Wednesday, September 1, 2021


La Cebolla

WASHINGTON—Justifying the attacks that reportedly killed 10 civilians in Kabul as “absolutely necessary,” a U.S. drone strike sent a tough message to 4-year-old Afghans not to mess with America, Pentagon sources confirmed Monday. 

“I will not mince words here—the United States is an unmatched power on the global stage, and I hope Middle Eastern preschoolers will now think twice before threatening America,” said U.S. Army Major General William Taylor, insisting that the violent airstrike carried out in a residential neighborhood of Kabul was the only way to deliver a clear warning that “any preschooler out there, no matter where you live, will get what’s coming to you if you cross America.” 

“Whether you’re making motor noises while playing with a toy car or filling a hole in the ground with water from a plastic bucket, 4-year-olds across the globe need to know that the United States will not be intimidated and will immediately strike back with precision and ire. In your homes or your schools, taking a nap or enjoying a snack, our drones will find you and we will make you pay.” 

At press time, Taylor said his team had no choice but to take a troubling crayon scribble that they couldn’t decode as a concrete written threat.


Anonymous said...

I voted for President Biden. I am a longtime Latino democrat and my whole family is. I can tell you that me and my family regrets voting for Biden. We are no longer safe as a country in the USA. He is a constant lier and so are all the other democrats in DC and Vela has done nothing for us except cause more problems with the border. Democrats have forgotten that they work for us, not to make them self rich. I am going to vote for Mary Flores for congress because the Rochelle women is just another lier. Biden killed those soldiers because he is an idiot and does not care about the military which my nephew is in.

Anonymous said...

Turnip-head Biden and Cackle Harris will be IMPEACHED!

Anonymous said...

lazy-ass, lying post, Montoya.

get busy, ese. What - no Eric Garza story today?

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Doing great puros envidiosos y mamones cocos their word ain't worth a shit.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is presidential, not some bad-acting, grifter, racist, bigot like the last Republican clown - Trump, El Pendejo.

Go Joe.

We're with you!!!

- RGV Democrat

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that the one who made a deal with the Taliban to get out of Afghanistan was Trump not Biden. Biden only extended the deadline from May 2021 to August 31, 2021 to get out.

Anonymous said...

A Central Texas school district closed its schools until after the Labor Day holiday Tuesday after two teachers died last week of COVID-19.

Connally Independent School District officials closed its five suburban Waco schools for the rest of the week after the Saturday COVID-19 death of Natalia Chansler, 41, a sixth grade social studies teacher at Connally Junior High School, said Assistant Superintendent Jill Bottelberghe.

Anonymous said...

Pentagon denies, criticizes viral reports that US left service dogs in Afghanistan
I would rather leave el pendejetes hillbilly coco wanna be white than a military service dog FACT!

Anonymous said...

You didn't vote for Biden, liar. You voted for Trump, the man who sold Afghanistan out to the Taliban.

Anonymous said...

classless story, not clever at all

Anonymous said...

Police Unions Are Going to War Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

“We’re in America, goddamn it,” Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police president said. “We don’t want to be forced to do anything. Period. This ain’t Nazi fucking Germany.”

(How are the Brownsville's Boys In Blue doing in this regard?)

Anonymous said...

Glad I can take my kids to Mexico and drive without a drone getting me just worry about the cartel killing my kids wife etc oh that did happen so much for being a kid anywhere

Anonymous said...

Sent the drones to the appalachian mountains lots of good targets

Anonymous said...

2 top FDA officials resigned over the Biden administration's booster-shot plan, saying it insisted on the policy before the agency approved it. The FDA announced the resignations of Marion Gruber and Philip Krause on Tuesday.
The pair lead the FDA office in charge of approving vaccines.
The US Food and Drug Administration announced the resignations of two top vaccine officials on Tuesday, and reports said the two were leaving in anger over the Biden administration's plan to roll out COVID-19 booster shots before officials had a chance to approve it.
The real reason they left was because they were bullied into approving the Pfizer vaccine, before it could be proven safe by them. Those resignations should show all you vaccinated idiotas, especially ese half coco Taliban dumpster rat in how unsafe those vaccines really are for the general public. Por vacunase el pendejo dumpster rat, I hope you enjoy your soon to come anus cancer! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

OK...Continue to try and distract people from President Magoo's massive fuckup in Afghanistan. He will end up killing many thousand there, some of which will be Americans and some of which will be children.

Anonymous said...

@4:38 Most likely they died of the vaccine or had other health issues! Google the kid Jacob Clynick and see how he died after getting vaccinated. People in India,and Japan are seeing lots of cases of deaths or health issues from the vaccine. Don't be like ese half coco Taliban dumpster rat who loves que se lo piquen! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@12:51 The correct word is "SEND", pinche half coco Taliban retarded dumpster rat! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Trump didn't keep any agreements made by Obama that he didn't agree with(Paris Accord). Biden could have done things differently if he wanted to. Look at the mess he created at the border by changing Trump's border policy.

Leaving all that military equipment behind was really a gift to Biden's friends in China and Russia.

Listen to how Biden says the name, Taliban. He says it like the crypto muslim cockroach that is pulling his strings. None other than the America hating Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2021 at 3:56 PM

Otro idiota blogs are not for formal writing but you wouldn't know that, GO BACK TO YOUR DUMPSTER RESTAURANT we all know you are stupid

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2021 at 3:56 PM

The word 'sent' is the present tense while the term 'send' is the past tense.

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2021 at 12:06 PM

Kissing ass won't get you no where pinche bonobo chango not to insults los changos by comparing a hillbilly with a chango. Go back to your dumster by the library on central dumpster diver chango

Former RGV LEO said...

Hey pendejo at La cebolla, you forget that these same Afghans, the radical ones kill more children and women for sport or because of their lack of intelligence and warped thinking after reading the koran?
You must be a democrat!

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2021 at 11:44 PM


Anonymous said...

Beginning to sound like the teachers alway bitching what more they want FOUR MONTHS VACATION WITH PAY?

Anonymous said...

@6:23 Este Biden wrinkle a$$ licker says, "Trump lost"! No pendejo! We all lost, with este pinche vegetable as President! Veggie Biden will be remember in history, as the worst piece of sh*t president of the United States ever. Ya deja de mamarle a Trump! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

September 5, 2021 at 11:20 AM

Some simply cannot admit they are wrong in any circumstance? What in their psychological makeup makes it impossible for them to admit they were wrong, even when it is obvious they were? And why does this happen so repetitively — why do they never admit they were wrong?

The answer is related to their ego, their very sense-of-self. Some people have such a fragile ego, such brittle self-esteem, such a weak "psychological constitution," that admitting they made a mistake or that they were wrong is fundamentally too threatening for their egos to tolerate. Just like hillbilly coco wanna be white will never admit he is a dumpster diver yet he continues to ransack all dumpsters and yet he denies all his actions.

TRUMP LOST TRUMP LOST TRUMP LOST get with it and its a win win for all. IDIOTA
