Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It was surprising that the recently defeated proposition to establish a regional convention center and arena in Cameron County (by 75 votes) that was to be paid through hotel-motel occupancy and rental car fees without reliance on property taxes was opposed by former Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos.

Why, people wondered, was Cascos so opposed to the passage of the proposition that was supported by current county judge Eddie Treviño, the same politician who defeated him in the past election? 

Hadn't Cascos and the entire county commissioners court not passed a resolution years earlier in unified support of a regional center/arena? But as he contemplates a run against incumbent Eddie Treviño who was pushing for the passage of the proposition, the center/arena he championed now seemed like a bad idea. But guess whose good idea it was way back then in 2007?

Cascos' wishes back then for what he has been advocating for the last 14 years were on the ballot on the statewide constitutional amendments that included a local proposition to build such a center.

That resolution was signed by Cascos, Pct. 1 Commissioner Sofie Benavides, then-Pct. 2 commissioner John Wood (now a Port of Brownsville commissioner), Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza, and former Pct. 4 commissioner Edna Tamayo.

So suddenly – as the political season for the primaries in March approaches – some tend to forget where they stood on the center/arena before. Since his opponent will likely be his successor and his future Democratic Party opponent for another term (Treviño), maybe now it didn't seem like such a hot idea.

The center/arena was to be part of a larger TRZ (Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone) – supported by the City of Brownsville and county elected representatives – who voted to pass an ordinance approving the voluntary annexation petition of Madeira Properties Ltd. that brought 684.52 acres into the city.

The city-county interlocal agreement requires that the city contribute 60% of its maintenance and operation tax rate, based on tax valuation within the TIRZ, for infrastructure costs in Madeira. The county’s proportionate share is 35.5% of costs of the project, or the maximum total contribution of $57,650,218.

The city ordinance also directed the extension of municipal services to that land. Madeira Properties owns more than 1,330 acres. However, the remainder (646.28 acres) was already within the city limits.The ordinance also directed the extension of municipal services to that land. 

Before the election to vote on the propositions that included the arena/center, about the only voice in opposition was that of Cascos who said he had not seen the project's feasibility study yet still questioned the claims based on the study and advanced by Treviño to promote it.

This led to repeated claims by some opponents of the project who jumped on the Cascos bandwagon that the money that was to be spent on the arena/center would better be spent on roads and infrastructure like drainage. And it didn't matter that supporters repeatedly corrected these claims and asserted that the venue funds raised through hotel occupancy and rental car fees could not be commingled to be used for road improvements or road construction.

"NO ! NO ! NO ! FIX COUNTY ROADS, DRAINAGE & PUT UP SOME LIGHTS IN THE DARK AREAS ON THE ROADS ! BETTER PROGRESS NEEDED," was characteristic of the opponents' erroneous claims.

Here's Public Funding 101. 
Property taxes (ad valorem taxes) are used for things like funding public schools, libraries, city streets (potholes), county roads, public safety and city and county personnel payroll, infrastructure improvements, etc...

In other words, these property taxes are severely restricted in their use. 

Venue taxes such as the funding that tax on car rental and hotel occupancy taxes paid by visitors to the area, not county property taxpayers. These include stadiums, hotels, arenas, mutli-use venues like the proposed arena/center. These are also strictly restricted funds and can only be used for that purpose – to encourage tourism and attract outside visitors.

That, in turn, would fuel land development in the empty stretch near the intersection of Highway 100 and US 77-83 (I-69E) that would generate tax revenues for the local communities and encourage economic development, proponents said.

Proposition A on the ballot asked voters whether existing venue-tax revenue generated by the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) and vehicle rentals should be used to help finance construction of the $100 million, 10,000-seat, multi-use arena that was part of  Madeira, the master-planned residential/commercial development to be built on 1,330 acres at the site.

The developer, Madeira Development LLC, also plans a full-service hotel, which would likely spur restaurants, bars and other businesses, Trevino said, adding that the arena would be the keystone of the larger development.

Now, as the jockeying begins for the primary elections of the Democratic and Republican parties this coming March, Cascos is including his opposition to the project which he championed more than a  decade ago as one of his anti-Treviño planks on his platform saying he had "actively supported a $100 M arena project that financially made no sense..."

The center/arena idea is still alive and could be brought back before the voters, according to its supporters. Will its detractors – like the former county judge – continue to oppose it by rejecting it out of hand? And will its opponents continue to mix apples and oranges with the "fix roads and drainage and lights" bogeyman knowing full well that the center/arena project funding is entirely separate from that and could spur economic development which is so sorely needed for the region?


Anonymous said...

Carlos Cascos is a cheap version of a Republican.

Why doesn't he denounce Trump?

NO vote on Charlie!

Anonymous said...

There's a hotel and a restaurant on 511 and the express and spurred NOTHING next to it is olmito and subdivisions and nothing else so this is a big lie.
typical elected official's lies to line their pockets selling their properties NOTHING ELSE Y LA MORDIDA.


Anonymous said...

Little Eddie said the funding did not pass because voters were uninformed. Why was no feasibility study presented? Who are the investors and owners of the proposed property where the arena was supposed to be built on?
I voted no because I do not trust corrupt Cameron county politicians. I voted no because nobody in Cameron county leadership is qualified to manage a project like this. I voted no because the 2 relatively new arenas in Hidalgo county sit empty and relatively un used. I voted no because Cameron county is a corrupt shithole. Little Eddie has shown his true colors in the way SpaceX has him in their pocket. Eddie, once people are informed, more people will vote no.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Trevino sucks. He gave away Boca chica beach. At the beach it is permanent road block. Asshole,
May the devil take you and your family and Helen Ramirez. Por idiotas presumidos.

Anonymous said...

The people that voted YES for this were not thinking....they imagined a big arena, full at capacity every day and big money staying here in Brownsville.

DURING A PANDEMIC....people take care of themselves and their money.... this is the time to think..... and the rich people think about becoming millionaires.... so they will continue to plan for this will pass in the future....

Anonymous said...

Hunting and fishing are state constitutional rights. Eddie Treviño doesn't know or believe that. Some of us voted against the arena to remind him of that. You try to screw us over and we'll return the favor.

Anonymous said...

Dear judge Trevino: I VOTED NO because if you truly want an arena for Cameron county, FIX the Jacob Brown where in the 60s'70's and 80's was the king in the RGV until PRIVATE entities build the OGDEN arena and the arena in Hidalgo. I voted NO because we need promoters and not empty buildings, vision for activities not vision for selected money for few. Keep on thinking of the rich and the poor that vote will give you the same vote. It is not a matter of Republican or Democrat, it's a matter of YOU want, YOU try to convince but it doesn't work, the politiqueras got old, the chicken bbq only works for one meal but not for a long time. Try actually doing something for the community that HELPS the community and maybe we will believe you. Just MAYBE.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Trevino, next time you want something passed, be transparent who these LLC owners are. Whose property were the taxpayers going to buy to build this event center on ? Am I mistaken that this property owner was one who got free grant money to improve his own downtown?

Anonymous. said...

Trevino won because of Beto. People were voting straight ticket democrat without knowing who else was on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

I agree. There was no transparency about who exactly is the owner of that property. I also think that Trevino would get some kind of compensation for that arena. I don't trust Cameron County politicians either. Just look at what SpaceX has done to our beloved Boca Chica. I'm not against space exploration, but its the way Trevino and others in our city have totally let SpaceX take over. Elon seems to be enjoying not having any accountability. He knows he can just throw us a million and he can do anything his little heart desires. It looks like we've lost our souls to the highest bidder, no matter what.

Unknown said...

How many millions has the Sport Park brought to the Citizens of Brownsville Texas?...anyone..

Anonymous said...

The Community doesn't need this project yet, why, so it can stay empty most of the time.
Come up with a decent plan and use completely before trying to jam this down the people's throat.

Anonymous said...

A wanna be coco white and a wanna be brown gringo where's the oreo?

Anonymous said...

stupid racist republican coco

Anonymous said...

Nobody is on the bike trails, casa nylon sits empty, the giga score board turns on only two months of the year, nobody uses the bridge to no-where, the old electric pub generator is never turned on, very few people go to ringold park and they put the monkeys at the entrance to the zoo "FOR A REASON"... and they want an arena - POR FAVOR......

There are millions of dance halls for rent here in browntown... PINCHES IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

This was a poorly presented project. Due to lack of trust in local government is likely why this was voted down. Perhaps if Eddie Trevińo had asked Elon Musk for a favorable public comment, such as “I think this would be a great addition to the county” that might have swayed the vote. Unfortunately, we don’t have good project management skills in local government.
