Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 1) Consideration and action, if any, regarding the recent vacancy of the City Attorney position and appointment of an Interim City Attorney. (City Manager's Office) Item in today's city commission meeting (in executive session) starting at 5:30 p.m. at Brownsville City Hall 

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Now that City of Brownsville manager Noel Bernal has cast the die in favor of City Attorney Rene De Coss by installing hims as the presiding municipal judge, the city commission will now be asked today to name n interim city attorney.

All indications is that Bernal expects that a majority of the commissioners – albeit grudgingly – to appoint Asst. City Attorney Victor Flores to replace De Coss on an interim basis until local attorneys and jurists are given an opportunity to comb through their responses to a Request For Qualifications (RFQs).

Under the amendment to the city charter passed during city elections last May, Bernal is authorized to appoint De Coss as presiding municipal judge for a four-year term. Before the election, the appointment was only good for two years. Everyone expected former presiding judge Bobby Lerma to the post. 

But elections have consequences and when former District 4 commissioner Ben Neece, his law office partner, lost in a runoff to Pedro Cardenas, the dynamic changed and Bernal felt free to remove Lerma and promote De Coss to the position.

A question arises now. De Coss is earning $150,000 as city attorney and the presiding judge (Lerma) commanded at $109,000 salary. 

Will he take a $41,000 pay cut? And if not, will Flores inherit the cushy gig at $150,000 as interim city attorney until the city commission or its screening committee decide on De Coss' successor? 

And will the city allow De Coss to continue his private practice as he was allowed to as city attorney? 

(This poses and interesting question: Former city attorney Mark Sossi was fired after commissioners discovered that he had signed a retainer with the City of Mission less than a month after he had pledge that he would represent the city exclusively. Will De Coss and Flores be required to do the same as he awaits his retirement in the municipal court position?) 

Some city administrators and commissioners – for better for worse – see this as a power grab by Bernal who detects a power vacuum in the city commission now that Neece has left for private practice. They say Bernal and De Coss cut a deal that belied the assertions by Bernal of "transparency" and "accountability" in his vaunted "Total Alignment" model of governance.


Anonymous said...

Agnosticism Eddie Lucio lol and family. District 38 is a joke. Cities in district 38. Cameron park, Brownsville,villa del sol, lozano,la paloma,Blue town,La feria,san benito, harlingen.
He works too build his personal business. Everyone of these cities suffer from his evil greed. He and his family are fake catholic.

Anonymous said...

These men love to work. Let them work. America is about work.
They work in the weekends. They work during their B-Day's. They work when they have the flue. Later when they are old, they will not be able to work. Unless, they take care of their health real good.

Anonymous said...

Mark Sossi has been seen around Brownsville,TX stil making deals and trying to get back into the easy money. Mark knew we had crooked politicians that were easily bought and he made stupid money by their fears of what he knows. This time Noel Bernal doesn't need favors from City Commissioners nor people that need favors for permits. This was they way Charlie Cabler did buisness in the past and Steve Guerra and Pedro Cardenas want to back to the way it was by back door deals and control. We are not in Matamoros, MX. We are in the USA even if it is across the border. You two need to let the city change for the better, not take us back to where you think that morididas run our city.

Anonymous said...

He's just planning ahead doing favors for when he gets fired. Using taxpayers monies pinche mamon... GO BACK TO EDINBURG BABOSO.

Anonymous said...

In regards to Aug. 17, at 8:21- These so called judicial officials are part of the 99% corrupt judges in Cameron County. They work hard to cover-up corruption and then they get acknowledged. This overweight De Coss judge is the judge who took part denying Mary Tipton justice. He knew exactly that what caused Mary Tipton death, he knew the evidence had been tampered with, but he set his ass on denying justice. Is this his reward for denying justice or playing stupid, to cover-up corruption for allowing the evidence to get destroyed? Is this what Cameron County needs? This is my opinion. If the overweight comment is offense, I apologist., but its a res ipsa loquitar issue the thing speaks for itself for the negligence in handling the Mary Tipton hit and run death case. Again its my opinion

Anonymous said...

Matamoros and Browntown. Shit hole sisters.

Anonymous said...

Bernal should appoint a strong female judge!

Anonymous said...

Total Alignment is nothing but Total bullshit as leaders lead by example. Something nonexistent on city's manager entire staff.

Anonymous said...

Total alignment means he's got to go back to his rancho LEAVE MORON

Anonymous said...

WOW what a pig......

Anonymous said...

Of course he will be named city attorney. It will be another Bernal's quest to get as many key employees from outside Brownsville as possible. Total Alignment?

Anonymous said...

Oink oink where's my lipstick and perfume
