Friday, August 6, 2021


As of Aug. 3, 15.1 million people have received at least one dose, which is 51.9 percent of Texas’ population, and 12.8 million people, or 44.1 percent, are fully vaccinated. A total of 26.8 million doses have been administered.

Texas Tribune
In Texas’ largest counties – Harris, Dallas, Tarrant, Bexar and Travis – neighborhoods with the highest proportions of Black and Hispanic populations are some of the least vaccinated areas.

Neighborhoods with median incomes below the county’s median income also hold vaccination rates lower than that of the county’s.

Rural counties have consistently lagged behind the state’s fully vaccinated rate.

The latest: The state’s positivity rate, which is the percent of virus tests coming back positive, has increased to levels not seen since January. This indicates the highly transmissible delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading rampantly and mostly among the unvaccinated.  

Hospitals across the state are seeing dramatic jumps in COVID-19 patients, straining an already overburdened health care system.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending vaccinated people start masking up again in indoor public spaces in “areas with substantial and high transmission,” which includes most of Texas. And some of the state’s largest counties are also asking everyone — vaccinated and unvaccinated – to wear masks again. However, Gov. Greg Abbott has said public schools and government entities cannot require masks, which has upset parents and teachers as students – most of whom are unvaccinated – prepare to return to in-person learning.

Meanwhile, 44 percent of all Texans are fully vaccinated, but the number of vaccines administered has been declining each month since April. New preliminary data released by DSHS shows 99.5 percent of COVID-19- related deaths in Texas were unvaccinated people between Feb. 8 and July 14. The percentage of fully vaccinated residents went from 3 to 42 percent that time span.

Everyone age 12 and older is eligible for the vaccine in Texas, regardless of occupation or health status. Only the Pfizer vaccine is available to people ages 12 to 17.


Anonymous said...

The ILLEGAL VERMIN invading South Texas will keep the numbers high as long as the human ratas keep coming.

Anonymous said...

Numbers change every day. You update too infrequently.

Anonymous said...

Bola de gordos, diabeticos. Que esperaban.

Anonymous said...

27:32 AM

The majority of Covid-19 deaths have been Whites. You can look it up.

And, so, it is Whites who are the problem.


Anonymous said...

Pinches gringos mamones GET VACCINATED IDIOTAS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Were all going to die!!!again..

Anonymous said...

ILLEGAL VERMIN grinos from cockroach europe bring sickness here

Anonymous said...

Save your grandmothers, grandfathers and kids. That is how great nations and cultures survive: the elders and the young ones.

The rest of us: we perish.

Save some strong men. They are needed.

Look around your home: save a strong man, the rest send them out.
Save an elder: they know how to survive and guide others.
save a child: DNA survives.

Anonymous said...

Aug 8 11:25....Mujado, stop plagiarizing and use your own thoughts from that very small brain of yours. The virus came from China MORON.

Anonymous said...

Obama's maskless birthday party and the infected migrants will tell you that you have nothing to worry about. The truth is that lazy people gravitate to jobs like teaching. They don't want to go back to work.

Former RGV LEO said...

DemocRATS want to spread the fear factor! If you didn't learn to keep your hands clean and can't keep your fingers out of your mouth, eyes and nose? Then, you're the problem! If you have UNDER LYING ISSUES, all the more reason to be exercise hygiene practices! If you don't make your kids go out and play in the sun, you're the problem!
Use your brains and just keep doing what you have been doing since you were a child to keep from getting sick!

Anonymous said...

Is Europe and Asia one continent?
So, while Europe is certainly a major world region, it is not a continent, nor is Asia for that matter (unless Europe is thought to be a subset of Asia). Instead, we must ignore the illusion of the Isthmus of the Urals and recognize Europe and Asia combine to form the world's largest continent, Eurasia.

Quit showing your ingorance we know that you are stupid and a moron. pinche hillbilly gringo idiota learn to read hillbilly

Anonymous said...

Hinterwäldler Idiot a gringo hillbilly - for you cocos your idols.
