Thursday, March 3, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: In what has become a common sight at City Plaza, residents who are in total alignment waiting to do business with the city during their lunch hour are locked out at City Plaza and find the doors closed and the workers off to lunch. With access to the building denied them, they often stand outside waiting for the staff to return while standing in the hot sun, without access to bathrooms or water or air conditioning. Many have babies in carriers and carriages. Some are elderly.

Why? Isn't this their house?

Security? Well, the plaza has a security detail there. Do they go to lunch and leave the building unsecured?

Just a block away on Levee Street, residents who want to do business with Cameron County are served by county staff who rotate lunch hours to keep the building open and services available to the people at lunch, which is the only time some residents have available to do their business. We reached out to city commissioner Roy De los Santos who immediately contacted City Manager Noel Bernal who assured him that it would not happen again. Is it true? We'll know soon enough.)


Anonymous said...

Que gachos!

No hay buena razon, claro que no. Ni en Matamoros, guey!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is dysfunctional. From head to toe. From El Barrio to Calle Jacaranda.

Que esperas, puto?

Anonymous said...

monja con beneficios.

Anonymous said...

The Mexican can be heartless.

(and they complain about the time when the Anglo ruled City Hall)

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Well, I was born in a small town
And I live in a small town
Probably die in a small town
Oh, those small communities

All my friends are so small town
My parents live in the same small town
My job is so small town
Provides little opportunity, hey

Educated in a small town
Taught to fear of Jesus in a small town
Used to daydream in that small town
Another boring romantic, that's me

Anonymous said...

Saw a dog fucking in the missionary position in the alley behind city hall.

que pasa con nuestro mundo?!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha.

Big crisis in Brownsville!

Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Now, that's totally wrong. The City manager and his entourage of deputies should be held accountable for failing to provide our community ADEQUATE PUBLIC services thru NORMAL working hours. Normal business hours for NON EMERGENCY SERVICES are for the most part 8:00 am thru 5:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. This is traditionally followed by all Local, State, and Government agencies with the exception of a National and/or local holidays. Everyone is entitled a lunch break, that's not the point, the point is, it's BAD MANAGEMENT to DELIBERATELY DENY and/or to FAIL to provide an ADEQUATE and ACCESSIBLE governmental service.

Anonymous said...

Nobody treats a Mexican worse than another Mexican.

true here.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's been happening for some time. Bernal merely reacting to Roy's concern.

air-conditioned bureaucrat!


Anonymous said...

“Remember, Donald Trump was impeached for threatening to withhold military aid for Ukraine,” a new Ad by a Veterans Group continues. “Aid Ukraine needed to hold off Russian aggression. He tried to extort Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, the hero now leading the resistance on the streets.”

Trump would have sold out Ukraine!

Bet on it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, De los Santos had no idea this was happening. He is keeping his promise when elected: not going to do thing unless it's for himself. There are two at large commissions who never care to help taxpayers that feed their pet projects, bicycle roads, too. Brownsville, stupid leaders , stupid voters, stupid town.

Anonymous said...

Way to go "Total Alignment" total bullshit that is. Pathetic leadership in the city Brownsville where the city manager and his entire staff park their personal cars every day on metered parking spots taking much needed revenue away from city coffers. What is wrong with these so called leaders that supposed to set the standard for all city employees. To make matters worse, no one in the city Commission is willing to do anything to stop this blunt abuse. All you have to see is look on the dashboard of these cars and check the "Special permit" issued by the Police department that exempts them from paying the meter. What a disgrace of "Leaders".

Anonymous said...

we all pay taxes except elected officials and city employees and all their relatives.

Anonymous said...

It’s Official: Donald Trump’s ‘Impenetrable’ Border Wall Is An Expensive Failure

A new report says Trump's wall was breached thousands of times with "inexpensive power tools."

ja ja ja.


Anonymous said...

This is why kindness in this world doesn't pay. Be a jerk to everyone. It will work out better for you. Look out for yourself and no one else.

Anonymous said...

COB do not know what hours are business hours.

Small Town Brownsville, will never be as good as McAllen. And nowhere close to a big city, Austin, Houston, San Antonio. So, how they operate the city is just plain stupid. No other words to describe their work hours. Again, in any other govt county, state, feds always has a skeleton crew working during lunch. The COB has always had problems trying to do more than 2 projects at the same time.
This calls for a consultant to figure out how to operate business on a skeleton crew.
Brownsville city leaders would never know how to run a business.

Anonymous said...

I think they need to hire more people…I’m sure the Comish and his cronies have a short list of unqualified candidates.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Third World Capital! Pónganse las pilas! Inferior government! Ya ven cuánto se tardaron con los bus shelters!

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE HELL?? closed for lunch closed for nap time .. YOU NEED BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE!!

Anonymous said...

City manager and his employees are a bunch of lazy asshole. City commissioner do not care. This is why COB does not advance.

Anonymous said...

Just saying:

It might be a good idea to seek NEWS media coverage on this particular issue. The news media should seek how this lack of concern for safety and public service is impacting our community. It would expose how people of all ages, young and the elderly are being forced to wait in the HEAT and/or COLD for PUBLIC SERVICES. Then request a news conference or an open platform with all responsible parties such as the City Manager, his entourage of deputies and managers. This would then allow them to explain the reasoning of their choice of hours of GOVERNMENTAL operation and services!!!

KBRO said...

That's some bullsh*t right there - closing for lunch so all the ladies in City Secretary's office can all go to lunch at the same time instead of shifting lunch breaks to cover the counter and keep people flowing through. They have a sign-up sheet they remove at 10 am so they can use the remaining two hours to finish up applications before lunch and when they return there are people waiting outside (E Levee St or St Charles) to start the 1-5pm crowd. A Philippine lady sitting next to me who resides in Corpus Christi told me that Corpus has a row of employees processing applications from opening to closing - none of Brownsville's customary inadequateness and inefficiency.

Anonymous said...

Bike trails are for cities that are models for the country, NOT A CITY IN POVERTY, RANK FIRST IN EVERY BAD CATAGORY. Makes the rest of the country think of this town as a JOKE, FULL OF CLOWNS AND THE VOTERS, A BUNCH OF IDIOTAS.
Think about this, next time you go vote, IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

😂🤣 and how do they pay consultants? Yet, this had not been figured out. This is the Slow Poke Rodriguez way of thinking. Now go take a "siesta." We either have to laugh or cry.

Anonymous said...

This is normal...before they will keep the building open and notices were placed to return after lunch.

Most people left. I always stayed behind....and most of the time, the people that I needed to see were not there. Calling by phone....the same thing.

The best thing: arrive at 7:30 am and see the people in the morning......after lunch....all are busy.

Anonymous said...

And the parking lot? Full of employees you can't even park your car. Do something pinches gueyes, mamones!

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2022 at 8:28 PM
WHAT? The bus shelters are still in transit, taking a lunch break...

Anonymous said...

They don't give a shit estan comadriando

Anonymous said...

March 4, 2022 at 8:14 AM
SHIT no even the banks do this, who the shit do they think they are? GOD?

pinches RATAS.

Anonymous said...

They're running it like it's a mom and pops business. Abren y cierran cuando les da la gana.

Anonymous said...

Las viejas themselves complained, because they were open during lunch hour. Their reason was they don't want to be at home "COOKING" and/or cleaning da house.
So everybody stop whinnnnnnning.
