Thursday, September 9, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Cmdr. Serrata busted for doing personal work on company time? 

He left with honor and integrity. At least he won't be here when the hammer comes down. 

You got that wrong dumb ass, that's Mario Aveñdano who works for Dell while on duty with P.D. and

Chief Sauceda allows it. Must be nice to make six figures working full-time with Dell and $80,000 as a police officer in a created position as an "Analyst" in a 40 hour week. Two full-time jobs plus overtime. Talk about double dipping. 

The only thing the officers are bitching about is there are no officers on the streets. Officers are reassigned to work in dispatch and are still counted as on patrol. Officers reassigned to the airport at the same time counted as an officer on patrol. On paper it looks like there are officers on the streets but they're not.. 

Doctoring of the records much? 

1. Louie DeLeon with no job description, assigned to spy on officers and report to the chief. 

2. Nancy Alaniz, Louie's pal, assigned as a party event planner. 

3.Mario Aveñdano assigned to manipulate stats. 

4. Lt. Carlos Zamorano is a Fitness Coordinator gives him time to get lost and visit Ricardo's daughter.

 5. Little boy Watson assigned to the gym. 

6. Silva assigned to records. 

7. Gunny assigned to the range. 

8, 9, 10, the three bike patrol officers, assigned to PR. 

11. Those assigned to the BMetro. Here are 11 of many more officers who otherwise could be utilized on patrol. 

Talk about mismanagement. #worstchiefever #totalalignmentNOT


Anonymous said...

Saludos al policía lloron y huevón de la policía de Brownsville  desde Anatolia in Cappadocia, Turkey.

Anonymous said...

Louie De Leon es la mera paipa!

Thanks for your leadership, Chief! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly coco wanna be white tried deworming himself. Don't try this at home, doctor warns. Doctors have already warned people not to use a livestock dewormer as a “cure” for COVID-19. Most republicans do this.

If you do, your butt crack will itchy for a couple of days and be forced to wear thongs. Pinworms — the most common worms in the United States — may be the cause of the sensation.

“The most common initial sign of pinworms is a sensation of itching at the anus at night or first thing in the morning.” Pinworms are only about a centimeter long, "WHITE", and as thin as a pin, hence the name. And they move!”

The cause of pinworms is often “suboptimal hygiene,” such as when someone eats something without washing their hands. They can be found in dirt, deposited from the feces of animals and in dumpsters.

Second most cause is eating from a dumpster which is where hillbilly coco wanna be white eats all the time.

Anonymous said...

Biden ousts Conway, Spicer, other Trump appointees from military academy boards
About time to get ride of these hillbillys.

kiki said...

Quien es Louie?

Anonymous said...

He'll at this point just call BPD, PUB THERE are so many fucked up depts in this and the puppet manager is worthless and some of the city commission along with the nano mayor are so stupid in there decisions they couldn't help themselves get out of a paper bag.

Anonymous said...


"I have my BA, two Masters, and a JD. I am government certified as trilingual - Spanish, Russian and English." BV 09/09/2021

How can such an educated man get himself disbarred from practicing law. An old saying said, "para pendejo no se estudia."

Anonymous said...

Louie, Louie, Louie....just stay in your office with the delightful snack (A female Officer). That was granted to you by the one and only Chief Felix El Chapo-Sauceda Bernal.
FUNNY how it's so easy for you to say stop crying about manpower..oh I forgot your not the one in the streets!
Your the one watching the City cameras of downtown from the comfort of your living room! While the men and women of the Patrol division are fighting and bleeding on the streets they were sworn to protect.
Its an embarrassment to our city that the citizens of Brownsville receive such crapy service from what was once the Best Department in the RGV..
Horrible wait times for calls for service..because no officers are available. Officers getting injured at a unprecedented rate.
A Cmdr demanding impact teams to stand guard on businesses of Commissioners.
Even with with no manpower available.
Discipline selectively given out...
As far as putting on panties and getting to work perhaps Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal can lend us some of his or yours...
Since you both get treated like little bitches! WE SEE IT...
Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal gets treated like a little bitch by his his LOVER
El Rata Bernal and he then treats you like a little bitch..we get it!

Anonymous said...

No se me agüiten mis polis!
Es solo un pinche vato mama bolas que quiere tirar nombres y quemar a gente por que solo es un puñeta.
Le arde el culito por que ahora tiene que trabajar!

Anonymous said...

"While the men and women of the Patrol division are fighting and bleeding on the streets they were sworn to protect."
1. Bleeding?? You might be bleeding,, but from your pu$%y baboso.
2. Fighting?? You are only fighting your tears as they flow down your fat face from having to work.
3. "Ayy, el chapo, Ayy, el rata bernal",,,, masss puto!
4. "Serrata left with pride", the pride of quiting when confronted about doing personal work on company time. I will give him credit that he's taking his chauffeur Rey with him. I hope he takes his 3 family Sgt.'s with him.
5. "Ayyy Louie is looking at cameras all day"",,, "Ayy horrible wait times" why don't you write a review on Yelp, maybe there you can get some points for your bitching.
6. "Ayy, did I mention that there's a manpower shortage?" (Sorry I did already but it's in my nature to whine about having to work)
7. "Ayy, do I have to take more than 2 reports in a 10 hour shift?"
8. "Ayy, I want to retire but I NEED the money, so i'll stick around to get a paycheck.
9. See #6, I want to stress there's a manpower shortage.
10. "Ayy, how come they never select me to go to CID"? (Saying out loud in a whiney voice)
11. "Ayy, I wanted Dale to be chief, not fair guys"
12. "Ayy, will you all please setup a go fund me so I can find my balls? I need help, but the chief won't get me more help on patrol"
13. "Ayy, my hand hurts from taking 2 reports, I hope I can keep patrolling the savage, dangerous, livid, bloody, did I say dangerous yet?, raunchy, wild streets in Brownsville?
14. "Ayy, I need to get off my computer, my wife wants me to wash dishes after I iron my uniform",,, Not fair guys!!!
Maassss Puuttooooo!!!
Like some dude said before, if you can't handle it, just quit, or in your case just retire! The young guys know what it means to actually patrol, and not expect a rookie to take reports for lazy veterans.

Anonymous said...

Where is the "Total Alignment" concept on all of this? It seems like "Total Misalignment" no solid and true leadership. The community is certainly being shortchanged.

Anonymous said...

Not a single Police Officer patrolling the streets or attending traffic situations ..WHERE ARE THE POLICE OFFICERS??

Anonymous said...

September 9, 2021 at 11:37 PM

Looking for cops, go to any major department store and that's where they are at using city property to enhance their financial problems at tax payers expense the poorest city in the country.

Quit using city property to line your pockets. Do your job.
Go out and purchase your won equipment like chones calzetas uniforms pistolas and whatever else or work for a security company gueyes

You wear out your equipment and than you will look like matamoros PD. Don't expect the city to purchase new equipment for you to use at YOUR OTHER JOB!!!!

Anonymous said...

You have a very good salary, uniforms free, over time pay, a vehicle, all maintenance provided, vacation with pay, days off paid, insurance paid, motorcycles free, use city equipment at other jobs free, cell phones free, other franchis (secret) and can shoot anybody with no questions asked and free attorneys of your choice
of course.

Anonymous said...

Well said Ayy...that's what the Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal thinks of his Patrol division and Investigation units..the guy doesn't give a shit! And pushes his little bitches to write about finding your balls...

Anonymous said...

Wait just a minute you say that the Commander that left was working off duty while working on PD time? Aren't they salaried? So how does that work?
And is The other Officer Mario Avendano also working two jobs while on duty ? So why hasn't Mario been confronted?
And why is a regular officer allowed to have access to surveillance equipment from his home? Is this right?
And if he is accessing the cameras at all day and night is this for compensation.
And if he is doing on his own time The Chief can be looking at some serious labor law violations.
And shouldn't this access be secured??
Is this allowed by the Chief of Police?
It is with out a Doubt this Department has some serious problems..

Anonymous said... that the sound the is coming out of your mouth when the Chief puts it in your a**h***!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Strange that Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda can't find anyone to name as his new Commander??
Well welcome to the circus...let's give you a brief tour of this circus action can't make this shit up!!
So here we go..welcome to the show!
Act #1..
Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda, He may carry the title of Chief but more than half of his own people don't respect the the guy...I dare call him a man when half his people won't even call him CHIEF..
but it's not his fault he had never really been a true supervisor at any level.
As a sergeant he wasn't on the streets for very long and was then moved to evidence room and the city jail.
He was then moved over to the Special Investigations Unit where he really messed things up, comprised himself and the Police Department, and probably would be sitting in jail somewhere if it wasn't for the kindness of the former Chief Orlando Rodriguez.
Sauceda was removed immediately than allowed to promote where he became a Lieutenant and spent his time as the commander's secretary, where most of his time was spent sending out emails and planning to get revenge on others who have gad a far superior career than him.
Now for the rest of the story: As Commander Dale's secretary he dreamed of sitting in the Commanders chair and was caught on several different occasions sitting in the big chair..
Then Commander Dale became entangled in a power struggle with Commissioner Jessica Tetreau over guess who? Of course, Diane Martinez.
The fight was over Diane's scheduling because she refused to work late and did not want to work weekends. The Sgt. Assigned to supervisor her was scared of her that he decided to inform the Lieutenant he reported to guess who it was Felix Sauceda. SAUCEDA ALSO STAINED HIS PANTIES AND ran to his BOSS Commander Dale.
But since Sauceda and Diane have history, and Sauceda knew that Commander Dale who has a pair and would do what was right for the department.
*Sauceda sees an opportunity and puts the two on a collision course*;
Sauceda tells Diane to get Jessica involved.
Commissioner Tetreau then calls Dale told him to change Diane's schedule immediately and threatened to end his career if she didn't get her wish.
Well here is where it all got crazy. Ex-Chief Orlando Rodriguez had already put in for retirement so he left the most senior commander in charge, who was James Paschal.
Then, Lt. Sauceda now capitalizing on his opportunity to advance and made friends with Tetreau promising that if he was made chief of police he would take care of the commissioners best friend Diane. So the story unfoldes; At the order of Tetreau, acting chief Paschall then demotes Commander David Dale and makes Sauceda Acting Commander – a position he holds very briefly – and a short period later, to everyone's surprise, he is named chief over some very qualified individuals. COME to find out Felix Sauceda takes the job cause he made an arrangement with the City Manager Bernal he would take a pay cut at a rock bottom price...SAUCEDA, FELIX J 310 - Police Administration $119,999.98.
CITY Manager Bernal now sees the desperation of Sauceda how he can not only control the Police Department but the extra money he cuts from the Police Department he can give give himself a raise..
Great Going Chief Sauceda and city manager Noel Bernal. Y'all have now made yourself look like the total idiots you truly are!
SEE Act#2..

Anonymous said...

Bring in the Marines and fire them all, especially all the whining, crying asses. Hey, are you blogging on company time? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Whoever Thanks Chief Sauceda for his leadership??? LMAO...
The last time I checked in order to be a leader you must have followers!

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda addressed the Nation according to BPD face book this guy for real!!LMAO...

Anonymous said...

What don't help Bronsbil is ghetto cops getting fired for stealing at Wale Martinez and Target. que le paso a la Diana? pobra chava, se pinta el pelo mas whero y ni asi deja de verse como india. y de pilon, se creei toda cuando le dicen que se ve bonita. asusta! quien ocupa esta bola de payasos?

Anonymous said...

Ok..I Read Brownsville Police Department Facebook and your right Chief Felix Sauceda thanks the Nation on 9-11...LOL who is this he running for president or has his head gotten so big it no longer fits in the door? OH MY BAD MAYBE HE WAS PART OF NYPD's command staff..My Bad...

Anonymous said...

I'M sure that Ayy..Ayy post was written by your beloved Chief of Police Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal...that's what he thinks of his boys in blue...its typical Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal...
