Saturday, April 23, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Has there finally been a split between Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza and Chief Deputy Robert Gracia that might result in the latter given the ultimatum to resign or face termination?

And is Garza's penchant to use social media to make himself look good overshadowing his deficiencies in providing protective equipment for deputies in the line of fire?

These are the two main questions that have been roiling through the controversy-plagued department lately as it implodes from internal dissent.

The Garza-Gracia blowout – according to department sources – revolves around the sheriff's edict that removed all supervisory duties of  Capt. Abraham (Abe) Rodriguez, a 37-year veteran there and a member of the Special investigation unit and High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas HIDTA task force with ICE of Brownsville.

Rodriguez just happens to be a close Gracia confederate and this teed off the the chief deputy, who threatened to send deputy Silverio "Silver" Cisneros – one of the sheriff's favorites and a former Cameron Parks ranger who he brought to the department – to patrol duties away from the main office.

Cisneros, who campaigned for Garza, was hired as regular deputy, but was given a marked supervisor unit (a 2020 Tahoe) and a supervisor call sign (118). His duties, according to various reports, is to be basically at the office at Garza's beck and call. As far as anyone can see, he has no other duties.

In the resulting imbroglio and blowout that followed, sources say that Garza gave Gracia the ultimatum to resign or be fired. Previously, Gracia had been rumored to have fixed June as his check out date from the department.

"They got into it and that's when Garza gave Gracia the ultimatum," said one. 

As if the internal strife at the head office wasn't enough, a group of deputies submitted a letter to the sheriff stating that the date of their bullet-proof vests was expired and that they needed to be replaced.

What did Garza do?

He went into his Facebook account and announced to the world that he got a grant from the Bureau of Justice to buy bullet-proof vests.

"With these funds, the CCSD will be purchasing and replacing our current vests..for the Safety and Security of our Deputies," Garza posted.

What he didn't say is that the grant was only for $8,000 spread out over three years and that there are more than 100 deputies who use them.

Yet, he has no qualms about plunking down $800 per unit for new decals. Talk about priorities.

But it looks good on his Facebook page and fools readers who don't know that the devil is in the details. 


Anonymous said...

As with family brawls, no one cares one way or the other about Garza & Gracia.

Only you, Montoya.

cause you have no life.

Anonymous said...

Bulletproot vests have been expired since the department was under lucio and the reynas, good try montoya

Anonymous said...

April 23, 2022 at 9:12 AM

Don't believe these pendejos, puros pinches celosos y mamones. We need to know its our taxes. Get to work idiotas your hour at the computer is over now go out and do your job. ESTUPIOS.

Anonymous said...

Thought I saw County Commissioner Joey "Lazy" Lopez at the HEB on Paredes Line Road by Ruben Torres. Him and an old fucker, skinny-legged anglo who walked like a dying slob.

Is that El Jerry? He lives over that way.

ja ja ja

Kinda read Lazy Lopez's lips as he was talking with El jerry. Believe he said he is AGAINST the new arena.

Anonymous said...

Under the previous Administration vests were expired for years yet you failed to report it. Why?

Anonymous said...

Just by reading this post you can tell its luis aguilar still bitching about silver getting his “supervisor” tahoe. Pero bien de que frente si saludan perros!

Anonymous said...

The $8,000.00 is nothing compared to the money that the beauty queen and former "partner" of chief Orly 'Da joto Rodriguez scammed the citizens of. She left PD after maxing herself out of vacation and sick days since she controlled the books.
Now her poor joto husband has to work security looking over cars in the parking lot of the federal court house.
Maybe Orly can put in a good word for Lt. Dale, Miriam Culver and Abel Rodriguez who cant seem to finally retire, since they can't stand chief Sauceda. A lt. assigned to jail, what a joke, what's next, a he/she assigned to the gym? Oh.....

Anonymous said...

Pinches payasos

Anonymous said...

Gracia is the cancer of the sheriff's office, thanks to him and Abraham we lost good employees. There is a reason why the previous administration had Abraham being captain of his own boat, he is like forest gump, they boy is just dumb and Gracia, well his arrogance made turned eveyone against this administration.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff Garza needs to get rid of Gracia, Abraham, Barron and Hoskins. Barron became what he always complained about, another Domingo after Deputy Garcia just to please his daddy Gracia just to stay in the office and not go to patrol, fucking disgrace, betraying one of your own

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why Detective Renteria when working over time always goes and gets a radio from border patrol. Just a coincidence that his roomate is deputy salinas who hia brother was busted for conspire to traffic cocaine. what a mess

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you all are so unhappy here, why don't you go with Abel also? I'm sure he can use you to sell his fishing tournament tickets

Anonymous said...

With Rodriguez out, angel Perez and servando cruz go back to be the same worthless pendejos

Anonymous said...

Garza, you still have time to unfucked this Gracia now and we have our support

Anonymous said...

Help wanted,
Chief Deputy Puppeteer, Cameron County Sherriff Dept.
No experience needed.
Transport girlfriends to appointment site.
Transport wrecked vehicles to other counties for repairs.
Vote for me or be fired.

Anonymous said...

Captain dumb, where are they going to send him now?

Anonymous said...

Barron aka "Mingo Diaz" went to look for a "victim" to file charges against a veteran deputy. Just to make Gracia happy. FUCK YOU BARRON!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sherif Eric, lol. You Cameron county idiots elected someone with zero law enforcement experience for the top law enforcement position in the County. Fucking morons.

Anonymous said...

Lmk. Time? On. 3 or more. Going. Inv.

Anonymous said...

About time Garza is doing something right

Anonymous said...

You do that Eric and you have our vote again

Anonymous said...

Ho-hum. boring.

wake me up when the dude DOES get fired.

Anonymous said...

vests? we don't need no stinkin' vests.

we vatos. we invincible, ese.

Anonymous said...

Que deje de andar de panochon y que cuide a sus chavalones que tiene regados!! Porque para eso si es bueno el puto.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like every body from the cherife's was on their computers doing their job. M A M A N D O, at tax payers expense of course. GOOD JOB, give them mamones a pay increase and re-elect ese baboso again...

Anonymous said...

orly? who the f*** is orly another pinche coco? coming out of the woodworks. cocos

Anonymous said...

Mark TreviƱo was caught having sex when he was "working".....and Barron? Looking the other way...of course

Anonymous said...

Mierda flota

Anonymous said...

Sucio lucio and reynas are to blame for vests. Not garza. Call a spade a spade.

Anonymous said...

anonymous at 12:01 LMAOOOOOO, I guess they think that pendejo Abel has a chance to win HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BTW Vote Victor Caballero woooooooooo

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that the good deputies and employees who just want to do their job and earn a paycheck are suffering. Eric Garza is nothing more than a pretty boy who fooled the voters of CC to elect him. The black hat does nothing to better your image Garza. As for Gracia, that dirty POS had no business being hired as a Chief Deputy. The sheriff office is going to implode and the ones who will gain will be the criminals, again!

Anonymous said...

He's got a white moco coming out of his left ear. Noooo its not a gringo.

Anonymous said...

Have they solved that double murder over at 511? When? never?

Anonymous said...

Sheriff, you allowed an idiot to take you to far to the left. It will b impossible for you to recover. The persons that could've given you positive headlines were forced out of a job. This thanks to your chief stupidy and captain stupidy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let’s all be honest, this whole administration is to blame. Sheriff Garza for hiding in the shadows and allowing all his friends be treated like administration. Chief Gracia for allowing people like Captain Abraham Rodriguez bully people around and take control over situations. ALL of them are to blame and even if Sheriff Garza fires Gracia, he is far beyond the point Deputies would vote for him. Garza thinks by giving the association members crumb’s they’ll magically forget everything he’s allowed to happen? Garza, instead of focusing on a bbq tournament, focus on getting us real raises, not “space x is gonna pay us more” BS. Focus on getting us a raise, more man power, new units etc. Because meanwhile you’re two favorite clerks have take home units, have a higher salary than the other office clerks and get to work stonegarden OT on weekends for 6-8 hours when they’re only at the office for 2 hours max, the rest of us are seeing how much of an actual piece of shit you and your side of administration is.
