Tuesday, March 1, 2022



Anonymous said...

Nah, staying home.

Voting for losers with no vision gets me and the city nowhere new.

Sad, I know.

Anonymous said...

Do NOT for Joey Lopez!

He favored Anglos over Mexicans in Covid vouchers. Gave the first one to El Paya Jerry McHale.


Anonymous said...

secretaria con beneficios.

Anonymous said...

Omicron variant may have evolved in rats, one theory says
There are two theories here, either it came from the group of elected officials here and/or that estupido hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA.

Anonymous said...

What is the angle of the pussy in relation to the shower floor when a woman bends over to pick up the bar of soap?

Anonymous said...

Trumpers fold like cards — you just have to stand up to them

Justin Trudeau and Tish James proved that Republican authoritarians are weenies who cave the second they face consequences.

How many Capitol rioters cried in court? Yeah.

Anonymous said...

Cyndi Hinojosa will get blown out again.

You read it here first.

Anonymous said...

agree on joey lopez, el oldest Yuppie in Brownsville.

Y, ademas, que chingaos a hecho para el pueblo ese lavaplatos?

nada, apa. nada.

Anonymous said...

Vote Victor Ricardo Ramirez!!! Go, Victor.
I am thankful for all the voters that will give Cameron county a fresh new start within 357 District Court. You can't promise anything as a judge, you are not running for example as county commissioner where promises are valid. As a judge, you need to be unbias and apply the law as is, not as you wish to interpret it. We need a judge that respects all. We don't need promises. We don't need yelling, we don't need power-driven people running our courts. Choose wisely. Vote.
What was once a privilege is now a right! And most importantly a duty as a citizen.

Anonymous said...

Trump still praising the murdering Vladimir Putin.

Jail that fucker already!

Republican Trump is anti-America.

Anonymous said...

ja ja ja ja

eh, Juan, how many Mexicans in town have recliners?

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

In the recent aftermath of the violent assault of January 6th on American democracy and the constitutional order by pro-Trump idiots, the traditional wing of the Republican Party must now engage and join the fight. Or, as tweeted by Wyoming Republican Liz Cheney who urged all Americans to reject the “Putin wing of the GOP now.”

Putin’s American propagandists and apologists like Tucker Carlson and Ted Cruz must also be rejected. After all, it was the Soviets who coined the term “useful idiot” to refer to Americans who, in an attempt to advance their own interests, advanced Soviet ones. Tucker Carlson should take note.

Stated more bluntly by Senator Mitt Romney on CNN’s “State of the Union” in an interview with Dana Bash over Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking at a white nationalist forum, he said, paraphrasing Butch Cassidy, “there are morons on my team.”

Both Mitt and Butch are right. Time to bench the morons.

Anonymous said...

His last name is Slopez joto jose jose not joey hahahaha pinche mojado ygualado

Anonymous said...

It’s basically the same recycled people running. That is why a lot of people don’t vote. People ask me why I vote and I answer cause I still have hope one day things will change.

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2022 at 1:08 PM

Its a race, hope against death. Hope should win.

Anonymous said...

March 1, 2022 at 11:36 AM

Nomas tu camote mamon
