Friday, March 4, 2022


Marvel at the heroism and resilience of Ukraine. In the first days of war, the armored might of Vladimir Putin shrivelled before the courage of the nation he had attacked. In the face of Mr Putin’s invasion, the Ukrainian people have discovered they are ready to die for the idea that they should choose their own destiny. To a cynical dictator that must be incomprehensible. To the rest of humanity it is an inspiration.

If only this week’s bravery were enough to bring the fighting to an end. Alas, Russia’s president will not withdraw so easily. From the start, Mr Putin has made clear that this is a war of escalation—a hygienic word for a dirty and potentially catastrophic reality. At its most brutal, escalation means that, whatever the world does, Mr Putin threatens to be more violent and more destructive even, he growls, if that means resorting to a nuclear weapon. And so he insists that the world back off while he sharpens his knife and sets about his slaughter.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the NO SHIT post of the day, Montoya.

Hail, Ukraine!

(Donald Trump would have sold them out for his bedpal Putin!!!)

Anonymous said...

Putin is controlling the press. Now they can not print the Ukraine situation as a " invasion, attack, war"...reporters will be put in prison if they say the Ukraine invasion is an act of war, an invasion or an attack.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Biden, keep up the good work with your bull shit. Blame Trump for this too. Where's Vela, hiding in Matamoros..

Anonymous said...

White on white war, european cockroaches, Ellis Island opened the walls and all the white cockroahes came in, bola de mugrosos apestosos hediondos todos.

Anonymous said...

Obama gave Russia Crimea and Biden gave Russia the Ukraine. Only a worthless mexican imbecile would make such a stupid statement about Trump. You're the person Trump was talking about on that escalator. Probably a pedophile teacher or a crooked cop.

Anonymous said...

A surge of American veterans, emboldened by what they see as a righteous fight, are joining the effort to defend Ukraine.
Y aqui? Everybody running to Canada y Mexico bola de miedosos, yellow bellies.

Anonymous said...

Boom booom boooom, where did earth go?

Anonymous said...

Remember when Trump met with Putin in private at Helsinki, and no one was allowed in the room except a translator?

How much you wanna bet Putin made Trump go down and suck his D***??

It was always Putin's goal to humiliate the US and have the US in total servitude to him. Trump was his dream come true. Making bankrupt, money desperate Trump give a BJ to prove the point would be expected. Pictures are the best blackmail. Sanctions on RU mean these pictures will come out eventually, don't be too surprised when you see them.

Anonymous said...

To March 6, 2022 at 1:26 PM

Tanto pinche peliar y al ultimo nadie se va quedar con nada.

Anonymous said...

Remember Helsinki,as they were walking to their podiums, Putin had a swagger and a smirk as if he had just butt fuck 45, Trump had a look like he had just blown Putin after getting butt fucked. Look at the video and their facial expressions.

Ay estos gringos y quiere ser presidente otra vez. Cmom la ven mi RAZITA?
