Monday, January 24, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: You see it all over town come Sunday morning: long lines of cars blocking a lane leading to the building on the corner.
What is it? Is it a line to get a COVID-19 test? To get a vaccine? To donate blood, or adopt a stray dog or kitty cat?

Not even. It's the time to get a pound or two of grease-laden barbacoa de cabeza. If you get it in a paper bag, by the time you get home it will be dark with fat that has leaked from the aluminum wrap and into the paper.

No, we're not adherents to Rose Timmer Wellness Bunch and want to outlaw the local delicacy. It doesn't look like she's missed a lot of meals herself. But we digress, even we didn't know that in an average five-ounce serving, 65 percent of it is fat [and saturated fat], bad cholesterol, and a hefty helping of sodium, that is, salt.

Over time, we're sure these aorta cloggers and purveyors of heart disease will do their job. No, Rose Gowen, spending millions of the the public's money on bike trials hasn't done the job. Gowen isn't exactly a lithe vixen either. It's time the parents and the local school district start educating our kids on developing better dietary habits. 

But if the school district keeps feeding the kiddos barbacoa tacos or equally grease-laden tamales to keep them happy, the next generations will continue to clog the street around the barbacoa tortillerias every Sunday to keep the deadly cycle going.)


Anonymous said...

Its the only enjoyment I have and I can't drive a bike, mucho gordiflon, there are better diets than driving a stupid bike. WHAT A WASTE saquela a esa vieja borracha!!!

Anonymous said...

Tortillerias... The Death Factories!

Anonymous said...

Faltaron las tripas Juan! We don't waste any part of the cow.

Anonymous said...

Montoya no des ideas! Al rato los Democrat Dinos y Republicans van a empezar a dar barbacoa en vez de platos de pollo. Platos de pollo son para los pobres! Yo quiero ver brisket y libras de barbacoa siendo regaladas por los candidatos. Ojalá y los políticos o “public servants” como se dicen algunos en realidad ayuden al pueblo y regalen comida buena! No más platos de pollo! Si a la barbacoa y al brisket! Saquen la lana!

Anonymous said...

Fuck off, numbnuts blogger!

Anonymous said...

Pentagon Puts 8,500 Troops on ‘High Alert’ Amid Ukraine Tensions

Anonymous said...

Eat tongue, it’s a lot leaner and tastier. Vera’s still number one but get there early.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mexicans...lay off the dope and beer and you’ll have money for HEALTHY food...any question?!

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 1:35 PM
post in "ingles" pinche mojado

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 6:38 PM
Hey pinche hillbillys work for once, than you can buy tacuache meat burger pendejetes

Anonymous said...

Its not the food that is killing us, its the lack of exercise. Eat all the barbacoa you want, but then burn it off by running, biking, walking, swimming, etc. Or perhaps even try Keto, I lost 30 lbs. just by Keto (I ate all the barbacoa I wanted).

Olirod said...

Rose Timmer has worked harder for Brownsville than you ever have or will! You are no prize! Yes, it is obvious you are NOT a part of healthy eating. Body shaming borders on sexual harassment. Watch yourself, your ignorance is showing….
