Thursday, December 2, 2021


 By Juan Montoya

By now, only the most gullible history students believe that the Mexican-American War was caused by a random confrontation between a detail of Zachary Taylor's Army of Occupation and Mexican forces along the Rio Grande.

Even before there was a confrontation between U.S. and Mexican forces, his quartermaster Maj. General Ethan Allen Hitchcock detected that Taylor was itching for a fight. He was against the war against a weaker opponent and stated his feelings about a war with Mexico, which by now appeared unavoidable.

Hitchcock wrote in his diary on September 1845 while the army was in Jessup, Louisiana and before they were ordered to proceed to Corpus Christi. His entries were published later a a book titled Fifty Years of Camp and Field.

"General Taylor came into my tent this morning and again, as frequently of late, he introduced the subject of moving upon the Rio Grande. I discovered this time more clearly than ever that the General is instigated by ambition – or so it appears to me. He seems quite to have lost all respect for Mexican rights and willing to be an instrument of Mr. (James) Polk for pushing our boundary as far west as possible.

"When I told him that, if he suggested a movement (which he told me he intended), Mr. Polk would seize upon it and throw the responsibility on him, he at once said he would take it, and added that if the President instructed him to use his discretion, he would ask no orders, but would go upon the Rio Grande as soon as he could get transportation. I think the General wants an additional brevet, and would strain a point to get it."

From the beginning, moves by Polk when he ordered Taylor south from the Nueces River to the north bank of the Rio Grande to increase the pressure on the Mexican government to negotiate for the sale of California and the pushing of the Texas border to the Rio Grande, the strategy was one bent on creating a confrontation to justify the invasion into Mexican territory.

Taylor first met resistance from the Mexicans March 25 at the Arroyo Colorado when Mexican vaqueros said they would attack if his troops crossed the arroyo. Taylor pushed on and the vaqueros disappeared into the chaparral. One of these vaqueros might well have included Juan Nepomuceno Cortina, then only 23, a local rancher and heir to the Espiritu Santo Grant, whose northern fringes abutted the Arroyo Colorado. He was recruited as a scout for the Mexican forces and was in a group of vaqueros called Defensores de la Patria.

In other words, Cortina, if he was there, was standing on his own land. Thirteen years later, his rage at the invading settlers and dispossession of Mexican land owners in South Texas triggered his takeover of Brownsville and exploded into the Cortina wars.
On March 28, 1846, Taylor started constructing Ft. Texas directly across the river from Matamoros as Mexican officials and residents looked on from the opposite bank.
When Mexican officials protested, he answered by blockading the mouth of the Rio Grande and disrupting the flow of commerce and communications between Matamoros and New Orleans and Mexico City.

Later, Taylor sent raiding parties across the river to search for armed parties in Mexico and engage them. In one such engagement a Lt. Porter and one other man were killed.

It was on the 24th of April that Taylor finally got his wish. He sent Capt. Seth Thornton and 62 of his  dragoons ostensibly on a reconnaissance mission to ascertain the crossing above river of a sizeable Mexican force under the command of Gen. Anastacio Torrejon.

According to Capt. William Hardee, an officer in the detachment, he said Taylor's order to Thornton "as I understood them, were to ascertain if the enemy had crossed the river above our camp, and to reconnoiter his position and force."

According to Hardee, no mention was made of confronting the enemy or engaging them in battle.

However, Thorton seems to have been under other orders from Taylor.

Hardee notes in a letter he wrote to Taylor as a prisoner of the Mexican forces in Matamoros two days after Thornton was ambushed, that on the 25th "all his inquiries along the way tended to the conviction that the enemy had crossed in strength."

About 23 miles from our camp (Rancho Carrizitos) our guide became so satisfied of this fact that he refused to go further and no entreaties on the part of Capt. Thornton could shake his resolution."

That guide was a spy named Chepita, a servant of Col. Henry L. Kinney, a contraband runner and founder of Corpus Christi, who tagged along with his employer who had signed on with the army to procure supplies for Taylor and provide the general with intelligence from behind enemy lines.

The result of Thornton disregarding Chepita's information – and Hardee's reason to be perplexed with his commander's decision to confront the  1,600-strong enemy in apparent contradiction to his orders – was the capture of more than 40 U.S. soldiers, the death of seven dragoons and the wounding of the rest.

When Taylor got word of the encounter, he mailed Polk a dispatch stating that "hostilities may now be considered as commenced."

Polk then announced to Congress and the world, " Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon American soil."

On May 13, 1846, Congress declared war on Mexico, despite protests by the Mexican government . Mexico officially declared war on July 7.


Anonymous said...

Thieves and murderers the scum of cockroach europe

Anonymous said...

Holidays -

I've eaten.....and I still have two tacos left.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

All history is gossip.

Anonymous said...

Alaska's Don Young is the rare Republican congressman who’s not afraid of Trump — or of saying he needs to ‘shut up’😙


Anonymous said...

Chepita: always the Mexican vendido!


Anonymous said...

Your Border Patrol -

The chief of the U.S. Border Patrol during the Trump administration testified that he didn’t believe he was making a threat “in any way, shape, or form” when he told a well-known rape survivor that she should “lean back, close your eyes, and just enjoy the show.”

Rodney Scott was hauled into court in November after former Border Patrol agent Jenn Budd, an outspoken critic of sexual assault within the agency, sought a restraining order against him over his September Twitter post. In court, Scott declared that he was referring to Budd’s “active imagination” when he wrote those 10 words.

That assertion met with disbelief from San Diego Superior Court Judge Robert Longstreth, who described Scott’s comment as a “classic” rape threat.

“Maybe you were the one person in the world that’s never heard of ‘lie back and take it’ as referring to rape,” Longstreth said, according to the court transcript reviewed by VICE World News, adding that Scott’s remarks were particularly troubling given the Border Patrol’s reputation for sexism and misogyny.

Scott was head of the Border Patrol until August, when he was pushed out by the Biden administration. He joined a 'conservative' think tank in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez........chafa

El Jerry McHale.....pintando paredes

Y quien es el candidato mayate?

Anonymous said...

Capitol Riot Suspect In Tears At Sentencing.

Robert Palmer, 54, of Tampa admitted in U.S. District Court on Monday that he was the man wearing a red, white and blue “Trump” jacket while attacking police protecting the entrance to the Lower West Terrace of the US Capitol January 6.

Palmer told U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan he was the one identified in Department of Justice images who threw a wooden plank at police, sprayed a fire extinguisher at officers until it was empty and then threw the empty fire extinguisher canister at the line of police.

Before his court hearing, Palmer displayed a different bearing than the man captured in images from the riot – sobbing onto the shoulder of his defense attorney Bjorn Brunvand moments before the two men entered the court for Palmer to plead guilty to felony assault on law enforcement.

(They're all Republicans and they're all pussies)

Anonymous said...

This phrase would help Brownsville progress immensely - "Papers, please."

Anonymous said...

Love to read these kinds of stories.

Anonymous said...

Panzones don't leave any tacos

Anonymous said...

Oh well, if folks want to drink Mexican tap water, get paid starvation wages, live under cartel control and pay mordida to anybody with a placa, they can still walk South on the bridge for very little money.

If you won't want to do that, quite bitching about America picking a fight with Mexico and taking the Valley and other parts of Northern Mexico. Nobody with a brain gives a poop about your butt hurt.

Anonymous said...

Eating the last of the meat on a bone, that belong to his friend in the voyage to the new world, they came ashore directly from cockroach European prisons, settled here and continue their rampage of murder and thievery, cockroach europeans, the scum of all planets.

Anonymous said...

On Thursday, health officials in Colorado, Hawaii, Minnesota and New York all reported new cases of the highly mutated strain of the coronavirus, one day after the first domestic case of the variant was discovered in California.

Hawaii became the fifth state in the nation to report a case of the variant, shortly after officials in New York announced that they had identified five confirmed cases in the state.

Most victims are republicans keep listening to your pendejetes EX prsidente BABOSOS/AS the ovens are full and the cemtaries are running out of space.

Anonymous said...

December 3, 2021 at 9:32 AM

Bonafont bottle water in mexico out sells the salted desani gringos/cocos gulp on a daily basis and live under a bunch of lies by racist republicans they can always be voted out of office but if you like the conditions continue voteing for esos pendejetes, pinche coco wanna be gringo mamon.

Anonymous said...

You left out the part where the Spanish stole the land from the indians and other stupid assertions.

Anonymous said...

December 2, 2021 at 5:26 PM

jump in the atlantic ocean and swim back to cockroach europe but take a friend for lunch so you can eat him when you get hungry ratas...

Anonymous said...

Lee Roy is always on the bread and soup line pinche hillbilly huevon

Anonymous said...

The chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, the city and the county should raid that hillbilly haven in olmito full of families that live with their grandparents under title 8 and low income illegally, some are driving 90k brand new trucks
living with their grand parents...
Talk about MAMONES

Anonymous said...

Alarm over the new variant, which has already been found in the U.K., France, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, and in the U.S.
Get vaccinated pinches republicans and morons.

Anonymous said...

White Supremacists Stage Bizarro Rally in Downtown D.C., Find Themselves Stranded

Moronic racist republicans can't even re-claim a u-haul to take them home to georgia alabama mississippi JOTOS.

Anonymous said...

Trump Includes Himself Among The 'Very Stupid' In Mangled Vote Fraud Statement

Anonymous said...

PARA EL IDIOTA: December 4, 2021 at 5:47 AM

Killing of innocent people has always been part of the gringo's way of life, so now we know why, when the innocent protest they call it stupid assertions.
Today our worst enemy is not the gringos but the brain washed cocos
