Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

So today is our second day back, and entire grade levels are out positive with COVID on other campuses. The district didn't plan on having higher counts of staff become infected. I'm sure more will come later these coming weeks. 

Tomorrow we teach like it's normal, with precautions but is it enough? The local doctors may know COVID Omnicron is here but as a district we chose to chug on rather than take precautions on staff/students.

They choose not to go virtual because they know there are few people at home to help the child if they have tech issues. Tech devices and bandwidth at home is another independent issue. Then the matter of what work teachers provide. 

We need to be reasonable, attentive, engaging but not overly demanding on these assignments. We know kiddos that are not motivated will choose not to do the work. If there is no parent present to tell them or guide them, then perhaps we could fail once more if and when we switch to virtual. 

We need the communities help if they want to proceed to virtual instruction. I had a friend tell me that she saw students with iPads roaming the Macy's store with mom "learning" when the kids were there at the zoom with camera off but were not there, instead playing in the store.

We cannot send teachers home, but I wish our district and our community would meet the educators half way. Our campus vision includes the words "productive" and we need our community to step up with that help. 

We ran into bumps having the kiddos come back with discipline issues like sexual harassment and bullying, and with social emotional learning we have done some what of a decent job but know we can do better. 

I just wanted to share that as educators we are scared heading back, in seeing not only our families get affected but the many in the communities we serve. It becomes imperative that the school district plays its cards right.

Honestly, I couldn't even voice this to my administrators so as a voiceless teacher who serves over 400 kiddos a week in the classroom, some of my colleagues are at two campuses, making these calls on a fast spreading variant is important!


Anonymous said...


lead, bola de miedosos!

Anonymous said...

We are witnessing all over this nation the slow death of brick and mortar public schools. This death spiral our schools are experiencing will continue as long as pestilence increases. Jesus said that right before His return that pestilence would increase. In layman’s terms that means things ARE NOT going to get better. Prepare to see more disease in this world because it is going to worsen.

Anonymous said...

The students whose parents are actually involved get penalized because BISD classrooms are all about "catching up" the lagging students.

My middle school grandson claims he's being assigned "fourth grade work" and is totally bored.

BISD education moves at the snail's pace set by the parents and students who don't care.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it, teachers are teaching at school, to who? Teachers are always getting late to work or calling in sick. Teachers are fucking with other teachers and calling in sick again. Teachers are drunk but wake up on the 25th of the month to collect their low paid to do nothing but to complain about their low pay? The BISD teachers do have a problem, they can't teach a shit to the students. The students do a better job teaching themselves.

Anonymous said...

BISD is too greedy and really doesn't care about its teachers they are more concerned about how many kids in the class room so the can collect that $ from the state

Anonymous said...

Common Core has been dumbing down your kid since before covid.

Anonymous said...

BISD staff development are so boring it's an embarrassment and this Administration thinks they are doing an awesome job they should let teachers and staff do something productive in the rooms instead of listing to the bulshit they percent

Anonymous said...

bisd = Brothers-Infants-sisters-daughters - that's who they hire only their family bola de mamones....

Anonymous said...

Board President Eddie Garcia and his sister know what's best for BISD and Cameron County.

Please vote for their candidates in the upcoming primaries :

Perla Diaz for County Clerk
Liz Garza for JP 2-2
Erika Perez-Murillo for JP 2-3

These ladies have been vetted and approved by the Garcia Family .
