Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Just days after one of our contributors under the "Special to El Rrun-Rrun" byline complained that SpaceX's Director Hospitality purchases Jose Edgar Garza was operating a system of "pay-to-play" mordida, or outright extortion to do business with Elon Musk's Starbase village, more and more vendors are coming forward to confirm it's still in place.

"If you want to do business with SpaceX selling them food, say 800 to 1,000 plates at $9 each, you are expected to pay him (Garcia) a $2 "commission," said one. With the plates that low, and the costs associated with taking them out 22 miles to Boca Chica, it quickly eats into any profit you might expect to make. It's destroying small businesses."

One vendor – or should we now call him an ex-vendor? – says his son  who runs a restaurant claims it has cost him some $70,000 over  a year in kickbacks to do business with SpaceX.

"I don't care who knows," said former City of Brownsville and Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez. "He was basically working for Garza."
The tip of this iceberg came to the public knowledge in the guise of a Herald business article praising SpaceX for helping small businesses, specifically food vevndors. Or was it a shot across Garcia's bow?

Local struggling small businesses were offered the opportunity to do a lot of business with SpaceX. All you had to do was show the proper gratuity and you would get in. 

Take, for example, Maiz, one of many local restaurants who were called by SpaceX for their fare. Business was in the dumps thanks to the pandemic, until a representative of a certain rocket company called one day in early June 2020, its owners told the local daily

“Business just kind of came to a halt,” co-owner Steve Torres told the Brownsville Herald. “We were fortunate to get that great call from SpaceX that they needed food. That’s truthfully what propelled us to another level at that point. We were here, stagnant, like super flat-lined, and then they called us and said hey can you deliver us a 100 plates?”

The next order was for 200, then 300, 400 all the way up to 800 at its peak, Torres said, adding that the company patronizes many small, independent restaurants around as well as corporate chains like Whataburger.

“They’ve used us. They’ve used Mr. Taco. They’ve used a ton of restaurants here in Brownsville. They’ve used Main Street Deli. They’ve used New York Deli. They’ll just call you. Hey, can you send us 500 sandwiches?”

Torres said he knew the orders would stop coming at some point, though he believes Maíz is still in the rotation. At any rate, SpaceX was a lifeline at a critical juncture, he said. 

“We knew it would eventually come to a halt, but fortunately we didn’t have to go after loans or anything,” Torres said. “We were paying everybody still. Even though work was slow, we were still able to pay everybody and not have to go to unemployment.”

It probably didn't hurt that co-owner Ruben O'Bell knows a little something about doing business the border way. Or that Da Mayor was his friend. And people like Viro Cardenas, Ernie Elizondo (of Elizondo Second-Hand Store on whose walls Elon Musk's mural was painted), have all crowded around and jumped on the SpaceX gravy train already.

During the pandemic and shelter-in-place in the poorest city in the U.S.A., local businesses were desperate to stay in business and had to do whatever it took to keep your people working so as not to close their doors.  

Did O’Bell get upset because SpaceX stopped using them and then went crying to the Brownsville Herald to do an article about him and his partners?  It is one thing to thank SpaceX for giving them business and it is another thing to know who gets what and how many for how much. How did Ruben O’Bell know who sells to SpaceX? 

Unless he is part of the elite politicians that used their position to get favoritism to who SpaceX will buy from and from whom they will not? Everyone knows Ruben has always used his position with Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. and state rep. son Eddie Lucio III to get inside deals and hide behind the "I am a consultant" ruse.

Did he purposely say only a few names to the Brownsville Herald to kind of remind Edgar Garza that he knows more than what he said? He did say “I know we are in the rotation like the other restaurants are.” Was this a warning shot over the bow to the SpaceX purchasing hospitality director? Either his restaurant Maiz gets back to selling food to SpaceX or else an anonymous letter will go to his Garza's bosses?

Tomorrow is a new month for purchase orders (P.O.s) at SpaceX. If you are doing business or selling to SpaceX via Edgar Garza, will you or will you not be getting a P.O.? And if you do get it, did it require a Morse secretive code as to how much the hand will be greased to continue to do business with SpaceX?

Another vendor puts it even more clearly:

"I am writing this letter as a concerned small business owner trying to make a living in these rough times, and I am not the first person to present the harsh reality of dealing with Space X and its employees. 

The main issue is with Jose Edgar Garza, the food and beverage director for SpaceX, who is offering a “pay to play” contract to small businesses that appears to be an economic lifesaver. However, he then personally demands his own share in order for myself, and others, to not lose the contract and ultimately financially drown. 

The food vendors are required to pay a $2 stipend, a personal compensation to Garza, on every plate they sell on the day they deliver; if they refuse to pay the stipend, they lose the contract with Space X. 

The small business owners accepting Garza’s stipend are just little guys trying to make a living and feed their families to avoid their businesses being closed during these difficult times. 

And at such a financially tough time, it is hard to imagine being squeezed for a bribe if they want to sell to Space X. It is simple “no pay, no business” for the small business owners. Unfortunately, because of the hardships of the pandemic, these small companies have no choice but to pay. This is all done after hours away from Space X. 

All bribes are paid in cash so that Garza does not have to report it. There is no doubt that all the vendors have paid Garza well over $100,000 in bribes over the last year. I believe Elon Musk has done a wonderful thing for our area. We are now a destination. Our economy is starting to boom, and Brownsville may soon reach its full potential. "

Someone pointed out that SpaceX may not keep up with local issues or has heard vendors' complaints, but some of the funds SpaceX uses to feed its people may be from the huge federal supports paid to private aerospace companies competing for the NASA projects.

Since SpaceX has been getting support from both the City of Brownsville and Cameron County, will Mayor Trey Garza (himself a beneficiary as a food vendor to SpaceX) and county judge Eddie Treviño step forward and put an end to this scheme that is hurting local small businesses so much?


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you don't like the weather.....move!!!

Go sell pancakes in Southmost. Bitching gets old. Here. No one has a gun to his head at SpaceX!

Siempre con "Ay, me estan chingando, Ama!"

Anonymous said...

Something's missing in this story. Yeah, comment by SPACEX.

get it, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Republicans Rip Biden For Working With Taliban After Supporting Trump Doing It.

April 2020 ring a bell, Trumpers? Look it up, pendejos!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone should have a picture, recording or evidence about this “FrijoleGate”. Que no le pagan a Garza to do his job already? A quiere gravy con los frijoles o todavía son “calabacitas”.???? Bola de hambrientos.

Anonymous said...

August 31, 2021 at 1:46 PM

Must be a comment from la rata himself.

Anonymous said...

Snake venom may be tool to fight COVID-19 -study

The only snake we all know is el hillbilly coco wanna be white he's got enough venom to cure china's red army. Haaaaaaaaaaaaahaha...

Anonymous said...

@August 31, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Agree !

Anonymous said...

Maybe the people who paid out to this man should report him to the IRS.
The unfortunate thing is if you ask him for a receipt, he may not buy from you again.

Anonymous said...

Investiguen para de veras ver quien es la rata.

Anonymous said...

Ruben, have you ever considered reducing the serving size?

Anonymous said...

Y Luis Saenz? ….. admirándose el bigote chueco….

Anonymous said...

It is very simple to get this guy fired. Just email the proof and this article to his bosses. Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz has all this information. He knows everyone in management at SpaceX. For instance he knows and has the Director phone number and email Sam Patel. He met with him when Luis was bithing about traffic on Hwy 4. Now Luis has a real extortion case and he just lets it by. Why? Is it because Luis got his cut?

Anonymous said...

If this fuck works for space x, then its commercial bribery.

Anonymous said...

Hey...who got all the "grant" funds for downtown? Where did that money go?

Anonymous said...

Lets me honest for once. The ones that want Edgar out of the way are the restaurants that first started catering to SpaceX. They were cut out because they charged $20.00 a plate for a slice of fajita,rice and lettuce and 2 tortillas. They were charging 15.00 for a small salad. They were charging 20.00 for a small pizza. They were charging 20 for a chicken salad. Those were the ones that were cut out and made over $150,000.00 a month. We know who were the ones that bragged of the fists full of money. Ex Mayor and current Mayor and their buisness and buisness partners. The other commissioners brought in their friends and opened up buisness and catered to SpaceX. Edgar came in and slashed the prices. The only difference is that Edgar went to the regular mom and pop shops that were about to close and offered them a way out for a cut of the buisness. In Edgar mind he is a hero. You can't change a man that has no heart? Edgar considers himself a entrepanur that will make money off the poor. He is a Mexican from Monterrey who doesn't care about anybody but himself. Why do you think Ernie is pissed off. His kid Ernie Jr. went to Hanna with him.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell they sell the tacos to? Gringos don't eat tacos they eat hotdogs.

Anonymous said...

Juan the “mordida” is not only at Space X but all over the city and county government system. It is interesting how you have taken special interest in Space X and ignored our local government system.

About four years ago, I decided to build a new home for my family. The day came when the Contractor and the Electrician advised me that I needed to go to PUB and make a request for a temporary electricity meter so that they could start the construction of my new home. I followed their instructions and make the necessary application at PUB. I paid the fee for the services and was told that the temporary meter would be placed within two or three days.

The next day I was at the construction site with the Electrician when a PUB truck drove up. The Electrician advised me to not to follow him because he needed to talk to the PUB Supervisor by himself. The Electrician and the PUB Supervisor had a small conversation and the Electrician reached into his pocket and gave the PUB Supervisor some money.

PUB Supervisor drove off and the Electrician told me that he had to pay off the PUB Supervisor if we needed the installation of the temporary meter as soon as possible. The Electrician said that time was money for him and he couldn’t wait more than one or two weeks for the meter to be install in my property. For 40 dollars, the temporary meter was installed that afternoon. This practice of giving the PUB Supervisor a “mordida” was not new, it had happened on many occasions. The Electrician was familiar with the game played by PUB personnel.

Anonymous said...

@September 1, 2021 at 2:15 PM

To all the people mentioned in this article, where does your greed stop? When you've taken advantage of others like they've done to you, it hurts , RIGHT ? Where does the greed stop?

Anonymous said...

September 1, 2021 at 6:09 PM

WHEN? not where where is here and there its WHEN WHEN DA DA DA????

Anonymous said...

Expect every Mexican on the Border to exploit whatever influence and authority he/she has for personal gain. That is the way this shit hole operates.

Anonymous said...

Any one of those restaurant owners could have said no... and maybe some of them did. They can't speak for everyone... they can only assume. Anyway they could have said no and reported him immediately but noooo they wanted to make money... so why are they crying about it now? Lol because now they want more money? Sounds like they are more like this Edgar guy than they care to admit.
