Monday, February 28, 2022


(Ed's Note: No, that's not billionaire Elon Musk visiting the freak show tent. It's a meme depicting Da Mayor Trey Mendez with Daddy Starbucks and Cameron County judge Eddie Treviño at SombreoFest at Washington Park. Musk never made it to any of the Charro Days events, but did manage to visit the park and spark the excitement of the crowd. The contradictions were everywhere this Charro Days weekend. Here's the world's richest man in the poorest city in the United States being chaperoned by Cameron County and City of Brownsville officials...Seriously, we couldn't make this stuff up if we tried...)


Anonymous said...

You got the wrong charro jacket on the wrong pendejo and forgot la tete en el enano's osico, and this really happened, I saw it.

Sony World Photography Awards,The National Geographic Photo Contest, Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize, ?, World Press Photo, The Digital Storytelling Contest, Hasselblad Award and of course the Prix Pictet award are just a few award this historical picture (photograph) got.

So the poorest city in the USA not only does it have the most famous World renowned bike trails, now the most famous photographer in the world
and some jerk called this town boring...

Let's have charro days once a month.

Anonymous said...

Los mamones y lambiscones, ass kissers y pinche cocos, gringo lovers...
in real time.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA pescados in la sopa, apasito, quiero un HOT DOG pleeeeeeseeeee.....


Anonymous said...

Taco Guapo hahahaha jajajajaja UNBELIEVABLE

Anonymous said...

Thank you Musk for being a gentleman and a millionaire.

He showed up to Charro Days after helping Ukraine. WHAT A MAN !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

El enano is hiding from a roof-top sniper, mamon.

Oooooh there are no high rise building near by, nor are there NO high rise building in downtown browntown... WHAT? really? does BPD know that?

Anonymous said...

Where are the cowboy boots?

Anonymous said...

Bunch of ass kissers

Anonymous said...

Russia's ruble worth less than 1 cent after West sanctions
El pendejete hillbilly wanna be white coco rata want to purchas rubles but can't find the trash dumpster. Baboso he's as blind as his new boy friend el otro idiota puddin. fack c/s hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Trump hace caja con la marca Trump
Una agenda atiborrada de eventos pagados, una tienda de recuerdos y la incursión en el negocio de las comunicaciones forman parte del exitoso plan del republicano para capitalizar su paso por la Casa Blanca

Anonymous said...

Where would you like us to send your FREE
TEXIT NOW sticker?

Anonymous said...

TNM Bringing TEXIT Message To Liberty Forum In March

The Texas Nationalist Movement will be bringing TEXIT to pro-liberty activists from around the world. It promises to be the start of a greater effort for independence across North America. The Texas Nationalist Movement will be represented by the organization’s President, Daniel Miller, who is currently a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. In his 25 years of working for the independence …
February 27, 2022
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No cocos will be admitted even if you look whit, have a white name, speak ingles and own property in Tex.

Anonymous said...

Texans-In-Name-Only (TINOs) he means cocos...

Anonymous said...

El enano #2 (Eddie Trevino) was stuck to Elon Musk's ass all Sombrerofest. Andaba como caca y calzon.

Anonymous said...

Guta Group Moscow Russia doing business here as ownership of several apt complexs in los fresnos and brownsville and other areas in the valley... check it out Juanito.

Anonymous said...

You can see all the protection he's got, he don't need no roof top snipers. Pinches donald ducks on roof tops...

Anonymous said...

Who needs protection? They use spit to protect our savior.

Anonymous said...

A Deadly Riot, and Then 3 Trials, 110 Convictions and 19 Executions In Houston Texas. Read and weep

Anonymous said...

Hee hee heee daddy daddy give me a million bucks and I promise to get you boca chica - MAMON
