Thursday, August 26, 2021


By Juan Montoya

When Manuel Gavito first became a radiologic technologist in 1966, 55 years ago, and then employed at Texas Southmost ze cr College the last 46, he was one of a select few.

Then, in 1975, he was instrumental in starting the Radiologic Technology Program at TSC which became the first college-based radiologic technology program in the Rio Grande Valley, and for many years the only such program in the RGV.

Then, and sometimes even today, it was not uncommon for people to conceive of a radiologist sitting in a dark room reading “films.”

But radiology has evolved over the years and Gavito has been the point man for the technological advances of the science at TSC and his instruction has helped hundreds of former students branch out in the field of patient care and medicine through his efforts. 

The "films"  disappeared in the 1980s. In their place have been advances such as computer digitation, as well as all forms of diagnostic imaging, now at the core of medicine. 

On Thursday, at 5:30 p.m., the trustees of TSC and its administration passed a resolution honoring the community college's one and only program director since its inception upon his retirement. 

His record speaks for itself. Unlike some programs (nursing, for example), which had its share of problems (since resolved), Gavito's classes have set the gold standard of instruction and performance.

Students in his classes have achieved a sterling performance record and consistently scored a 100 percent pass rate in their state licensure exams, creating a consistent pipeline of highly-qualified health-care professionals for the Rio Grande Valley.

But he says nothing has been more gratifying to him than to see about 600 of his students graduate with an associate degree and go on to successful and prosperous careers in the healthcare industry.

“We’ve had a lot of students go on to do well, and that’s a reward. For a two-year program, some of my students are making $80,000 a year,” Gavito said.

“Some graduates have used this degree as a stepping stone to do other things. I’ve had students that have moved on to be radiologists. The majority stay in the field, so no matter where I go in the Valley, chances are that the person who is taking the x-rays was a student of mine.”

During the 46 years he has been employed by TSC/UTB he has worked with 5 different presidents and 12 different deans. Most of his graduates work in area medical centers doing x-ray, CT, and MRI exams. Thanks to Gavito's innovations at TSC, whichever hospital you go to in the valley the radiographer performing the imaging exam most likely graduated from his program. 

(In the photo with trustee Adela Garza, she leaned over and told him he had been the captain of a big ship which he had kept afloat and weathered the hurricane of the UTB-TSC split and managed to remain focused to bring it to port and influence lives for the better.)

However, other graduates have used this program training as a steppingstone to go on to other things. He has had graduates go on to become medical doctors, dentists, hospital CEOs (like Valley Regional Hospital's Art Garza) and Radiologic Technology College Program directors at other state institutions. Even current Brownsville Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez is a former student of his program.
Gutierrez said: "Thank you Mr. Gavito for your service to the Radiology Program at TSC. As a former student of yours, I appreciate the two years that you taught me to be an X-ray technician and inspired me to continue pursuing other opportunities in higher education. You have been instrumental in preparing students to be the best health-care workers in radiology throughout the Rio Grande Valley."

Wilhelm Roentgen invented what became known as X-rays November 8, 1895. Since then computerization and other advancements have revolutionized the specialty. And it has changed dramatically in the 25 years that he has been the program's director. And TSC – through Gavito's leadership– has kept abreast of the changes. 

It has clearly revolutionized patient care to the extent that many refer to the CT scanner as “truth.” CT, or computerized tomography, invented in 1971 by Godfrey Hounsfield, who won the Nobel Prize in 1979. It is now used to evaluate trauma patients, assess patients with acute and chronic complaints, and diagnose and then monitor cancer during treatment.

In the resolution, the trustees state that Gavito's students had access to state-of-the-art technology by converting manual X-ray labs into fully digital labs and obtaining energized labs so students could acquire hands-on experience with the latest advances in X-ray and imaging technology. Today, hardly any diagnosis is made without imaging.


Anonymous said...

Four Marines among dozens killed in Afghanistan airport! Where are all the outcry from the Trump haters? Pinche panochas are now silence, while Biden's fuk ups is getting innocent people killed. First illegals dying while trying to cross the borders, and now this disaster in Afghanistan! Fuk all of you idiotas and dead people who voted for this vegetable! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

100,000 more COVID deaths seen unless US changes its ways.
The republican party, trump and their little group of imbeciles goons are behind the refusal to get vaccinated. There is one here but el miedoso got the vaccine no es pendejo es puro guey. Pinche hillbilly coco wanna be white dumpster diver soup liner.

Anonymous said...

At least president Biden is rescuing tens of thousands of Afghans who helped us out in our 20-year war, unlike Trump, who abandoned our Kurdish allies in Syria and gave up military bases to the Russians.

Anonymous said...

Trump created this mess: August 26, 2021 at 1:31 PM

Trump repeatedly pledged to end "endless wars," zeroing in on Afghanistan. He wanted to remove all US troops from Afghanistan by the November election, but that didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Texas Anti-Mask 'Freedom Rally' Organizer Fighting For His Life With COVID-19

Aver idiota go ahead and don't take the shot and become famous como el pendejo organizer. No balls? IDIOTA hillbilly coco wanna be white moron...

Anonymous said...

If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break
If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break
When the levee breaks, I'll have no place to stay.
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan, Lord
Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan
It's got what it takes to make a mountain man leave his home
Oh well, oh well, oh well
Don't it make you feel bad
When you're tryin' to find your way home
You don't know which way to go?
If you're goin' down south
They got no work to do
If you're going down to Chicago.
A-ah, a-ah, a-ah.
Cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good
No, cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good
When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move, ooh.
All last night sat on the levee and moaned
All last night sat on the levee and moaned
Thinkin' 'bout my baby and my happy home
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah
I'm goin' to Chicago
Goin' to Chicago
Sorry, but I can't take you, ahhh
Goin' down, goin' down now
Goin' down, goin' down now
Goin' down, goin' down
Goin' down, goin' down.
Goin' down, goin' down now
Goin' down, goin' down now
Goin' down, goin' down nowL
Goin' down, goin' down-down-down-down-down.

Anonymous said...

Biden... our first mentally Ill president ...and they said trump was crazy... who is crazy now ... look at all the mess we are in now. You liberals wanted Biden.. you’ve got him

Anonymous said...

@10:25 Este pendejo is giving credit to Biden for trying to rescue people, when there was no need to be rescuing anybody asses in the first place! Hahahahaha! Even my 8 year son is saying what's wrong with this guy's thinking! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Wow the on in orange nice!!!

Anonymous said...

All Mexicans commenting here. Get a job and support your families!


Anonymous said...

Rodriguez is REALLY sucking in that gut....

Anonymous said...

Adela, weight watchers in your future?

Anonymous said...

Man, Adela Garza sure looks like she has been hitting the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

August 28, 2021 at 10:41 AM

There are only two dos meskins commenting here the rest are honkeys, hillbillys, rednecks, cracker faces and cocos... any more question idiota

Anonymous said...

What about gringos and whites from the Caucasus Mountains similar to the Appalachian Mountains? What is the ideal form of humanity?

A term signifies something that does not exist he word “Caucasian” is used in the U.S. to describe white people, but it doesn’t indicate anything real. It’s the wrong term to use!
The correct work is HILLBILLY!!! MORONS

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha hillbillys hahahahaaaa IDIOTAS! Take a DNA test and you'll find out you are ALL brothers and sisters except los pendejetes wanna be white cocos.

Anonymous said...

Orange dress very nice wow chulita

Anonymous said...

what is her name????
