Monday, January 24, 2022



Anonymous said...

Take a plan B pill. B is for bitches.

Anonymous said...

Wrong...people who think babies are disposable because of their irresponsible sex antics are the IDIOTS... you ABORTION MORONS need to read this book called the BIBLE...there will be a serious payday for you someday when you meet your MAKER. Try explaining your murderous ways to Him; he has a special place for you called HELL.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much the male species likes to f**k them. Morons!🤣😂

Anonymous said...

MAGAtts don't wanna wear masks because they don't want the government to tell them what to do with their bodies and their personal freedoms...yet they want government to tell women what to do with their bodies and personal freedoms.

Anonymous said...

Good headline.

Anonymous said...

In your particular case, it's NOT murder if you yourself do not do it.

God is forgiving.

Anonymous said...

Our Republican governor is all for blocking abortion, but can he impregnate a woman?

They say he can't feel his legs and that he can't even buy his own pants!

I say he's got no say in this!!!

Anonymous said...

Please add Biden to that list as super stupid plus idiot for Texas

Anonymous said...

The valley will go Republican because of the governor. Do your homework Juan!
Talk to people and go alone the border and ask the ranchers and the people living along the Border, No more Biden and Kamala the invisible Vice President
Hopefully they will vote as well as talk.

Anonymous said...

Biden refers to Fox News correspondent as "stupid son of a bitC*"
Wonder what he calls trumputo's lapdog texas governor? PENDEJO MAMON? red-ass racist republican mamones

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 4:22 PM

Yea right, idiota and hell will freeze over. moron

Anonymous said...

@9:21 Is that all you got. Nothing but stupid insults. No explanation of why not? Troll.
