahahaha!
