Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Interim Municipal Judge Rigoberto Flores has extended an order originally signed July 26 mandating those entering the municipal court wear a face covering and take other precautions to prevent COVID-19 infection.

His extension order appears to go counter Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's latest executive order who said there will be no government-imposed shutdowns  or mask mandates. 

However, he joins the board members of the Brownsville Independent School District who will err on the side of caution and require the safeguards in a resolution to be considered at a special meeting Thursday. They are also poised to pass an agenda item to file a lawsuit against the governor's order and request that the Texas Education Agency permit and fund virtual at-distance learning instead of requiring person-to-person classes.

“Going forward, in Texas, there will not be any government-imposed shutdowns or mask mandates,” Abbott said. “Everyone already knows what to do.”

Abbott started shifting his emphasis to personal responsibility over government intervention after ending his own statewide mandates earlier this year, but he’s been doubling down on that position in recent weeks as the delta variant has wreaked havoc across the nation and renewed calls for stricter safety precautions.

The numbers have prompted even the state health department to ring the alarm in a way that Abbott has not, tweeting Wednesday that Texas is “facing a new wave” and the variant “has erased much progress to end the pandemic.”


Anonymous said...

This dude know what he's doing. He's got the guts to do what's best and safe for the community no matter what. There's those that lead the pack and others that mindlessly follow. He's an asset.

Anonymous said...

So only if your sophisticated and vaccinated like Barack Obama and his friend do you have a say so if you want to wear a mask and party with hundreds of people? Paper masks do nothing. Live in fear!! This is stupid.

Anonymous said...

Sieg Heil mein Fuhrer!

Anonymous said...

Ya que va empezar la escuela y se va acabar el unemployment check, ahora sí andan bien mortificados por el COVID. Pero antes no salían de la isla y las carnes asadas a todo lo que dan.

Anonymous said...

The mask is needed to get you sick, and hopefully more people die, especially the ones who have other health issues. They want to keep us in bondage. They want to convince the scared mindless vacas that the fake cucuy Delta virus is so deadly. It's mostly to push the smart unvaccinated to vaccinate their ass. King Trevino has already been rewarded by the government $$$$$$$$ and now it's his turn to perform again as a puppet whore. Watch him push hard to scare more vacas to vaccinate by reading the Cameron county covid-19 fake dead list. Supposedly this Delta is so fuking deadly and spreading like wildfires, but they don't care if thousands of illegal aliens are crossing the border! Also, if this virus was so deadly, wouldn't we hear chingos of reports of thousands of homeless dying like flies in California? Comon folks, enough is enough, no seas pendejos! All you idiotas who voted for veggie, are you enjoying the higher prices of everything? Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Just remember what limas said on they way to prison "Every time I put my robe on I felt like "God", pinche idioda ojete, thanks FBI but bust some gringos tambien.

Anonymous said...

August 10, 2021 at 7:02 PM

August 11, 2021 at 4:10 AM

August 11, 2021 at 8:12 AM

People are afraid of dying. They have so many things to do, look forward.

Only the ones that have nothing left: we refuse to wash our hands, shelter-in-place, cover our nose and mouth. YA PA QUE. We lost our husbands, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, wives etc Ya que se contagien todos.

Let the world perish. We are not better than other generations.

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal was seen taking his lover Chief of Police El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal on a bike ride before he took him behind some bushes for some alone time...

Anonymous said...

We all died last year. Remember?

Anonymous said...

"Attention-grabbing judges and mayors have defied executive orders before, when the pandemic first started, and the courts ruled on our side – the law," Paxton said in a statement. "I’m confident the outcomes to any suits will side with liberty and individual choice, not mandates and government overreach."

Anonymous said...

It is great to be able to pick and chose what laws to follow and or what due legal process is. Typical South Texas minions wanting to supposedly take care of the poor, downtrodden that are not able to make their own personal choices.
