Wednesday, January 26, 2022


By Gary Long
Brownsville Herald

A San Patricio County district court judge has ruled that 24 votes were illegally cast in last November’s Brownsville Independent School District Board of Trustees race between Minerva M. Pena and Marisa Leal and is expected to order a new election, attorneys on both sides of the disputed election said

State District Judge Joel Johnson informed Leal’s attorney Gilberto Hinojosa and Pena’s counsel Rick Zayas of his finding via email on Monday after Zayas and Hinojosa filed briefs in the case on Friday. 

The matter was argued at trial Jan. 6-7 before Johnson. Under state law a judge outside the county where an election is being challenged must hear the election challenge.

Leal initially won the seat in the Nov. 2 general election but Pena asked for a recount, prevailed by an eight-vote margin and was declared the winner. Leal contested the election and her challenge was heard at trial Jan. 6-7.

Johnson has yet to file a written order in the case but informed the parties of his intention to do so by email on Monday, saying that because the 24 votes illegally cast exceeds the margin of victory in the election, a new election must be held.

Hinojosa said the new election would likely be held as part of the May 7 general election in which members of the Port of Brownsville Navigation District Board of Trustees and the board for Texas Southmost College are up for election.

Zayas said he would appeal Johnson’s order once it is filed. He said he will argue that it is impossible to determine whether the 24 illegal votes even voted in the BISD election since there were 6,181 under votes in the election, meaning that number of voters did not cast a ballot in the BISD election even though they did vote in other races on the ballot.

Zayas said he made the same argument at trial.


Anonymous said...

The Crook representing The Cabbage Patch Bitch
What a combination.
Time for change!
Win! Marisa Win!

Anonymous said...

Both Pena and Leal are substandard candidates. Pena is too conniving, and Leal is another Jessica Gonzalez.

Either way, the students lose.

Anonymous said...

This confirms who runs the Judicial system, law-enforcement, and school districts in Cameron County no other than corrupt Gilberto Hinojosa. He tells the Cameron County so- called political leaders who and when to bend down, and no I didn't mean to say bow down. This asshole needs to go.

Anonymous said...

The asshole never needs to go. You need it to poop, pendejo!


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
This confirms who runs the Judicial system, law-enforcement, and school districts in Cameron County no other than corrupt Gilberto Hinojosa. He tells the Cameron County so- called political leaders who and when to bend down, and no I didn't mean to say bow down. This asshole needs to go.

January 26, 2022 at 10:03 AM"

LOL you're such a moron you don't even realize the case was heard in a totally different region of the state...go back to school and learn how to read before commenting.

Anonymous said...

The first time, I voted, I did not want to vote for Pena, but ....

I did.

I created this mess....this time, I am going to think harder to select the best candidate.
