Friday, January 21, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: We were unable to attend the funeral or burial for our friend Omar Lucio, but were disturbed when we heard that the family declined to allow Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza to personally give them the burial flag, he in turn refused them the folded flag during the burial ceremonies. Then the following comments confirmed the fact. What a pity and insult to the Lucio family. Our apologies on behalf of our county.)
(Deputies leave with burial flag supposed to be given to the widow and family at the ceremony but Garza refused because he wasn't allowed to give it to them himself.)

7 hours ago
Why didn't the family get the folded flag?

7 hours ago
Eric needs to be investigated for ordering deputies to keep the flag because the family denied him access to the funeral that shows the low class Garza is

7 hours ago
Garza you're a POS! Everyone should know that he kept the folded flag that belongs to the Lucio's family

As more details emerge from this callous behavior by Garza, other facts have come to light:
1. The family sent him word through intermediaries that he was welcome to attend the funeral at the church. 

2. Garza did not enter through the front door to greet the hundreds of other law enforcement personnel paying Lucio tribute for his law-enforcement career, but rather through a side door

3. The family had asked that the Sheriff that the representative on the color guard and pall bearer for the department (Sgt. Rodrigo Almanza) wear the traditional brown uniform, a request that Garza refused

4. Then, after the flag folding at the burial, which Garza did not attend because the family wanted Almanza – and not Garza – to present it to them, Garza ordered that the flag be taken to the department instead of giving it to the family at the ceremony
5. Garza told them that he wanted to place it in a glass frame and he would give it to them later


Anonymous said...

The voters are to blame and all of his compadres that voted for this idiota WHAT A DISGRACE FOR CAMERON COUNTY!

Anonymous said...

You do realize your opening statement is incoherent.

Anonymous said...

Why is this an issue??? Flags are for veterans of the military, not for former sheriffs!'

And even if Omar Lucio was A veteran, well, he should not be expecting it from the current sheriff.

But, from Montoya, every crumb of dirt belongs on Sheriff Eric Garza, so.....

(Ya, guey. Calmate y busca algo que si lo perjudique)

Anonymous said...

latest news on rep. Henry Cuellar being probed by FFBI

Anonymous said...

Montoya... is being paid to write trash about Eric. Juan would make a good puta

Anonymous said...

Don't apologize for me, dude!!!

I don't give a shit about either Lucio or Eric Garza. Go after them with your own bones, Montoya.

La cagas, Juan, la cagas.

Anonymous said...

10:16am. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

He’s a self-serving Moron...a typical Mexican...par for the course.

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2022 at 11:39 AM
He learned from the best los gringos y es un mamon one term if he makes it I doubt it machete a la carcel mamon

El WWalk WWalk said...

Erik Garza is acting like a “Trimp”; he wants complete loyalty from everybody & makes everything about him.
Get over it dude; you are and will always be “just a CLERK’.

Your ‘Lack of Respect’ is only exceeded by your ‘Lack of Credentials’..

RIP Sheriff Omar Lucio

Former RGV LEO said...

As a sign of respect for his position, the flag should have been presented to the family. Yes, it is customary for veterans and presented by an officer of the service that veteran served or by the local American Legion or VFW, etc...
I feel both sides were out of line on this honor. I understand the families feelings toward Garza but and unfortunately, he is the elected Sheriff. As for Garza, he should have either honored their unusual request or allow another representative of his department to present the flag. Either way, this fiasco shouldn't have taken place.

Anonymous said...

11:21am. DUMBASS.

Anonymous said...

Its a matter of respect. But we all know that Garza doesn't know what RESPECT means even if it slapped in the face.
Well I sure hope our County Judge and Commissioner's petition to name the Sheriff building after Sheriff Omar Lucio. I think it has a good ring to it. Cameron County Sheriff office- Omar Lucio Building.
Just like all the Other County buildings around town.

Anonymous said...

Flags at funerals are for military personnel who really deserve it for defending our country. Soon even the gangsters will want an American flag on their Casket also. Come on people.

Anonymous said...

Juan does not write trash about Eric. Eric is making history and changes to CC. If you do not like Eric work ethics and moral.

Anonymous said...

Tradition is NOT law. It seems to me that it is up to the discretion of the sitting sheriff.

Omar Lucio left behind a few enemies, the sheriff being at the top of the list.

No flag? It does not bother me.

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2022 at 11:03 AM
Get to work mamon go do your route idiota mamon maybe you can find criminals, but I doubt it, another keyboard sheriff deputy.

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2022 at 8:40 AM

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2022 at 11:39 AM
Otro coco at the keyboard at the CCSO

Anonymous said...

Almanza is a fucking clown. He had his wife have a photo shoot during Lucios funeral. Then all the pictures Almanza took were provided by him to these “Mexican unbiased” news outlets. Almanza knew if Eric Garza or any of his dumb minions interfered with his pathetic excuse for an honor guard (I’m talking about you Tobias and Cruz), he would benefit in his lawsuit. So instead of honoring his dearest friend Omar “sucio” Lucio, good guy Almanza made the funeral and all social media posts about himself. Remember guys “el que no tranza, no Almanza”!

Anonymous said...

Juan, don’t need you to apologize to them on behalf of the county (us). We apologize to the county for your pendejadas.

Mike said...

First flags are for any person who serves in public office and serves the people.

Second, Garza (I have no respect for him so I will not call him sheriff) is an ass to do this kind of stunt at a funeral. This shows who he really is!

Anonymous said...

Garza es una mierda!

Anonymous said...

This only shows how small Garza really is...I feel bad for this guy

Anonymous said...

Even in Lucio's death, Eric still feels jealousy towards his predecessor? R.I.P. Sheriff Lucio .

Anonymous said...

Every time Omar has been voted out he has been replaced by an inexperienced, inept, self serving idiot.

Remember Conrado....

I don't blame the family for not wanting anything to do with Eric.

Eric smeared and besmirched Sheriff Lucio everytime he had chance.

Eric will fuck up soon enough, he bought into his own hype a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

American Flags are for soldiers
He can get a department flag to maybe a state flag

Anonymous said...

This guy lost his mind already

Anonymous said...

Garza is his own worst enemy

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Gracia posted this on facebook:

"It was an honor witnessing a part of history today. Congratulations to the officers who were promoted within their ranks, and to the fourteen new Brownsville Police Officers for their achievements and hard-earned badges. I appreciate the service of all the frontline workers in our community"

I like the part where he writes "hard-earned badges", he made his dad and his bff Garza look like pendejos..holding a basic peace officer license

Anonymous said...

That was wrong of Eric Garza but what else do u expect from a paper pusher wanting to play cop…. He should be investigated for leaking information he is the reason that family lost love ones

Anonymous said...

A Texas northern newspaper chastises the RGV voter for electing a elementary county sheriff, "The RGV voters will benefit from the new Republican voter's right bill, and not be able to elect a misguided and incompetent county sheriff or other unqualified candidates.
"The refusal to honor centuries old tradition of not awarding the ceremonial (burial) to the widow is a disgrace and performed by a classless, completely incompetent, unqualified, without any humanity (remorse) and how can the local elected officials continue to allow this unhuman person to continue in office is beyond comprehension."

"Only in South Texas",

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2022 at 11:03 AM

todo se vale guey, now go back to work idiota, your hour of posting at work is over... PINCHE MAMON Y LAMBISCON

Anonymous said...

I don’t care about tradition... flags only go to veterans. When Montoya dies... guess what, He is getting a flag. The Lucio's started the fight they are getting what they deserve. The family is still upset they lost they election... sour grapes. Lucio was no angel... give the family a Boy Scout flag... that would be more appropriate. Thousands have gone to the grave in defense of old glory... they and those that served are the only ones that should get a flag

Anonymous said...

Nombre bro! Fuck this guy

Anonymous said...

Flags only go to veterans?? Those retard comments are coming from Silverio for sure, oh i'm sorry Captain Silverio

Anonymous said...

@9:20....that flag is for ANY person who can call themself an American dumbass.

Anonymous said...

the family seems to be blowing things out of proportion and being petty for no reason when they should be celebrating Omar's life. RIP Sheriff

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2022 at 8:09 AM

What you deserve is a used toilet paper, more appropriate, preferably one used by a veteran, no I take it back, preferably one used by a chango since you mimic them you seem to be more related to an animal than a human BABOSO.

Now go back to work kissing-ass PINCHE LAMBISCON

Anonymous said...

9 58 am. You seem to be very angry.. you need to attend anger management classes and take the Lucio family with you

Anonymous said...

Plenty of pettiness to go around.

Anonymous said...

First Democrats kneel for the flag and anthem. They call our country racist. Now all of he sudden they care about our flag. Hypocrites! If you don't like our country then leave. Get off of welfare and do something for the country instead of being leeches.

Anonymous said...

All the Mamones were there on the front row. Frank, Joe, Chris, Carlos. Puro Show, Then they go get Drunk. And talk Shit about people.

Karma Chameleon said...

Unimaginable pettiness to a new, all-time low…(if that’s possible here in the County of Cameroon). Disrespect of this magnitude would usually curse the perpetrators to all manner negative karma juju.


Anonymous said...

I remember the clan supporting, Chambers,the felon. Why? Because they were too sour over Lucio's loss and they wanted to continue the control. Let us not forget who was really controlling the Sheriff's Office.

Anonymous said...

You expect Garza to respect? Lmfao, he can't even respect his family or his wife what makes you all think this fb cop is gonna have any respect towards anyone! On another note someone tell this man to shave. His facial hair looks like panoch@ hair..

Anonymous said...

Should have had the Harlingen Cardinal flag. US flag is for veterans. State officials correct this now. I can make a tradition effective now with whatever I say is traditional when I want.

End the madness.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Lucio earned that flag his widow was to be handed it.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2022 at 9:34 AM

At 200k a year this petty (should be and act as a professional) elected official regardless is NOT. He'll never win twice!

Anonymous said...

Stupid idiots who voted for a Stupid Idiot. Any smart person would've voted for the more qualified candidate.

Anonymous said...

Is the flag property of the county? If so he stole it INVESTIGATE

Anonymous said...

Is the flag property of the county? If so he stole it INVESTIGATE

Anonymous said...

Lucio was so taken by his defeat ... that he abandoned his party in anger... a party that helped be what he was, A Nobody... both Eric and the Lucio family showed no class in dealing with the given argument

Anonymous said...

Why did the family choose to go this route for the funeral? They should of had their private viewing for the family and friends only. Knowing that they were on a bad note with the elected Sheriff. They made it into a political stunt instead of just laying Lucio to rest in peace. They used a dead person to smear some one who was elected by the people. They family was wrong for agreeing to do something like this.

Anonymous said...

Only en el valle y los gabachos riendose pinches cocos/gringos...

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Lucio looked like a REAL SHERIFF OF TEXAS not a pip·squeak

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 7:45 AM
Your hour of posting here is over GET BACK TO WORK PINCHE MAMON otro PIP-SQUEAK LAMBISCON

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2022 at 12:33 PM

MUST BE TALKING ABOUT hillbillys racist republicans

Anonymous said...

11 38 am ... remember... Lucio turned republican pendejo

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 7:45 AM

Elected by the people?
This guy was elected by his mob of compadres, friends, and family that all got together to make the majority of the vote. Now we're having to deal with their incompetence, but that's what we got for not voting.

Anonymous said...

El Sheriff Erik attended the funeral, if he used the side door to enter should not be a big deal. Have you been to these funerals recently? You follow so many posted signs since you park, due to the COVID Procedures.
The Lucio Family asking for someone to wear the old uniform is a way of challenging the new Sheriff. That Uniform is retired Lucio Family. The Military burns retired uniforms so wannabes don't end up wearing them disregarding STOLEN VALOR. Who is this guy to be given the right to wear the old uniform just because the family says. Who is this guy that they want him to be the ONLY one to deliver the FLAG to them. I would think it has to be a consensus. If the Family would had asked the FLAG to be given to them by the oldest custodian in the county, it would make sense. It would mean that Mr. Lucio considered everyone equal and important in his department. I would think Sheriff Erik would had agreed to pass on the honor to the custodian. But if the guy they wanted is a guy that did not deserve his previous position, and got it by kissing behind, or compadre de el tio de el abuelo, well in that case again its similar to STOLEN VALOR, stolen position, stolen rank, and I agree with the Sheriff to not allow him to get the HONOR of giving flag to family.
The family made their request political and showed how much they still hate the fact that they lost the election. Sorry but this is not the time nor the place to take your vengeance. You should had allowed the Sheriff to hand you the flag and then in a private ceremony you can dress your friend in any uniform, costume, outfit (De Payaso si quieres) and have him give you the FLAG.
It had to be said. El Sheriff is going to get the FLAG framed and he will send it or deliver it I'm sure.
Sorry for your loss. May El Senor Sheriff Lucio RIP (Buena persona el Senor)

Anonymous said...

Latest news... Montoya is running for sheriff and has chosen McHale as his right hand man. Bobby Cervantes will be in charge of running their campaign... What a team!!! Lucio who? Their headquarters will b at Jim Barton’s trailer house

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 4:14 PM

Convoluted - go back to work, your hour is up posting here. We all know you are a lambiache y mamon how simple can it get.
Go back to resaca elementary ooops its closed, ni modo chingate.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 12:37 PM

He knew what was coming, an incompetent fool and irresponsible pendejo. He was desperately trying to warn the citizens of this county. AND HE WAS RIGHT!
Now you lambiache get back to work besa nalgas.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 12:37 PM

He warned the voters NOT TO VOTE por este idiota inutil and he was right. Now we all know he was right. Being right is a good democrat or a good republican.
A lesson that all you mamones will NEVER get. The majority of all you mamones will never get because you are NOT qualified to be working at the CCSO. You got the jobs because you kissed ass, plain and simple - MAMONES...

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2022 at 7:35 AM

Juanito has my vote anytime IT WILL BE AN IMPROVEMENT. In Texas you can vote six months after you die. The new republican voting bill soon to pass...
Candidates will soon be hitting the hospitals and hospice centers....
Firma aqui, antes que te mueras, new phrase.

Anonymous said...

Vote Montoya: for Cameron County Sheriff,
view his platform and what he stands for:

1. Legalize la grifa
2. Legalize la coca
3. Legalize DWI
4. Legalize PI
5. Legalize wedding bells
6. Legalize barefoot in public
7. Legalize drinking while standing
8. Legalize no cheese on Sunday
9. Legalize 24-hour notice
10.Legalize Don't shoot buffalo
11 Legalize Flirting
12 Legalize No showing stockings
13.Legalize No sitting on the sidewalk

Its about time somebody hears what the majority of citizens here want.
Ready to spring into action!
and i approve this message.
Paid by "the coalition for freedom in southtx".

Anonymous said...

Jan 24 @1130 te lo sico bro. Siempre les cala la verdad.

@1:03 next time go vote and take your friends and family. You said it yourself he took his compadres, friends and family. Thats what elected by the people means.

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2022 at 8:06 PM

Incompetent fool that's why you work there, you voted for este pendejetes. Vote, not work for moron, a vote does not come with a job, fool. Get back to work, your hour of posting here is over - guey

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2022 at 8:06 PM

Te losico tu buey o bueya! A todos nos cala algo poreso estamos aqui opinando. Pero obviamente estas aqui porque tu lo mamas pinche corrupto!

Anonymous said...

flag draped caskets should be for veterans only. If he was a vet, i don't know. sorry i didn't do my research, but if he is a vet, then the VFW is the one that usually takes care of all veteran's affairs. not the dept or agency where the deceased worked. family wanting an old uniform to be worn? That doesn't make sense either. sounds like a case of riff raff. I'm an old Customs Inspector. Served my time protecting America's borders at the bridge, and when i die, i do not expect a flag being draped over my casket, because unfortunately, I didn't serve in the military. I don't regret giving birth to my four children. that is the reason why i didn't join the military. And i definitely wouldn't want my family making outrageous requests.
I'm thankful for Sheriff Lucio's commitment to Cameron County. Good man. But this is ridiculous.
sad to say, this fine man wasn't given his honors with a peaceful funeral like we all deserve. It was nothing but a political, who's who and who's there circus show.
And where the heck does it say that our current sheriff has to walk in through the front door of a funeral home? He can walk in from any door he pleases? C'mon people, is this all you can write about? I'm getting back to mowing my yard now. Laters!
