Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Following the taking of Brownsville by Juan N. Cortina September 28, 1859 with between 40 to 80 men under his command,  Charles Stillman partner Mifflin Kenedy sent letters to newspapers far and wide seeking help from the State of Texas, the U.S. Army and the James Buchanan Administration.

He sent the same letter to Charles Stillman, who had not been in the city at the time Cortina seized it to look for several men who he considered murders and oppressors of local Mexicans.

Kenedy wanted Stillman to use his considerable influence on Buchanan and his Secretary of War John B. Floyd. He also wanted Stillman to have his letter asking for military assistance to hold Cortina at bay or have him killed to be published in all the New York City newspapers to alert the nation to the danger posed by the Cortinistas.

Stillman replied to Kenedy's Oct. 19 letter in a letter dated Nov. 1 from New York City. (The letter from Stillman to Kenedy is contained in a trove of South Texas correspondence archived at the Texas A&M-Kingsville Kenedy Collection. El Rrun-Rrun thanks author/researcher Dr. Teresa Hernandez, University of Houston, for making the letter known to us.)

"Yours of the 19th (Ult.) has been received, I was in hopes to hear that your difficulties had ceased, but I see from the tenor of your letters that the difficulty is more serious than ever. Have had letter published in the (New York) Herald, it will appear in this day's paper, or in the daily of the 2nd...

"Full representation has been made to the President (Buchanan) and Secretary of War (Floyd) but I fear that they are so much engaged in the Harper's Ferry affair (the raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, the night of October 16, 1859 by the abolitionist John Brown) and
presidential election (of 1860) to give our insignificant section any attention..

"Some of our public journals have given the affair quite a different character than what it really is, which shows, I think, that you have traitors in your midst(es)..It was reported here that Gen. (David E.) Twiggs had sent two companies to your assistance, as you have no advice of it, I fear it is false. You ought to have solicited Col. Fitzpatrick to have represented the fact at Washington, it would have had more weight than all of us united could have had...

"I have however no fear that the town will be destroyed, you are well armed, and you have men in your company who will obey you and stick with you, and your opponents might have changed greatly if they will advance on fifty armed men such as you have...

(Stillman also warned Kenedy not to attack Cortina in his stronghold, the chaparral. The city's "Tigers" disregarded this advice and were badly mauled and ended up fleeing toward Brownsville and losing a cannon to the cortinistas.)

"To attack them in their stronghold is, I fear, a risky expedition. You cannot move as a body of men without his (Cortina) knowing it, and he will not fight you unless he has a great advantage..such fellows never sleep in their houses when there is danger, (they) know every bush in the country and it is a dense forest from his mother's rancho to the Arroyo (Colorado) – still he must be driven from the country and to effect it requires more than you can muster on the Rio Grande...

"Assistance (now must come) from the state or general government or leave the country, which none will agree to..."

(Stillman then comments on the taking of cortinista Tomas Cabrera by the town's militia. He praises Kenedy for not executing him. Stillman does not know that Cabrera was turned over to arriving Texas Rangers, who allowed him to be taken from the city jail by a lynch mob and hung.) 

"The taking of Cabrera appears to have aroused this fresh attack (and) threats, it is reasonable to expect, also the interference of friends from Matamoros, as all their (sic) fear and respect Cortinas (sic) and they will protect him when he is compelled to flee their (there). 

"I am pleased that the prisoner (Cabrera) was not badly treated and I am certain many would have preferred to have hung him with or without a jury, such acts always have an injurious effect at a disturbance, all will admire the fairness displayed in not surrendering him or hearing to the supplications of his friends; had you complyed (complied) he (Cortina) then would have demanded the delivery of those who are obnoxious to him...

"Upon receipt of your letter I went with it to my lawyer and requested him to obtain an order from the court to postpone my examination until spring, if he succeeds in the motion I will soon be with you to share your troubles and trials..."


M.t. Hernandez said...

Great article… just a note, I found the letter is in the Kenedy Papers at the South Texas Archive at TAMU-Kingsville… especially thank Ms. Carmelita Martinez for her help in finding it.

Anonymous said...

U have written enough about stillman n cortina, I think most of us can decide what they stood for. We know what side you are on ... move on my friend— over kill

Anonymous said...

Let's just say that this part of Texas did not fall into the hands of the Republic of Texas or the United States of America.
Dollar to a donut people would be swimming the Nueces River to get out of Mexico.
Do real Mexicans consider those that left to a better place (The United States of America) Traitors, or just pobrecitos wanting to skim some gravy por la gente.

Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix " El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal and Patrol Commander Bill No Balls DIETRICH are now in Hot water Due to their Incompetence and lack of leadership.
Chief Felix "EL Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal with his No overtime and Data Driven numbers and total misalignment Are major factors in the recent death of a female inside City Jail. Even after several Complaints to the administration, along with the City Manager El Rata Bernal about the shortage of manpower on the streets with as little as 6 officers on the streets they continue to look the other way stating that the numbers don't support more officers..
But yet Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and Commander Bill No Balls Dietrich still Demand and oder that two units be placed in the downtown area to monitor certain businesses!!WTF
What does this all have to do with the Females death inside City jail well lets begin;
1.Not enough Jail personnel on duty due to no overtime.
2. ONLY ONE Patrol Supervisor on duty and that supervisor must remain in the Office to conduct three In Person Roll Calls at 3pm, 6pm and 8pm as ordered by Patrol Commander Bill " No Balls" Dietrich..So where was the Supervisor when all this was unfolding stuck doing Roll call...The same Patrol Supervisor then must go and check the Airport to make sure the Officer assigned there have not left there assignment.
No trust in his Patrol Division
4. Allowing the Training Division to put 7 Officers in training all from the same shift...
5. Assigning Patrol Officers to Dispatch, City Jail, Records Division and Municipal court all in a effort to save money!!! At what cost??? So Chief Felix"El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal can impress his lover City Manager El Rata Bernal with all the money he is saving$$$$$$ the city..
6. All these actions have placed Officers and the safety of the public in jeopardy!
Now with three huge law suits pending under the watch of Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal who has proven to be a total failure and is fixing to cost the citizens Of Brownsville Millions of Tax Payer Dollars due to his Incompetence and total Misalignment!
Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal poured the kool-aid but not everyone is drinking it. Chief Felix El Chapo Sauced-Bernal's administration maintains the fiction that administration supports patrol but the continued actions of administration indicates a message of mistrust.
Wake up Brownsville City Commissioners and get rid of this Clown as Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal has already proven to be the worst Chief in Brownsville Police Department History but he is also about to go in the History books as the Chief of Police that cost the City of Brownsville Millions of Dollars!!!

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville!!!
CHIEF Felix El Chapo Sauceda- Bernal and the City Manager El Rata Bernal has ordered his Department to remain silent about Sexual Assaualts that have occurred on the West side of Town of the Bike and Running Trails..
CHIEF FELIX " El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal has taken absolutely no action due to the serious manpower shortage with only 6 to 8 patrolmen on the streets in the evening and night hours and especially on the weekends.
Total mismanagement of the Police Department...Cover ups..and liars is the new total alignment of the Brownsville Police Department...
# worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

Attention Citizens of Brownsville!!!
CHIEF Felix El Chapo Sauceda- Bernal and the City Manager El Rata Bernal has ordered his Department to remain silent about Sexual Assaualts that have occurred on the West side of Town of the Bike and Running Trails..
CHIEF FELIX " El Chapo" Sauceda- Bernal has taken absolutely no action due to the serious manpower shortage with only 6 to 8 patrolmen on the streets in the evening and night hours and especially on the weekends.
Total mismanagement of the Police Department...Cover ups..and liars is the new total alignment of the Brownsville Police Department...
# worstchiefever...

Anonymous said...

My philosophy of life.. take care of yourself, your family n your property. Everything else is secondary... I stay away from politics (local state n national). Brownsville is in the cellar in poverty, entertainment, education n business. We have no professionals running city government just a bunch of young inexperienced kids... the mayor is a boy in a skirt. We depend on bloggers for our news ....of which you can buy them for a taco... And you can do the same with those behind the microphone on local podcast shows. Brownsville is the joke of the RGV and the country

Anonymous said...

The only thing that this city can boast about, is having more speed humps than any city in the RGV... a costly stupid idea. No city in the valley has them

Anonymous said...

Stillman was no founder n Cortina was no hero, only one thing is for sure , Juan slept with Cortina

Anonymous said...

We will move forward when these cowards' rat infested houses get burned to the ground. These so called Texas history "heroes", very nothing but the original corrupt, murders, thieves, land stealers, who setup their own corrupt judicial system to complete their plans. These rat infected houses should NOT be considered as monuments at the taxpayers expense. Also, remember that Juan Cortina's land grant didn't cross no BORDER, the BORDER crossed his land. He was not the TRESPASSER. Remember, the TREATY OF GUADALUPE OF HIDALGO, which protected these private land grants, was completely ignored by these imbeciles.

Anonymous said...

In reference to Aug. 4, at 10:02. You sir need to think with the head on top of your neck and not with the head between your legs.

Anonymous said...

They are NOT speed bumps (humps?) they are pot holes as for humps only at every high school...
