Friday, December 31, 2021


(Ed.'s Note: Believe it or not, someone is thinking over at Traffic. Instead of simply closing off the entire street downtown, they finally figure out how to allow vehicular traffic and work on removing old lamp posts and replacing them with new photometric ones funded by Elon Musk. The new and improved lamp posts are supposed to direct light toward the ground and save energy. For now, however, the new method of blocking off the work space will allow traffic through downtown. Even though it took almost a week, it seems they almost have it right.)


Anonymous said...

Brownsville being dragged kicking and screaming into the 1990s.

ja ja ja

(No sean tan pendejos!)

Anonymous said...

Siempre me haces reír, amigo

saludos desde San Benito 🤟

Anonymous said...

Saca mas frijoles guey!

Anonymous said...

You're going down elizabeth (vote for me) and all of a sudden there's this sign indicating the street stops and leaves you stuck, and on the open side 20 cars so you have to wait... IDIOTA nunca se les quita.

Anonymous said...

The Flintstone brigade strikes again, only in Brownsville, Texas 78526.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. It all sucks. The city manager, mayor. Waste of time with the city leaders. And no one to blame. They do not think of work.

Anonymous said...

CITY OFFICIALS IN BROWNSVILLE TEXAS "PLEASE DON'T DO ANYTHING OR THINK TWICE OR MORE", and this doesn't mean to go out and hire a consultant at a million bucks of OUR taxes incompetent snubs!
