Wednesday, December 8, 2021


By Juan Montoya

Less than a year ago – in fact, last February – as the winter storm hit and knocked out utility services, many Texans huddled in the dark for warmth and waited for authorities to inform them when the lights and water would return.

The Texas Tribune reports that many cities have now taken steps to prevent a similar energy outage from occurring. 

But what the Tribune did not report was that membership in ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) obligates members like the Brownsville Public Utility Board to produce power and place it on the grid instead of using it to provide power to its residents.

After the storm, PUB CEO John Bruciak told city commission members that PUB had been ordered by ERCOT to produce power – that apparently  included the diesel-fueled Silas Ray plant – and told to feed the statewide grid instead of providing power to local rate payers.

The plant is 100 percent owned by the people of Brownsville and once fired could produce enough energy to continuously power not only Brownsville, but San Benito, Los Fresno's and Port Isabel.

During a PUB/COB press conference, Bruciak admitted that rather then keep the electricity PUB produced here, they sold 80 percent of it to the ERCOT grid and allowed the rolling blackouts for Brownsville. 

Brownsville residents had to deal  with spoiled food in their refrigerators, life-and-death situations by people on electric-powered medical devices, and inoperable traffic lights where cars played a game of chicken at intersections with other desperate drivers to get through.

Well, the city can now thank the residents for enduring three days without power in freezing temperatures for a $10 million bonus. Sources say that the city was expecting a $9 million transfer called for in the city charter, but that partly as a result of the power sold during the freeze, the PUB earned an extra $100 million inn gross revenues through the sale of the energy it produced in the open market.

That means the city transfer this year will be closer to $20 million. That was generated on the back of PUB customers, particularly residential rate payers.

We have often wondered why Brownsville continues to employ Bruciak and his select cadre of underachievers.  As a $300,000(+) salary, Bruciak championed the construction of the Tenaska Plant project that ended as a debacle with ratepayers shouldering a 35 percent hike in utilities to fund the $500 million plant, only to have the private energy firm inform PUB they were pulling out of the project and cancelling it four years later because of a glut of electricity available in the grid. 

But by then, PUB ratepayers had already piled up more than $130 million in increased energy rates in PUB coffers destined for the plant. 

That money "disappeared" and only $29 million were left, an amount suggested by Bruciak be used for LED lighting to be administered by...PUB, of course.

When asked why the rates could not be reduced to pre-Tenaska project levels, Bruciak told the commissioners that if that was done, the $9 million annual "transfer" to the city might have to be reduced, or totally eliminated. That cowed the city commission– who depend on the transfer to balance the city budget annually – and they stopped asking.

With the additional $100 million in additional revenues because of the sale of Brownsville energy on the open market periodically – and particularly during the freeze – it once again appears that the overpaid energy "gurus" under Bruciak over at PUB were wrong again. 

Will the city commission complain about the $10 million increase in the PUB transfer, or will they echo Bruciak's sentiments that the public be damned?


Anonymous said...

Juann the city will NOT do anything except receive that BIG Check with open arms. thank you for calling.

Anonymous said...

BPUB always has been the bully in dealings with City Hall. That expertise Bruciak touts is too much for the Mexican brain.

Sell BPUB, goddammit!!!

Or just voice such an intent and see how the fuckers at BPUB
react, like cockroaches sensing the Roach Killer......


Anonymous said...

We were Told by Ercot to sell our energy wtf we own our utility service.So now there telling us what to do.something doesn't smell right got a feeling Pub and a few politicians down here are a little to chummy with some assholes in Austin.

Anonymous said...

MAGA moms meet Trump's challenge: Why right-wing women raise their sons as "monsters"

In the MAGA cult of toxic masculinity, gun-worshipping moms live vicariously through their sons.

(while la panocha sleeps)

Anonymous said...

It's the Christmas season, but doesn't life in the U.S. feel like living in a shithole?

Trump really fucked up the country.

He should be prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

Wat about the citizens?
We are the ones that went thru the hardship.

City should do right thing ..
Buy for us some 911 Carbon!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps “buy” a building????

Anonymous said...

Why did they raise our rates if they made $100 million from our suffering?

Anonymous said...

Just like Cortina, Bruciak has held brownsville hostage long enough but for a different reason. Money is the evil of all gringos, pub will not give in to sharing and suggests keeping a tight grip on the city, why? Because elected officials want money and pub give them money but HE keeps all the possessions merely for control.


Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...

The City can dissolve the PUB with a simple motion to do so.

Anonymous said...

Fire his wife too she works at the city puros mama chiches fire both of them sent back to the kkk city of harlingen puros pinches mamones.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh. The smell of rats at PUB. Let the peons( PUB customers) suffer while the rats stash the loot. Puros mamones en la City, County y PUB. No worries politicos. You will be put back in office by the same politically uneducated voters. And life goes on in the sleepy City by the Border and the Sea. Oops… the Gulf

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2021 at 11:44 AM

Of course whites have been stealing for centuries nothing new here. Los idiotas meskins elected officials have got to learn to NOT TRUST ANYTHING THAT'S WHITE AND MOVES... p e r i o d

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that we don't have a choice of utility companies in our area.

Anonymous said...

Puros mama chiches fire both of them his wife at the city y el pendejo at PUB enough is enough. GO LOOK FOR A JOB AT YOUR HOME TOWN OF HARLINGEN KKK CITY.
