Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Following our post yesterday concerning the ownership of slaves by Brownsville "founder" Charles Stillman and William Neale's "trade" of hiring our to slave owners to chase their runaway slaves into Mexico to return them to bondage, we were alerted to a post in a local historical blog.

This one was related to Manifest of Slaves on a ship from New Orleans to Port Isabel which included an 11-year-old slave girl that was to be delivered to her new owner, Brownsville "co-founder" Samuel A. Belden.

Yup, the same Samuel Belden who partnered with Stillman to dispossess legal owners of Spanish land grants and build huge fortunes by trading with both Union and Confederates, switching sides as it suited their commercial needs. In other words, profiteering from the war and amassing fortunes by pitting brother against brother.
In fact, one of the hike and bike trails is named after Belden.

In then photo above, city commissioner Rose Gowen – who has pumped millions of city and grant dollars to build the rarely used trails in her drive to have local residents defeat diabetes and lose weight through biking and hiking – cuts the ribbon to the trail.

 Brownsville received a $151,274 grant (plus untold city funds) from Texas Parks and Wildlife to turn a former railway right of way into a hike-and-bike trail.

The slave, named Rebecca, was listed at 4 feet, 4 inches and as the blog's (Brownsville Station, May 2015) describes it in the post: Manifest of Slaves, on board the [Schooner?] Fanny of ___ ... whereof Forte [Captain?] is at present Master, bound from the Port of NEW ORLEANS for the Port of Point Isabel
Name: Rebecca Sex: female Age: 11 Stature: 4 ft 4 in Class: Gulf [?] Shippers or owners: Samuel A. Belden Residence: Texas

District of New Orleans - Port of New Orleans, the 9th day of July 18__
Samuel A Belden ___ Owner of the Slaves named and particularly described in the above Manifest , and Forte Master of the Steamship Fanny [?] do solemnly, sincerely and truly Swear [?] according to the best of our [?] knowledge and belief, that the persons above described were not imported into the United States since the first day of January, 1808 and that under the laws of the State, they are held to service and labor.

So Help us [?] God
Samuel Belden Daniel Forte Master Steamer Ship Fanny

The support of slavery – and owning and hunting them down – seems to have been a recurring fact that has been documented in historical journals and through local research. 

Despite that, these men have been held as the spiritual, historical and moral pillars. Neale's claim to fame is outlined in "The Twin Cities of the Border," Lt. W. H. Charfield written in 1893. The city has set aside $190,000 to restore his house, now falling apart in a corner of the UTB campus.

Plans to use the money and restore it to place it on Linear Park next to Stillman's Laurel Ranch house are apparently under debate after some city commissioners – notably Roy de los Santos – objected to place it there. 

Another reader, a former newsman, says that "I did early research with the help of the late Eddie Valent and found many slave bills of sale in the Cameron County archives. Charles Stillman had a teenaged girl slave, Richard King had some as did – if I recall correctly – Mifflin Kenedy. To Stillman's credit, he manumitted (freed) his slave before Emancipation."


Anonymous said...

These so- called COWARDS is exactly what they were. They were thieves, liars, lazy, manipulators, sex offenders, child molesters, and every dispeakable word that ever exist. Yet, we are to worship these offenders, by honoring their whore houses. Mifflin Kenedy sent his sons by Petra Vela and him to New York to protect them from the war, yet, he sent Petra Vela's son by Luis Vidal, Adrian Vidal to war. He then denied Adrian Vidal aide for help. Adrian Vidal is mentioned to have join in the Cortina Group, who was fighting to protect his land The Espiritu Santo Land Grant, which includes all of Brownsville. Adrian Vela knew what cowardly Mifflin Kenedy was up to. He was stealing the land that belonged to his mother Petra Vela, who was and Heir to large land grants in South Texas, that included the King Ranch and many more large land grants. The only way Mifflin could get control of the large land grants was to marry and Heir and Petra Vela was a wealthy Heir to large land grants way before Mifflin. Adrian Vidal was executed for protecting and discovering what he knew about Mifflin Kenedy . If maybe Petra Vela's body was to be exume and tested for poisoning maybe we would know the REAL Texas History.

Anonymous said...

We all know why they wanted young female slaves.
Some would pay gold for the female slaves.
Viejos cochinos.

Anonymous said...

Bring down all the monuments together with their Sir Names from all city history books..and sites.
Let their names not be mentioned or remembered for a thousand yrs.

Anonymous said...

They were all thieves including the Spanish land granters who committed genocide by eliminating the natives from their land in the name of the kings of Spain and the Catholic Church

Anonymous said...

According to some gringos/cocos they call it stupid assertions, and some can't even try to understand and I can't find one without an A**H***.

Anonymous said...

The wanna be cocos want to look good in the eyes of the racist republicans. Racism will continue unabated a need for change is a must for this community to move forward and be an example of fair living in the RGV.
The two families that continue to run this city must be defeated at the polls.
The mayor's behavior in an obsequious and sycophantic way has set this community back 10 years. He simply needs to go.

Anonymous said...

More gossip, rumors and gringo hate. The whipping of a dead horse has become an art form on this blog.

Anonymous said...

December 9, 2021 at 10:42 AM

Its ok to flog and hate meskins but ooooooh don't touch los gringos they are special the horse is not dead its alive and can't be killed so some whippin' is necessary idiota. hate and art don't mix
Don't you gringos/cocos hate that now a days you just can't no longer use a rope????

Anonymous said...

The most racist people are the poor… who cares what happened in the past… things changed for a reason… look forward

Anonymous said...

December 9, 2021 at 10:42 AM - gringo/coco

What about meskin hate on this blog? Only gringo hate bothers your ass pinche joto...gringo/coco

Anonymous said...

December 10, 2021 at 10:54 PM otro idiota

No seas idiota guey the poor don't make laws they just complain about what needs to be changed F^&(^%* MORON...
