Thursday, November 4, 2021


Feature Photo: Satellite map of the region where Madeira Properties Ltd. will build. Their land is in purple, north of Rancho Viejo. Image: Google Earth.

By Adolfo Pesquera
Virtual Builders Exchange
Posted: 6-2-2021

Brownsville (Cameron County) — The City Commission on Tuesday passed an ordinance approving the voluntary annexation petition of Madeira Properties Ltd. that will bring 684.52 acres into the city.

The ordinance also directs the extension of municipal services to that land. Madeira Properties owns more than 1,330 acres, however, the remainder (646.28 acres) was already within the city limits.

This action is the latest in a series of steps that city has taken to assist Madeira Properties. On December 8, 2020, the City Commission at last approved of the creation of a tax increment reinvestment zone (City of Brownsville TIRZ #4). A few weeks later, the Cameron County Commissioners Court voted to participate in the TIRZ.

On May 18, in consideration of the county’s involvement, the City Commission amended its agreement in order to establish the makeup a TIRZ #4 Board of Directors. The board will have seven members appointed by the City Commission and three members appointed by the Commissioners Court.

The TIRZ board, once constituted, must develop a final project plan and finance plan and submit the plans to the City Commission for final approval.

The city-county interlocal agreement requires that the city contribute 60% of its maintenance and operation tax rate, based on tax valuation within the TIRZ, for infrastructure costs in Madeira. The county’s proportionate share is 35.5% of costs of the project, or the maximum total contribution of $57,650,218.

The developer plan for Madeira is to create a master-planned residential, commercial, office, retail and
an entertainment regional commercial project (which was not approved by the voters.)
 It would be the largest master-planned project in the vicinity of Brownsville to occur in decades.

Madeira Properties Ltd. was created in 2002 and co-manager Dennis Sanchez had been lobbying the City Commission for years to create a tax increment reinvestment zone to make this project possible. It was not until the current makeup of the commission took office last year that the mayor and commissioners seriously considered the project.

Madeira is located in the southeast corner of Interstate 69 East (U.S. Hwy 77) and State Highway 100. It is north of the interstate from Rancho Viejo and the agricultural land is endowed with an ancient resaca that meanders eastward into Los Fresnos. It is equidistant from the center of Brownsville to downtown Harlingen.

A conceptual master plan circulated by Madeira Properties shows commercial development along the interstate frontage, and for a few hundred yards along SH 100 just east of where it meets the interstate. Roughly two-thirds of the development would be dedicated to market rate single-family housing, and a small portion of the interior would be reserved for public schools and other community services.

The first stages of construction will focus on single-family housing. Sanchez told the Brownsville Herald that the first phase will involve the construction of a mix of about 300 single-family, duplex and quadplex homes in the southernmost 140 acres. Any commercial development will have to wait until a critical mass of housing is in place, he said.

“You’ve got to get rooftops out there, so you’ve got to start off on your residential side to get the momentum going so then the retailers can come in,” Sanchez told the Herald. He estimated a site this large could take 10 years to develop.


Anonymous said...

Appoint limas brother s, Trey, bernal, Helen, Gonzales, and go fuck yourself. Always appointing yourself to new boards for the stealing. Pass the money from one Dept to another. Don't forget you need consultants experts on how to charge and pay yourself. Hire family members only. City or county staff cannot manage themselves to go to work. They have to pay others to get the work done. USELESS AND LAZY.

Anonymous said...

10 years to develope! Develop downtown, plenty of rooftop. What happened to revitalizing downtown? Now you want to start out in the country. Stay in the mall area. Tear down sports park. And build there. You think you build out there and people are going to come. Wrong. It's going to be Away from hotels and restaurants, not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Rooftop, Rancho Viejo has rooftop. Tax them for your project. Oh I get it that will come later. Nice trickery they will annex with Rancho Viejo.

Anonymous said...

PENJEJOS invest in your backyard fix the streets potholes galore what's next built more colonias in Harlingen funded this pendejo town run by idiotas?????

Anonymous said...

This is what we need to fix our streets and help Brownsville.
Brownsville residents form a committee (one from each zone) and propose to the City Commission the projects needed to fix the streets, flooding, recycling, etc

That way the money has to be given by the city to this Commission to fix the problems in Brownsville.

Brownsville needs all our help. We will benefit from these changes.

FORGET about wealthy subdibisions, with their own shops....the County and the City are not into helping the millionaires become billionaires. These individuals have their own finance departments.

Most of the people in Brownsville will not afford the rent to these apartments, homes , shops.

Anonymous said...

Traffic lights STILL not sync, what hopppon pinches engineers can't figure out how to program them? Open up an new slot and pay 150k a year the system is still in the warehouse that cost the taxpayer millions. Heads should start rolling but from the top. Don't fire un pinche labor person, fire that incompetent airport pendejo for starts...

Anonymous said...

Madeira Properties, our local leaders and politicians wanted to use other people money to create their own business.

This gives me an idea. I am going to create a Robadeira Properties Company out of my trashcan. I will petition the politicians for money. I will use the money to paint my trashcan, put seeds and attract birds in the evening, and cats in the morning. This will benefit all of Brownsville. With the rest of the left over money, I will invest it in my personal bank account !!!! Then I will ask for donations to buy food for the cats and the birds. Every year I will ask for more from the City Commissioners and the County: money for benches, money for paint, money for a gift shop (in my mailbox) and so on. The visitors will go by my street all day long. My bank account will grow and promote nature in Brownsville.

Robadeira Properties created 2021. All visitors welcome.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry Cameron County and Brownsville. San Benito will welcome your hard earned money at our future Epicenter. San Benito leading the Way. Viva San Benito.

Anonymous said...

Who and what is Madeira? Who's got an interest in selling the land? Not knowing this did not assist us when voting against the project, since we are sick and tired of being taken-in by money-hungry politicians who only want to fatten their pockets.

Anonymous said...

Out of content, but the intent is to get your attention! Did my eyes deceive me? I just drove on the South Expressway and notice "Cornholes" advertisment sign regarding an idiot that is running for State District Judge. I almost cost an accident in trying to slow down to read it again and could not believe my eyes that Trey's puppet team in now trying to get into the state courts.
Please tell us more about what you know so that I can decide not to vote for her.

Anonymous said...

The article states that Brownsville has to provide utilities, water, wastewater, and electricity to the annexed property in question. That equates to tens of millions of dollars. Eddie Treviño states that the building of the arena would not affect the tax-payer. Who does Eddie Treviño think is going to pick up the cost of running the utilities to the proposed arena site? THE TAX-PAYER! Why did this article not come out earlier? Why is one of the owners, Denis Sanchez, an ex partner of Mayor Mendez involved again in a scheme where he profits from the Mayor’s vote. This was an attempt to keep the voters blind and then profit from their scheme. Do you see now why voters do not trust you Eddie Treviño? You wanted to double your salary, you played God passing out vaccines in exchange for votes. Do you see why they don’t trust you Eddie? The truth shall set you free.

Anonymous said...

Fix what needs fixin' here pinches pendejos FIRST!!!

Anonymous said...


July 2, 2019
12. Mayor Juan “Trey” Mendez moved to appoint Dennis Sanchez, to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation. The motion was seconded by Commisisoner Ben Neece and carried unanimously.

From El Run RUN:
Then, on the same meeting of August 26, Dennis and Marianne Sanchez under the LLC Las Ruinas II came before the board for $32,500 to remodel a property located at 1144 E. Madison.
A corporate search of the Las Ruinas II LLC reveals that Mendez was listed as the contact person for the LLC.
Texas Secretary of State records show Mendez relinquished his place as managing member and Dennis Sanchez replaced him this past March

Anonymous said...

anonymous @8:23 LMAOOOOO you hit the nail right on the head.....

Anonymous said...


Former RGV LEO said...

Thank you voters for letting eddie trevino know that he can't have the cake along with the pie!

Anonymous said...

SE LLAMA JUAN JUAN JUAN A meskin NAME JUAN not trey or tray o trai pinche coco mamon.

Anonymous said...

Yes people but keep voting Democrats because the Republicans are for the wealthy and greedy. They've been tell you this for a generation and they keep screwing us but you keep voting Democrat. Why don't you think on your own. Look at facts. Then vote intelligently. You decide based on facts and what's good for you and your community. It's hard to do if you Hispanic because they will criticize and hate you. Just vote based on facts and your morals. That's all that can be asked of you.

Anonymous said...

Man some idiots here… more buildings means more tax money for the county…. This is a great idea… all you old people need to stfu and stay in yo lane.
