Wednesday, January 26, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Recognize that gent at right with the not-yet-burgeoning longita pouring over homicide records with fellow Cameron County Sheriff Department deputy Eddie Gonzalez, another heavyweight of law enforcement? 

Why, believe it or not, it's George Gavito, the local lawman who was involved in most of the heinous crimes that gripped the nation's attention like the Dora Cisneros/curandera murder of Joey Fischer, the Mark Kilroy satanista murders, and countless others. The Cisneros case was 11 years down the road in 1989, while the Fischer murder was another 15 ahead in 1993. The years have taken a toll on George, but his swagger remains the same. 

Nowadays he is busy with the social action group OP 10.33 helping the needy, but in his heyday he was chasing crooks and solving homicides for the department. Gonzalez – bother of the late Cameron County District Clerk Aurora de la Garza and Constable Arturo Gonzalez – passed away in 2008, 30 years after this photo was taken. Gavito is still alive vivito y coleando, although a bit the worse for wear.

The 1978 photo accompanied a story in the Brownsville Herald about the difficulties of law enforcement to capture criminals who committed homicides in Brownsville and fled across the river to Matamoros and Matamoros criminals who killed on the American side and fled to Mexico.)


Anonymous said...

Gavito rose to "fame" because the sheriff at the time was an illiterate embarassment to the county and Mexican Americans. After the Amigo store collapse he was interviewed by CNN reporter Susan Lisovicz. When asked what happened, he told Lisovicz that the roof fell and that the people were "esquashed like a tortilla". Lisovicz could be seen trying to hold back her laughter. There used to be video on youtube. After that, Gavito was seen as the CC Sheriff's spokesperson.

A few years ago, Gavito was rumored to have hidden a laptop computer containing child pornography belonging to a subordinate from the FBI. He was head of security at the Port of Brownsville at the time. He's a creepy guy who once dated an out of town lawyer who looked like his sisters.

He wouldn't be "famous" if Alex Perez had spoken good English.

Anonymous said...

Local heroes. The little neighborhood must have its however-mediocre stars.


Anonymous said...

juan dont forget the bill / susie mowbray fiasco that gavito and saenz handles which was later reversed becasue of tainted evidence. I am sure of many other cases that ended like this one, Lets get it right juan.

Anonymous said...

Legends in there own minds!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Gavito's bar burn down....mysteriously?

(Pos si, Apa. Y ni lo investigaron.)

Anonymous said...

At least they didn't kill to steal lands, like lawmen of the pass.

Anonymous said...

Gavito's only claim to fame is hanging on as "executive director" of OP-1033.

OP-1033 doesn't exist anymore. But he claims it does.

You still buying Off Repellant for the people, Gavito?

Anonymous said...

The daughter is the one who suffered from this. Her noble profession must make her feel better. I am happy for her.

Anonymous said...

Este Gavito has the same IQ as Ruben Cortez. Puro pinche mugrero!

Anonymous said...

They could never solved how to open a shoe box. REALLY!!!

Anonymous said...

The guy was a bum!

Anonymous said...

Lots of talk...that's it..other people solved most of the crimes he was investigating he was quick to act like an expert and quick to take credit!

Anonymous said...

The guy was a loser...

Anonymous said...

Was a shity partner a huge kiss ass! Nothing else...
