Wednesday, November 17, 2021


By Jim Barton
Brownsville Observer Blogspot

It appears the Noel Bernal "Total Alignment" era with the City of Brownsville may soon end.

A reliable source tells us Bernal is "out" as City Manager and is actively seeking employment elsewhere.
Bernal, a nice young man with a head full of management theory, never seemed to make our city function like it should, despite a small army of high-paid assistants and huge consultant fees.

In the most recent fiscal year, the City Manager's office employed 5 assistants at a salary of $857,648. That same year Bernal also spent $976,420 on consultant fees.

Why in the Hell would a competent City Manager need that much backup support?

The Brownsville Observer speculated in October 2, 2018, two months before he took the job, that Bernal might not be on the job long based on his work history:

"Yet, Bernal has held five different jobs in eight years, an average of 1.6 years on each job.

He served in the Pharr Economic Corporation for 8 months in 2010-2011. Since then he’s worked in La Villa (1 year, 8 months), Falfurrias (2 years, 5 months), and Taylor, Texas (2 years, 5 months). He then worked at Coppell, Texas and had been there since August 2017 before coming here.

If hired for something close to $250,000 per annum plus benefits, will he stay long term, long enough to right Brownsville's governmental ship and steady the progress toward job growth, development and asset management?

Considering his employment history, that's the big question about Bernal."

Bernal's original contract with the City of Brownsville was extended on September 15, 2020 extended for two more years, effective October 1, 2020 at a salary or $225,000 with added deferred annual compensation of $19,500. That contract ends September 30, 2022.

These are turbulent times for the City of Brownsville with long-time city official Ramiro Gonzalez retiring after a self-serving use of his city office for personal enrichment was revealed.

Mayor Trey Mendez, it was also discovered, was attempting to personally claim $280,000 of BCIC funding for use on his own downtown properties.

When Mendez' attempted money grab became known, he withdrew the requests.

So, it appears the city will soon be seeking a new City Manager and when his term runs out in 2023, likely a new mayor as well.


Anonymous said...

All those salaries, and what do they do to move the city forward? NADA!

Anonymous said...

Bernal's implementation of "Total Alignment " concept was only a smoke screen to try and fool city employees in thinking that is a perfect work setting. The truth is, it was not as we know that true leaders lead by example something nonexistent on the entire city management staff as well as most directors. Take for example, the entire city management staff including secretaries as well as the HR director park their personal cars on metered parking spots daily while requiring all other city employees who work at city hall to park their personal cars at city plaza. You guessed right, they're too lazy to walk two blocks. Their laziness shortchange city coffers as they all have have a special permit displayed on the dashboard exempting them from paying the meters. Again, true leaders lead by example.

Anonymous said...

About funking time commissioners time to get your heads out your asses and hire somebody that knows what the hell there doing and Not just some compadre either.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Until you identify your sources this is shit. If that Mofo has the facts, stand by them, own them!

Puro miedoso, el cabron. Valiente, el guey!

Hope Bernal finds and fires his pendejo ass.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please hire Jim Barton or Juan Montoya to be the new City Manager. Few others have spent years analyzing the wastes, failures, successes, interpersonal dynamics, mismanagement episodes, good management episodes, corruption, perspectives from the have-nots and the haves, real impacts of SpaceX as viewed from all sides, short and long-term planning concepts and effects in Brownsville and surrounding areas.

Please don't hire another asskiss compadre with some puffy resume. Stop overlooking dedicated talent locally, those who have spent decades reporting on the state of our city in all corners.

Anonymous said...

Theory vs Pragmatism are two totally different concepts when running a governmental entity. Any idiot can read theory and interpret it according to his/her often “ uno pa ti dos pa mi”, “mi caca no huele” perception. Bottom line is that too many of our so called “leaders” have no common sense or are just offuscated by their innate greediness.

Anonymous said...

4:12 pm
BERNAL si sabe, querre mi Chile.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous re: “fire the dumb ass”. Why don’t you identify yourself??? Oops My middle finger just pressed the Anonymous identity selection.

Anonymous said...

@12:13 AM

Jim Barton does not have a college degree. GED, we hear.

He's out.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Bernal did was eliminating employee retirement benefits and also getting rid of Nationwide and selecting a new company managed by someone he knew beforehand. He made a mess and get to leave as if no damage was done. He can take his "Total Alignment" bullshit with him when he leaves.

Anonymous said...

College is simply a starting point.

This is why colleges bestow honorary degrees. Both Barton and Montoya in my view, would easily qualify for an honorary civic governance degree.

There is no college program available that could provide the depth of education that both have attained from decades of interviewing key figures, attending hundreds of hours of public meetings and unveiling Brownsville's political machinations. Both have a clear understanding of the culture of compadrismo and ethical quandaries that have tripped up former employees. Both have a take no prisoners approach to gaslighting or deception, are fair and consider the impacts of governing decisions on the lowest income and the most vulnerable. Spot corruption and point it out. This much is evident from reading both of their blogs for the last 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Que se Vaya a la verga!

Anonymous said...

The McAllen impotent still making up lies about Jim Barton? No female companionship for the loquacious senior discussion grouper? Que lastima! Just tell the plump nurse in Kyle you've turned over a new leaf and will now pay half the expenses, well almost half.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I have hired quite a few people over the years and the first thing I look at is their employment history. That is about the only things on their CV that can't be juiced. If they have a "jack rabbit" job history (hopping from one job to another) they go to the bottom of the pile.

Anonymous said...

They should be here no longer than 5 years NOT 50 like some mamones do.

Anonymous said...

The Sucio Lucios are from Brownsville, they enriched themselves, and did nothing for Brownsville.
They should be here no longer than 5 years NOT 50 like some mamones do.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bernal, your hometown of La Villa is looking for a new city manager, maybe you can go back there and do your total alignment (sounds like Pueblo tires) bs over there. adios

Anonymous said...

Looks like a baboso in that pic...

Anonymous said...

Get rid of that fu***** Rat Bernal!
Taking benefits away from the already poorly paid City of Brownsville employees.. While he begged the City commission for a huge pay increase..Then to make matters worse he hires so many assistants then hires assistants for them???WTF...All with huge yearly salaries.
Good Riddance to City Manager Noe Bernal nothing but a thief in a suit!

Anonymous said...

Its a well known fact around Brownsville City Hall that City Manager Bernal has a standing order that if anyone from the upper Valley applies for a job the be considered first!!!
City Manager Bernal has made it abundantly clear that he believes the citi6of Brownsville are a bunch of Dumb Asses!!!
May City Manager Bernal burn in Hell!!!Get Rid of that SOB!

Anonymous said...

I hope City Manager Noe Bernal takes his lover Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal and his Command Staff of thugs with him!!
CITY Manager Bernal can make his lover Chief Sauceda-Bernal bake some delicious cookies and hand out turkey sandwiches back in his home town!

Anonymous said...

FELIX SAUCEDA si sabe, querre mi Chile.

Anonymous said...

City Manager Bernal has promised his lover Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal he would make him the Chief of Police of his hometown of La Villa so he could implement his total misalignment Bullshit!Good Riddance!!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal the Chief of La Villa!!! Sorry but that SOB Sauceda-Bernal couldn't handle the job there! Just look what he did to the Brownsville Police Department!! The Department is a freaking train wreck!!
