Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Now that the Cameron County Commissioners Court and Sheriff Eric Garza seem to have kissed and made up and agreed to have Constable Abel Gomez provide security to county facilities and let the sheriff police the courts, things might get back to normal. 

If you remember, Garza came in guns blazing and sought to unilaterally rescind a Memorandum Of Understanding between former Sheriff Omar Lucio and the commissioners to provide security for the courts, allowing him to place more units patrolling the county. But instead of waiting for the budget process to implement new agreements, he and Chief Deputy Gracia unilaterally pulled the officers under Gomez and the commissioners court budget and sought to place them under his command.

That didn't go over well with the court and its civil  legal division and lawsuits ensued that apparently both have now agreed to settle. 

But some of our readers still have bones to pick with the new sheriff in town. We'll look at three main ones.

1. That Garza is sporting four gold stars on his uniform when he is in his first year of service. Apparently,  these readers were under the mistaken impression that each star represents five years of service. 

That is not correct, according to uniform protocols for Texas sheriffs. Garza is entitled to the four stars, as is every sheriff in the state. They are not synonymous with hash marks on military uniforms that indicate the number of years of service. Officers under the sheriff do wear one silver star on their chest for every five years service.

Other complaints, however, are not as trivial or complimentary.

2. The discovery November 6 of a truck crashed in Cameron Park that contained a dead body in the cab. The sheriff department offices received the call from a  man who said he had been shot. However, they found the truck but not the victim, who was dead – a homicide – inside the cab. Brownsville firefighters located him inside about 20 minutes later.

Investigation and prosecutional protocols require that the evidence and crime scene be safeguarded to work the case, but instead the crashed vehicle – the crime scene, actually – was turned over to a family member a day or two later. Protocol requires that investigating agencies retain evidence until the trial of any suspects of the crime is over.

It will be up to the Cameron County District Attorney's Office to determine how to proceed in the case given that evidence to build the case is is not in his chain of custody.

3. Less than two weeks later – on November 19 – Garza rushed to post on his Facebook page that a 13-year-old San Antonio girl had been found by Sheriff Department officers on Boca Chica Beach and thanked the Brownsville Police Department for "assisting" his department with the location of a suspect.

Although department officers pleaded with him to wait to confirm the girl's identity, he insisted on posting – a post that he quickly deleted – that he had found "Bella Martinez" from San Antonio, called the mother, and had the child removed from the missing victim system.

Why did he remove the post? Well, it turned out it wasn't her, not even close. The missing girl is Hispanic, the one detained at Boca Chica was an African American.

But you won't find the Facebook post anymore. It was quickly removed and the only remnant of that premature post giving the department credit for locating the child was the Herald story because Garza's Facebook post was deleted.

November Score: 1 check mark for the stars, two Xs for Garza's investigative and law enforcement performance.


Anonymous said...

Thats happens when you surround yourself with a bunch of idiots like Silverio, Eddie Guerra, and Captain dumb

Anonymous said...

Not bad for someone holding a Basic Peace Officer license with less than 1 year of Law Enforcement experience

Anonymous said...

This guy turned out to be a complete disaster, he wanted to change our uniforms because he was too good to wear the brown ones OK we get it you are an special kind, but why you didnt order jackets Mr.Special, now with this cold front everyone is wearing whatever they want, everyone looks so fucked up... we should do a "fundme" shit to collect money for jackets... way to go Mr. Special

Anonymous said...

Is "Captain" Rodriguez back to manage no one? well expect for the "expendable" squad of Angel, Silverio, Cruz, Eddie and Salinas (the drug dealer) who went in county time, driving county units, in uniform to talk to the jailers about then running for the board assosiation LMFAO...

Anonymous said...

Hey Eddie are you afraid now? You should, you can be a witness or a suspect

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Eric, you can ejoy your last one as Sheriff

Anonymous said...

He'll wear a star for every month he's in office plus that star he nails at every podium where he and his comadre speaks. PUROS PAYASOS....

Anonymous said...

What's going on Angel, why running for the board, you have never show interest in helping a member, you can't even help your SIU teammates, look Olivarez, he left because he was tired of your lazy ass, are you going to bring your Sgt test score up to 50 now?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sheriff, when are we getting our cold winter jackets? You probably dont understand, when is the last time you did patrol at night?

Anonymous said...

This is a true sign of the terrible mistake voting for Garza. The Lts, sgts, and other commanding staff don't have the balls to say otherwise. Leadership and moral is completely gone in this department. "Just go with the Flow"

Anonymous said...

Eric, Silverio, Ram, Eddie and Rodriguez, do you understand where this is going?

Sec. 39.02. ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY. (a) A public servant commits an offense if, with intent to obtain a benefit or with intent to harm or defraud another, he intentionally or knowingly:

(1) violates a law relating to the public servant's office or employment; or

(2) misuses government property, services, personnel, or any other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant's custody or possession by virtue of the public servant's office or employment.

(b) An offense under Subsection (a)(1) is a Class A misdemeanor.

(c) An offense under Subsection (a)(2) is:

(1) a Class C misdemeanor if the value of the use of the thing misused is less than $100;

(2) a Class B misdemeanor if the value of the use of the thing misused is $100 or more but less than $750;

(3) a Class A misdemeanor if the value of the use of the thing misused is $750 or more but less than $2,500;

(4) a state jail felony if the value of the use of the thing misused is $2,500 or more but less than $30,000;

(5) a felony of the third degree if the value of the use of the thing misused is $30,000 or more but less than $150,000;

(6) a felony of the second degree if the value of the use of the thing misused is $150,000 or more but less than $300,000; or

(7) a felony of the first degree if the value of the use of the thing misused is $300,000 or more.

Anonymous said...

No one I know gives a fuck about this.

You fucks elected him. Deal with it!

Anonymous said...

Did he just promoted Barron to Lt? The same who got caught drinking in the county unit getting into a fight? Priceless

Anonymous said...

Lowly workers at the office responding to this blog are given one hour to defend the chrife and a star to wear on their collar of course, BOLA DE MAMONES GET TO WORK!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its way worse than that, the homicide victim was found in that truck not in a taxi cab! and that same truck was released to a family member.. what an idiot, even at the DA are laughing

Anonymous said...

Well they left an idiot in charge of INV, moving the SGT. because he got physically assaulted by a CPT.. Oh wait lets keep going, lets promote the "IA Inv." to LT. for looking the other way and not seeking any reprimand for that CPT. Yeah Cameron County citizens feel safe, when they cant even protect one of their own.

Anonymous said...

Disgruntled employees of the previous administration making negative comments because they can no longer get favoritism. Get to work!

Anonymous said...

Is alvaro guerra still getting blowjobs from Kenya in the gym locker?????

Anonymous said...

Ya no saben ne que mamar, stars on uniform, chingado.
It is fine for him to wear the 4 stars. He won the court ruling to take over court security. Abel Gomez only has 8 officers to guard the tax office and the DA office, Garza was right fighting for that control going back to the sheriffs deptarment something that the prior admin had f-ed up to go with their compadrismo with Abel. The people you call Idiots are proving everyone wrong by supporting and being loyal to the sheriff, something the prior admin had no idea what it was.
They returned the truck because the murder did not occur on the vehicle, they used and found what they had to and returned to the family, not like prior admin that would keep vehicles by intimidation of the relatives or saying title not on their name, or no insurance or expired plates, just to keep the vehicles and auction them out or keep them for their use. The family lost a loved one, probably needed to sell truck to pay for expenses, and you want to keep truck.
The girl at the beach must of used false identity or gone with the flow of being the missing young lady. If my daughter is missing and someone thinks they found her, I would not mind a call saying we have found a young lady that fits description and our dept. is investigating to make sure of this. I would like to be involved in the ID of person, I don't see why we would have to wait for DNA test and so forth, at that moment I would want to know their is a lead or a chance we found her. He found out it was not the missing youth he retracted and moved forward.
You all need to being so butt hurt and move forward, Eric and the crew are here to stay. Ya se la comieron, junto con el otro que piensa tener chansa de ser juez de paz, PORFAVOR?
JAjajaja, complaining about jackets, nombre ya ni la chingan, vete al thrift store y ya mamon. Los trabajadores estan trabajando, los llorones aventando patadas de ahogado.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the commissary that makes a million a year ended up in Jonathan Gracia's hand... son of Chief Gracia

Anonymous said...

The previous administration was out since 12-31-2020 at midnight. Dictators are no longer in office but the few disgruntled favorites from last administration are using county time to repeatedly write this negative comments. Just work and do your jobs. LUCIO AND THE Reynas are not coming back.

Anonymous said...

Cartoon, Deputy Dawg is better than Garza.
Barney Fife is better than Garza.
Security at La Pulga is better than Garza.
Security at the abandoned sports Plex and hike and bike trail is better than Garza.
Security at the courthouse is better than Garza.
Downtown pimps security is better than Garza. Just ask, mayor dirty pizza Tray Mendez.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:58am so, you were there and didn't do your job knowing how to do it? And refused to do it? What's the point?

Anonymous said...

Man I always wanted to be a deputy since I was a kid. Now that I've been here a while I've realized Garza & Gracia are a big joke. De los dos no se hace uno and Gracia just thinks he can yell his way and make up orders on the spot to make it seem like he is right. I started applying everywhere and I don't care if I have to give up my tcole license. This is pure bullshit. I had hoped Garza was gonna be a good change for the department.

Anonymous said...

Hey Barron, when are you going to finish the IA con Capt.Dumb? Or that doesnt apply to him?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:58..... Body was found in the cab of the truck. Not a taxi cab! Read much?

Anonymous said...

It's called on the job learning On-the-job training (OJT) is training that is delivered while an individual is performing tasks or processes related to their particular occupation. The employee typically performs tasks that are essential to their job function.

Training methods include screw-up, bad ideas, refuse correct methods of job, no communications, refuse constructive comments, out of the wind instructions to veteran workers, fire employees at will, no rotation, no coaching, job instructions or training with no idea on how to accomplish the task, award yourself in front of failure after failure, and last bring in your girl friends and family and friends with no idea of what to do....


Anonymous said...

Here it goes Capt.Dumb fucking up again....and again.... Hay Abrahamcito no entiendes pendejo

Anonymous said...

Go put on your fucking vest Abraham... you think you special? Well... I guess you are... special ed

Anonymous said...

Abraham you think we are afraid of you? You and your puppets are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Well at least he’s not in his office focused on his coloring books like Lucio… or getting lost on his way home…..

Anonymous said...

Robert Mata se la come.

Anonymous said...

@2:22 really murder didnt happen in the vehicle? Item needed to be returned, entonces porque fueron a recogerla otra vez. And yes lets give a family false hope. Please i dont give a shit about the prior administration. I care about the pendejetes who dont know what the fuck they are doing. That patrol is short staffed, that you have a shift w/o a lieutenant or sgt. A pero vamos a tratar de poner a un gofer de capitan, un ass kisser, that could not do his job as IA de lieutenant. Disgruntled employees my ass, fucker thinks hes better than his employees, someone should ask him if he knows the name to one of his employees out on patrol. When he has spoken to one. All high and mighty, thinks hes better than him y ni les dirige la mirada. These deputies put their lives on the line to make his shit ass look good, y se crea la gran mierda, cant bother to thank them in person, or at least a fucking hello, or a good job.

Anonymous said...

What ugly uniforms they are wearing, mismatched colors and ugly colors at that. Reflects who's in office - UN PENDEJO...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Gracia is giving another press release? Priceless

Anonymous said...

Montoya you should look into who has the commissary now.... Jonathan Gracia's mother in law..the one running for state rep

Anonymous said...

Funny how the Commissary was once ran by Ruben Cortez(Linda Salazar's son)and cousin to Javier Reyna(ex Dictator captain at Sheriff's Office). Some years later Javier Reyna passed the Commissary to his servant Junior Andrade, campaign contributor, taxi driver, and currently the County Judge Eddie Treviño's New business partner. Yeehawwww.. only in Cameron County where corruption is expected.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the Commissary was once ran by Ruben Cortez(Linda Salazar's son)and cousin to Javier Reyna(ex Dictator captain at Sheriff's Office). Some years later Javier Reyna passed the Commissary to his servant Junior Andrade, campaign contributor, taxi driver, and currently the County Judge Eddie Treviño's New business partner. Yeehawwww.. only in Cameron County where corruption is expected.

Anonymous said...

He's shooting (BBs) for 100% NO SE LE QUITA LO BABOSO Y ESTUPIDO

ugly uniforms

Anonymous said...

Frank Mason paid for a BBL with commissary funds

Former RGV LEO said...

That' what happens when you elect someone who is all high on himself and lacks the experience to lead seasoned officers. What' worse, you hire idiots who have a lot of skeletons in their closet and don't have that common sense to lead or be a good officer. What a waste of vote!

Anonymous said...

How about the jailers that are having Affairs with Medical staff. Did we forget what happened with Marco Gonzalez already for doing just that.

Anonymous said...

House mouse paper pusher now requires every county deputy to say "YOU ARE UNDER CUSTODY OF THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT".

To arrest someone is to put them in custody for breaking the law.

cameron county new rule
Hahahahahaha "you're under arrest" no longer use

Anonymous said...

And Capt.Dumb strikes again... now he threatened a reporter outside the courthouse... this fucking guy

Anonymous said...

December 6, 2021 at 2:24 AM

familias ratas all over, this sad situation will continue forever, a list of relatives and close friends needs to be conducted and distributed at election time.

Anonymous said...

This people just dont get it right..they demoted a Sgt for what a Deputy did... but they give Diaz a free pass when he fucked up seriously, violating 6 policy sections.

Anonymous said...

