Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

(At the invitation of some of our friends – elected officials and average citizens – we took the opportunity to sit down with Morgan LaMantia, candidate for Texas Senate District 27, to discuss the issues facing residents in the district and found she has a fairly good understanding of their problems and the concerns of the residents in the district.)

Below are highlights of LaMantia’s stance on:


For much too long, South Texas has been treated as a stepchild of Texas in economic development, but we now stand on the threshold to launch a new beginning for our working families and our communities.

LaMantia says she has first-hand experience of the pride in workmanship and work-ethic of South Texans through her family' business. She explained that they are not looking for a handout, but only the opportunity that will give them a hand up. All they want is an honest wage for an honest day's work.

Maybe she will put words into action when she says: “It’s time to roll up our sleeves and work together towards attracting new industry which will bring more and better paying jobs to our District and achieve a sustainable and robust economy nurturing cutting-edge technological skills which will bring good-paying jobs.”

We’ll see.

To see LaMantia's website, click on link:


Anonymous said...

Why say at the behest of friends and politicos Juan? Just say the truth and tell us she paid you to run her evil propaganda.

Anonymous said...

What sleeves, she ain't got no sleeves, only whips. Pay your workers a good salary

Anonymous said...

A wolf in sheep's clothing
Voting her in is like having Sucio Eddie Lucio in office
Go Sara Stapleton Barrera!

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya: The rich will always get elected to help themselves and their kind.
