Thursday, August 19, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It is expected that enough of the 52 Democrats who left a month ago to prevent a quorum in the Legislature that would rubber stamp Gov. Greg Abbott's and Republicans' legislative agenda that included voter suppression and other right-wing conservative measures will return to the floor of the house late today (Thursday).

Today, with the return of Harris County (Houston) state representatives to Austin, the quorum was reached. Three Houston-area House Democrats – Garnet Coleman, Ana Hernandez and Armando Walle – returned to the chamber on Thursday evening. More than 55 House Democrats, including Walle and Hernandez, fled to Washington, D.C., in July to deny the Republican-controlled House the quorum needed to vote on the bill during a special session called by Abbott.

For months, Texas Republicans have tried to pass measures that would prohibit 24-hour polling sites, ban drive-through voting and give partisan poll watchers more access. 

One version of the bill that was just hours from reaching Abbott’s desk in May also would have banned Sunday morning early voting – when many Black churchgoers go to the polls – and made it easier for a judge to overturn an election. 

Democrats’ first walkout wound up permanently scuttled those two provisions, but Republicans have kept intact other contested measures.

But according to some of the house representatives who left – like Alex Dominguez (D-Brownsville) –  intense negotiations with Texas House Republicans have been ongoing since they left the state and have resulted in toning down some of the most offensive measures advocated by the Republican hard liners.

"Enough of the Democrats in the House will be back today, but not all of us," said Dominguez. "Most of the the rest of us will be on the floor Monday when the session resumes."

In the case of Dominguez, his return will be to attend an Appropriations Committee meeting to deal with the disbursement of federal funds. Dominguez is one of four Hispanic representatives on the 27-member committee.

But while Abbott may be able to continue the second special session to consider the legislation, Dominguez said that backroom negotiations with the Republican House majority has resulted in modifications to the more offensive measures in the Abbott and Republican agenda.

"Many of these bills will be sent to the different committees in the Texas House where we will have a chance to remove some of the most offensive aspects that would restrict the voting rights of voters of color and poor minorities," he said. 

"Once we get back on the floor the arrest warrants will be recalled. Our Republican colleagues know that unless we come to some understanding on the bills there's nothing to stop us from breaking quorum again." 

But the time spent in Washington was not for naught, he said. Besides forcing Republicans to negotiate on the Abbott agenda, there was also an opportunity to establish links with national Democrats who are trying to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act which, once passed, will make some of the Texas restrictive laws illegal.

While in Washington, Dominguez and the other quorum breakers met with Vice President Kamala Harris and White House staffers Natalie Montelongo and Emmy Ruiz, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Senator Al Padilla, who is leading the efforts to form a strategy for adoption of an exception to the filibuster

Congressman Fil Vela is coordinating an effort in the U.S. House which led to the introduction of an updated John Lewis Voting Rights Act. The Texas Democrats are given credit for bringing voting rights back into focus. The JLVRA will be heard and voted on Monday, August 23, as a result. 

The ties forged as a result of the quorum-breaking trip to Washington resulted in establishing connections with Congressman G.K. Butterfield, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Elections, Congressman Jamie Raskin, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill and her staff to garner support for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, Congressman Joaquin Castro, Andy Levin, Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman to coordinate voting rights efforts across the U.S.

Other House members and major players who were briefed by the Texas legislators were Michigan Representative Mari Manoogian, national groups including the AFL-CIO, Center for American Progress, Mi Familia Vota, SEIU, and Democracy for America who are collaborating to coordinate a national push to secure the freedom to vote. 

As HDC General Counsel, Dominguez led the drafting and filing of the lawsuit against Abbott's unconstitutional veto of Article X, planned and managed a national voting rights conference bringing activists, elected officials, and civic groups together to protect voting rights across the US, and joined a conversation with Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill and national foreign policy experts on the international implications of the voting rights fight in the U.S.

Dominguez led a meeting with the Congressional Progressive Staff Association about the quorum break and voting rights and gave more than 40 national, state, and local interviews advancing the discussion and education on voting rights as well as appearing on Fox News, MSNBC, NPR, KRGV, KVEO, Telemundo, NewsNation, and over a dozen more news outlets to explain the Texas representatives reasons to break the quorum as well as t print media like the Associated Press, Reuters, Fox News, the Hill, Newsweek, and a variety of other print outlets.


Anonymous said...

C'mon man, you believe that. Don't be gullible. National Democrats are to busy putting out the Biden Dumpster Fire.

Anonymous said...

Has the Texas Democrat that fled to DC and then left to Portugal to marry her Lesbian lover come back yet. Or are we still paying for her honeymoon?

Anonymous said...

Go work pinche GRINGO hillbilly coco wanna be white oooooppps you don't know what the word "work" means - idiota

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2021 at 8:28 PM

Abuse only applies to the poor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The worst parts of the voting integrity bill are those that have nothing to do with voter integrity and are purely partisan. Namely, Democrats should fight to keep curbside open for everyone (could not find a single instance in TX of voter found due to younger people voting curbside, meanwhile scores of instances have been documented of elders coerced during curbside voting) and they should also fight for very large cities to have 24 hour voting, again, which has not resulted in documented fraud. The 24 hr voting is a good idea for cities with over 300,000 people ecause the current voting hours in those heavily populated places are not sufficient for everyone to vote. If all 300,000+ people tried to vote during normal hours, there wouldn't be enough time for everyone and that should be the basis of why, one person one vote, it should be mandated there should be a calculation of population x voting hours and number of locations. Curbside for everyone would speed things up.

The best provisions of the election integrity bill are those that actually do prevent voting fraud as it has been documented in practice, and both parties should work together to pass measures to limit coercion and fraud, particularly to protect the elderly from voter abuse. Excellent provisions in SB1 include the $30,000 fine for those caught hiring politiqueros, the recording of ID of van drivers bringing 3 or more people to vote, installing cameras outside the polling place to record license plates, upgrading these crimes to felonies with mandatory sentences, requiring assistants to state they have not been paid and recording their ID, preventing van drivers from serving as assistant except to direct family members. No one should have a problem with the provisions that run citizenship records against voter ID and remove noncitizens from voting.

The idea that vote by mail should require a SS or DL number on it isn't bad, but it is strange that the law appears to be worded that voters must use the same number both times. So, if someone uses the last four digits of their social on the application, then several months later uses their Driver's license number on the ballot because they didn't remember whether they had provided their social or DL on the application, is that ballot voided because the numbers don't match? That would be wrong.

I'm not opposed to poll watchers but the state constitution states every citizen's vote must be 'private and free from intimidation'. Giving watchers the power to be close enough to watch people vote, people they may know or work with, is violating their right to vote in private. At the same time, both side should agree to laws to end the politiqueros and vote harvesting abuses, which are also a infringing on a voting in private and free from intimidation. I don't recall reading it in the bill, but mandatory penalties for those who are caught not signing as an assistant on those ballots in order to hide their participation in a paid harvesting scheme, would be fair. Also, additional penalties if the victim is found to be mentally disabled, blind, or otherwise extremely vulnerable to abusive harvesting.

Anonymous said...

August 20, 2021 at 9:24 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

The Cameron county citizens know damn well Fraud and the compadre system is what ran and still runs the judicial system. In as early as 1859 in the Cortina War, the Cameron County Judicial system and the attorneys were the main cause of the War. They were expropriating large land grants from the Tejano families and using the courts to justify the stealing . Did (Dominguez), and Filemon Vela tell Kama Harris that Cameron county was restoring the rat infested Slave Owners Houses at the taxpayers expense to MOCK the BLACK COMMUNITY? Grow some balls and stop using the "black" issue to justify your fraud election setup corrupt plan. Filemon Vela came out of nowhere and got elected to Congressman and now he is with the Biden Administration. Sounds familiar, remember Carlos Casco got all the way to House Secretary and crashed. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Democrats idiots and especially the ones from Brownsville

Former RGV LEO said...

So, the cowardly democRATS that fled the State are now back??? Did, they bring back the covid also???

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2021 at 7:33 PM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

Racist republican hillbillys from the valley (cocos) and from the Appalachian Mountains are the most racist soon to disapear (no vaccine).

Anonymous said...

August 23, 2021 at 3:44 PM

No idiota it came from cockroach europe pendejo
