Monday, December 6, 2021


(Current state party leader Gilberto Hinojosa has indicated he isn’t going anywhere. But that hasn’t stopped open discussion about leadership of the party with several months until convention delegates vote on the position.)

By Patrick Svitek
Texas Tribune

The race to chair the Texas Democratic Party is heating up early as the state's Democrats contemplate their future after a disappointing 2020 election — and ahead of a challenging 2022 election.

The current state party leader is Gilberto Hinojosa, who has held the job since 2012 and has indicated he is not going anywhere. But that has not stopped early interest in the race, which will be determined by delegates to the state party's biennial convention next summer.

Kim Olson, the former candidate for agriculture commissioner and Congress, announced Sunday she is running to lead the party, saying the "promise of a Blue Texas has so far fallen short of expectations." Meanwhile, Carroll G. Robinson, chair of the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, is considering a campaign for the job and plans to make an announcement in January. And other names have been discussed as potential candidates with still several months to go before the election.

The stakes are considerable. Texas Democrats have been regrouping after a 2020 election during which they thought they were poised for their biggest breakthrough in recent memory, but they came up woefully short. As they have been licking their wounds, they have had to stare down a daunting 2022 election, with a national environment that is not in their favor and state Republicans using the redistricting process to cement GOP majorities in Austin and Washington, D.C.

"We need a course correction because what we are doing has not yielded a statewide win. Period," Olson said in an interview.

She launched her campaign with some 250 endorsements. The endorsers feature 35 county party chairs, including from some of the most populous counties in the state — Tarrant, Denton, Fort Bend and Galveston. The list also includes several members of the State Democratic Executive Committee and a host of Democratic candidates from 2018 and 2020.

Hinojosa was on the hot seat after the 2020 election. A group of State Democratic Executive Committee members wrote him to demand change at the party, and he assembled a committee to do a "deep dive" on what wrong that November. The party released an autopsy in February that concluded Republicans beat them in turnout and partly blamed Democrats' underwhelming results on their decision to suspend in-person campaigning because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Anonymous said...

Gilbert needs to go. NVV. His presumption that S. Texas would be forever Blue because we’re a bunch of Mexicans down got him kicked in the teeth last election. That inertia will carry through next year and will probably cost the Dems a couple of House seats and perhaps a Senate seat in Austin. Don’t be surprised if we lose a House seat in Congress as well. Dems need new blood and new ideas, neither of which Gilbert has. We need to stem the Red tide this election or we’ll all be coughing and crying next December.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter. Wicked Republicans are going all-evil with redistricting, essentially castrating all Democrats. Hinojosa, nor this Polish lady, can do nothing about it.

(Republicans are evil and anti-America.)

Anonymous said...


Republican pussy Devin Nunes is leaving Congress to run fatboy Trump's media company.

Again, Nunes shows himself to be a loser.

Anonymous said...

For the sake of the democratic party, he needs to resign now. Democrats have been losing elections all over the state under his watch. His own Rio Grande Valley is under threat by Republicans who are picking up more votes in every general elections. Man up Gilbert, get out.

Former RGV LEO said...

It still boggles the mind how this carpet bagger capo became an elected official in CC and now the State demorat chair?

Anonymous said...

December 6, 2021 at 5:38 PM
A loser and a coco

Anonymous said...

carpet bagger hey he's not white and from el norte guey

Anonymous said...

LAURA PEREZ-REYES district clerk for cameron county is senting forclosure notices by the 100's to cameron county residents. NOT ONE OF THE NOTICES ARE FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS of course.

Anonymous said...

Foreclosures are "almost certain to remain extremely uncommon" for home owners "until 2022" at the earliest, even though the federal government's pandemic

Anonymous said...

Gilbert, quit living in denial, you have failed the democratic party during your term and you want to stay? Don't you feel the Republican party breathing down your neck and yet you want to stay. I called your office inquiring about signs for M.J.Hegar who ran against John Cornyn and I was told the area didnt get any and only a handful of Biden signs, and you want to stay? You lost a couple of border towns to the GOP any you want to stay? Shame on you. If you care about Texas, please don't run.

Anonymous said...

Gilbert is another juan mendez (coco in disguise).

Anonymous said...

Gilbert hasn't spoken spainsh in over 15 years...

Anonymous said...

Hilberto! pinche coco lambiscon

Anonymous said...

They come out of the woodwork to get elected and find their family and friends good paying jobs for ever and most do not qualify for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Democrats only have 2 options: purge the party of progressive politics or embrace them. If they want to keep the otherwise moderate/conservative Hispanic vote, then they will purge the progressives. If they want to win the youth vote they will embrace progressive politics, but they will lose more and more of the moderate/conservative vote.

Anonymous said...

@ December 6, 2021 at 8:06 PM
The Dems are losing because they have become bat shit crazy communists. Glad I could clear that up for you.

Anonymous said...

December 12, 2021 at 10:20 PM


Anonymous said...

December 13, 2021 at 12:24 PM

bat? like baseball? or that animal that is responsible for the virus? idiota you didn't clear nothing
