Monday, February 28, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Can you believe that is Washington Park last Thursday when local band Secreto came to play at the big stage? A similar crowd braved the cold and drizzle Saturday to hear Los Humildes and La Mafia. Friday was a washout due to the miserable temperatures that kept parade goers to a minimum. These are the the things that just seem to happen on their own, but in reality there are scores of officers and volunteers with the SombreroFest organization that come together to pull a huge success like this off. We can't list them all, but you know who you are. City commissioner Roy De los Santos has been a permanent fixture on the board of officers listed below. Our sombreros are off to them! Good work guys and gals!)
Chair/CEO - Olga Gonzalez
Exec. Dir./COO - Roy De los Santos
CFO - Anika Aviles
Secretary - Tommy Bermudez
HQ Ops. - Margarito Maldonado
GM - JJ Gonzalez


Anonymous said...

The town is fucking bored, dude!

Que esperas, guey?

Anonymous said...

So Mexican Town has a beer party and the world is supposed to be town with small minds.

Anonymous said...

Cosecha de panocha.

Anonymous said...

February 28, 2022 at 6:20 AM


People who feel bored may be frustrated or stressed for other reasons leading them to feel more bored. This can occur when you feel like you have no control if you're waiting for something or have to rely on someone else to get your task done. Boredom happens when you do not have control of your situation.

Boredom is based on attention. Someone who feels bored may feel stupid. You may feel like an idiota and not able to feel a connection to your surroundings. Boredom can appear in two ways: beening moronic, feeling apendejado or just simple baboso (feeling apendejado). Sometimes its inherit. Specially coming from a family of idiotas y pendejos most probabley this is your case and it will be permanent. So this town has a family of pendejetes, GOOD LUCK, IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Alex Vindman: How Donald Trump's coup attempt encouraged Putin's Ukraine invasion

Army officer who stood up to Trump: Disinformation from Fox News, GOP is "the reason Russia launched" invasion.


Anonymous said...

Consider this a relief, these people, who are tired of facing floodings, traffic jams, useless bike trails, ratas every where and now inflation just because los pinches cockroach gringos from cockroach europe decided to start a war and conquer a very small country to built WHAT ELSE: BIKE TRAILS.

Hungry for good entertainment just to be happy!!!

Anonymous said...

February 28, 2022 at 7:37 AM

COCO/GRINGO lambiscon.

Anonymous said...

HILLBILLY JAMBURROS IS NEXT. Las sugundas are selling hillbilly garra and no shoes are required.

Anonymous said...

Utah Republican Senator Mitt Romney is right: MAGA Republicans are ‘almost treasonous’

Lock'em up!!!

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment for the City of Brownsville!
SNIPER teams during parade route!
What an idiot of a Chief!

Anonymous said...

Has The Brownsville Police Chief lost his fuck*** mind!
Sniper teams during parade!

Anonymous said...

Has The Brownsville Police Chief lost his fuck*** mind!
Sniper teams during parade!

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Police Chief is clearly a Rookie!! Snipers on roof tops!
Get rid of that fool..

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville please have your Police Chief train with real Police Chief's (McAllen,Harlingen, Los Fresnos, San Benito,La Feria or The Sheriff!
This guy is total embarrassment for the City Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

Has the Brownsville Police Chief lost control of the City????
Snipers on the roof tops really!

Anonymous said...

Violence, Crime, gangs are out of control in Brownsville, Texas...Sniper on Roof tops during Charro Days Parade!

Anonymous said...

BROWNSVILLE Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal pays sniper teams from other agencies to get on roof tops during Charro Days parade!

Anonymous said...

Yup Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda- Bernal placed Snipers on roof tops but yet wouldn't hire Officers on overtime to work during Sombrero Fest!
Horrible leade who is totally incompetent!

Anonymous said...

The Imbecile Of Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal wouldn't hire overtime for patrol only have 9 officers on the streets during Charro Days but hired Snipers to stand on roof tops...

Anonymous said...

YUP..Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal is the same Chief who gave awards to Officers that used force on a mentally disturbed person.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda orders The Snipers to shoot first ask questions later..

Anonymous said...

To the unhappy cop who has to post 10 comments to feel good: just know that some of us citizens think the chief was smart to think ahead. Haven't you heard of all the stupid stuff happening around the country at parades and festivals? Only a fool thinks that what the chief did is foolish. Had something gone wrong you would be trashing him for not thinking ahead. You are the fool that is ready to criticise everything he does.

Anonymous said...

In headline, no comma needed after "drizzle"

Anonymous said...

LMAO " El Culero Sauceda-Bernal"!

Anonymous said...

Jajajajajajsjajaja. Look at the definition of sniper “a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range”. Despistenle “Barney’s” del sniper team. The word HIDING is what is missing in this situation. If the local yokl politicians can hide their shenanigans why can’t you? Maybe should take some lessons from them. Everyone could see them 🤣🤣🤣.

Anonymous said...

BPD are now allowed to wear earrings and goatee/beards and long hair while in uniform. The department lost any standards of what is a true and professional law enforcement agency. Just take a look on how professional DPS troopers look.

Anonymous said...

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 50 Issue: 3 Dated: March 2002 Pages: 72-74
Derrick D. Bartlett
Date Published

First, a sniper attack is rarely a spontaneous event. There are usually no hostages involved. There are no demands from the shooter and negotiations are pointless. The shooter does not usually know his targets. Criminal snipers attack with a plan. The sniper will choose a kill zone, use some method to draw targets into his kill zone, and make a determination to stay or continue to kill. In the beginning the sniper has the upper hand. However, there is a tendency to underestimate the sniper. Law enforcement should begin with a proactive approach to the potential problem. Agencies must establish policies dictating responses of all involved resources. Plan for the worst-case scenarios, and train for them on a departmental level. Take special care to properly prepare all patrol personnel. Develop a structured operational sequence for locating, isolating, and neutralizing the sniper as quickly as possible.

There is no mention of placing police snipers on roof tops.

If the decision to place snipers on roof tops was done solely by the police chief, a serious look into taking this drastic measure is a must, an inquiry should be undertaken IMMEDIATELY!

a concern citizen.

Anonymous said...

Law enforcement applications
YAMAM (Israel's counter-terrorism unit) sniper shooting with suppressed Barrett MRAD sniper rifles

Law enforcement snipers, commonly called police snipers, and military snipers differ in many ways, including their areas of operation and tactics. A police sharpshooter is part of a police operation and usually takes part in relatively short missions. Police forces typically deploy such sharpshooters in hostage scenarios. This differs from a military sniper, who operates as part of a larger army, engaged in warfare. Sometimes as part of a SWAT team, police snipers are deployed alongside negotiators and an assault team trained for close quarters combat. As policemen, they are trained to shoot only as a last resort, when there is a direct threat to life; the police sharpshooter has a well-known rule: "Be prepared to take a life to save a life."Police snipers typically operate at much shorter ranges than military snipers, generally under 100 meters (109 yd) and sometimes even less than 50 meters (55 yd). Both types of snipers do make difficult shots under pressure, and often perform one-shot kills.

Were these BPD snipers trained? Or are they just regular policemen? Need to know. Was it approved by the city commissioners? When? Why? If there was a threat why was the public not informed? Police snipers are not for stopping a threat ahead of an unknown incident. Never has never will.

Anonymous said...

If there was a legitimate threat would exposing the treat be more dificult to continue? publicly exposing it is a deterrent, a way to discourage or prevent from happening or is BPD gunho and encouraged a shoot-out? Indangering hundreds of citizens. The city commissioners need to answere to the public, if they went along with the BPD.

Anonymous said...

Man someone is infatuated with the Chief of Police. Get a life Pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Instead of banda bands whose songs all sound the same can the city not get other genres?


Anonymous said...

And how many DUI and DWI or public intoxication charges
Yup it's a money maker

Anonymous said...

The kid that Musk was carrying is taller than Eddie Trevino and Trey Mendez.

Anonymous said...

"Show this to Putin" - 6-year-old girl killed

Anonymous said...

El Culero Sauceda-Bernal really did embarrasse the police department and the City of Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

Snipers have been part of charro days for years

Anonymous said...

Pos con El stimulus y El Lincoln I paid 6 dollars a beer en charro fest

Anonymous said...

Yup Brownsville Police Chief Really screwed the pooch on this one!

Anonymous said...

Well I have been coming to Brownsville for years just to attend the Charro days events and seeing Officers on the roof tops with long rifles was not reassuring but a sign that the something is terribly wrong. We will not be back to Brownsville.. I do think it was a horrible decision.

Anonymous said...

Well I have been coming to Brownsville for years just to attend the Charro days events and seeing Officers on the roof tops with long rifles was not reassuring but a sign that the something is terribly wrong. We will not be back to Brownsville.. I do think it was a horrible decision.

Anonymous said...

I guess the lady who came out talking on the news is a cop?

Anonymous said...

Well apparently the Brownsville Police Chief hasn't heard of the long rifle that killed an innocent child after Officers shot and killed a suspect! OFFICERS on roof tops with Long rifles was a terrible decision...

Anonymous said...

Were these BPD snipers trained? Or are they just regular policemen? Need to know. Was it approved by the city commissioners? When? Why? If there was a threat why was the public not informed? Police snipers are not for stopping a threat ahead of an unknown incident. Never has never will.

Anonymous said...

February 28, 2022 at 1:00 PM

You must have loved being on the roof maybe you were hiding and not sniping as you were ordered to do or you just have the hots for your boss MARICON COP!

Anonymous said...

Lt. Dale, please tell your wife to go wash dishes and get off this site where she promotes el joto Orly's and your thoughts. Unless you got Miriam to do do these comments like when you authorized her to be signing OT cards. What a baboso!

Anonymous said...

If there was a legitimate threat would exposing the treat be more dificult to continue? publicly exposing it is a deterrent, a way to discourage or prevent from happening or is BPD gunho and encouraged a shoot-out? Indangering hundreds of citizens. The city commissioners need to answere to the public, if they went along with the BPD.

Anonymous said...

For your info, BPD has, for many years now,stationed sniper teams during Charro days. They have been placed inside on city hall offices but now someone decided to posted them on rooftops. There's nothing wrong to having these sniper teams as a preventative measure. Quit complaining.

Anonymous said...

Were all these police sniper protecting that spaceX owner? No se hagan pendejos he's got the best protection the world has to offer, not a bunch of bernie fifers, this is no mayberry. IDIOTAS.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for a rocket launch that's the viewing palace la bruja appoved. Fine place to see rockets explote

Anonymous said...

I believe our leaders are suffering from “Napoleónico Complex”. Bola de ineptos. And if critics are going after the Police Chief, think, he is the one in charge. Bottom line here in Brownsville no one wants to take responsibility when mistakes are made. But when something good happens, even when our leaders have nothing to do with it, they jump on the wagon right away and want to take credit for it.

Anonymous said...

Clowns make better snipers and attract no attention, just don't bring any children.

Anonymous said...

Correct! Snipers won’t prevent tragedies from happening. However; from what I witnessed, this was a “let’s look good, out of the a__ plan”. I bet you there is no hard copy of the strategic plan that was developed, if it was developed. From where the snipers were placed, if there had been an incident, a lot of innocent victims would have been struck by “friendly fire”. Finally, more officers should have been hired and strategically place throughout the parade route. Think, wouldn’t the Charro Day office probably be one of the first to be targeted?? If the finger is being pointed at the Police chief, it is because he is the one in charge. Just wearing a badge does not make you a police chief. You need to have intelligence, foresight and skills to lead a police department.

Anonymous said...

February 28, 2022 at 9:11 PM

mentiroso nunca a visto payasos en ningun techo guey.

Anonymous said...

Yup Officers have been placed above the crowds with raidos and binoculars but never long rifles...They should get their facts straight..

Anonymous said...

February 28, 2022 at 7:20 PM and 7:46 PM

Adios Mo-fo, we don't need your stinking ass in Bro(wnsville)! If the po-po on roof tops scares you it's time to reevaluate today's reality. Take your darn twenty dollars back to where you came from!

Anonymous said...

Half of those idiota on the picture were at the hospital the following day, the other half with doctors and a few in coffins - IDIOTAS.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people talking shit on this piece of news. Its over already. Get a life and let people live theirs.

Anonymous said...

Snipers have been part of Charro days for years! 🤣

Anonymous said...

Hiring sniper teams from DPS, Cameron County SO...has been going on for are an idiot..just like your boss ..
