Friday, April 22, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Do you work past the Boca Chica Border Patrol checkpoint? If you do and felt something hit your car, you might want to check to see if you still have a bumper. This feral hog – estimated to weigh near 250 pounds or more – was struck by something that left it freshly dead this morning. Thanks to the conservation efforts of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife with the U.S. Department of Interior, wildlife on that stretch of road that includes the Lerma Ranch has seen a comeback. On any given day – or night – you can see 10-point bucks, nilgai, the largest Asian antelope, besides the usual coyotes wandering by the side of Highway 4. Whatever you do, don't hit a nilgai because it might be you lying on the side of the road instead of this pig!) 


Anonymous said...

No only wild life but wild hillbillys running around their dumpsters and have taken to see rocket lunchs or explsions.

Anonymous said...

But poor Blimp led a lousy life anyway, so.........

probly some pork-hating drunk.

Anonymous said...

That looks like Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal taking a nap or running radar on the side of the road..

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well.

Republican Mark ‘Voter Fraud’ Meadows Was Registered to Vote in Three States, Report Says.

Yes, Trump's chief-of-staff.

voter fraud charges?

Anonymous said...

Moderno y todo bello y bien cuidado ... Ojalá en México tuviéramos carreteras y ciudades así.... Acá lamentablemente hay mucha negligencia y corrupción de los gobiernos.

Anonymous said...

Lmao.. it is Chief Sauceda in his little boy Brown suit!🤣😂

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait just a minute Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda has done a lot for the Brownsville Police Department!
Chief Sauceda has made it a huge fu****g shit Hole!

Anonymous said...

You all are a bunch of lovers talking about my Police Chief like that!
Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda gave us a shity ass coffee maker in the middle of the Hallway! What a freaking Joke of a Chief!

Anonymous said...

In New Audio, Republican Kevin McCarthy Says Trump Admitted Some Responsibility For Jan. 6 Riot

A recording from just after the 2021 Capitol riot also reveals the House GOP leader told his conference, "I've had it with this guy."

(but his silence is deafening)

Anonymous said...

Why God is dead -

He's not on Facebook or Twitter.


Anonymous said...

Los reguladores estadounidenses de la salud autorizaron recientemente otro refuerzo de COVID-19 para personas mayores de 50 años, un paso para ofrecer protección adicional a los más vulnerables en caso de que el coronavirus prosiga en alza.

La decisión de la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA) de ofrecer una cuarta dosis de las vacunas Pfizer o Moderna a ese grupo de edad al menos cuatro meses después de su refuerzo anterior ha causado un sin fin de duda.

Hasta ahora, la FDA había aprobado la cuarta dosis solo para personas mayores de 12 años que tenían sistemas inmunitarios gravemente debilitados. La agencia dijo que este grupo especialmente frágil también puede recibir un refuerzo adicional, una quinta inyección.

(para poner en onda a el abuelo y la abuela)

Anonymous said...

That's a feral hog, Montoya.

Know your geography, vato loco.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda Bernal is a fraud!

Anonymous said...

Kevin McCarthy Quiet After Getting Caught In Lie About Suggesting Trump Resign

The Republican House minority leader falsely denied he'd talked about telling Trump to resign over the Capitol riot.

Republicans are liars!

Anonymous said...

Earth Day 2022...MEN destroys nature.

Anonymous said...

File Number: 0804506546
Filing State: Texas (TX)
Filing Status: In Existence
Filing Date: March 31, 2022
Company Age: 1 Month
Registered Agent:
Map Icon spacer David M. Sanchez
10329 Lake Gardens Dr.
Dallas, TX 75218
Business Category: Stadiums & Arenas
Governing Agency: Texas Secretary of State

Anonymous said...

Eddie Treviño is our leader. He wants the best for us. Be informed and support him as he is trying to bring jobs to BROWNSVILLE with the Cameron County Arena (created by a non-profit agency: which means all the money made from this venue will belong to the Cameron County residents: All of us will get a monthly check) :

Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. addressed several of the community’s concerns.
“This proposition is basically a yay or nay vote authorizing the use of the venue tax which consists of the hotel-motel and car rental taxes. Use that revenue stream to pay for a portion of the project,” said Treviño.
The first run on the ballot was last November and it fell short by 55 votes, according to Treviño, but he said he is confident people are standing behind the project.
“It should be a community issue as opposed to an election issue. We think it’s a win-win for the community and we hope that the residents and voters of Cameron County will support it,” said Treviño.
Early voting is from April 25 to May 3 and election day is May 7.

Anonymous said...

He was heading to the GOP polling place and got run over by one a dam rockets over yonder.

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2022 at 10:59 PM
No body supports a raqueta nobody wants it but the elected officials WHY?
Fix the pot holes, fix boca chica and 802 hyways, fix the flooding, fix the traffic lights on red all the time. WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' ARENA THERE'S ONE AT THE SPORTS PARK USE THAT ONE PINCHES IDIOTAS!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2022 at 10:59 PM

Tenia que salir un pinche lambiscon. Y a ti que te queda un pinche peso guey

Anonymous said...

BROWNSVILLE Mayor Mendez says Brownsville is rolling in the $$$...yet City Manager El Rata Bernal is defunding the Police Department and his lover Felix El Culero Sauceda Bernal is just bending overand taking it like he was in prison...
Well I guess thats what you get when you put a unqualified person to do a job he has no clue how to do!

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2022 10:50 p.m.
"All of us will get a monthly check." You are so funny! LMAF

Anonymous said...

WAIT!! He's a human he's got lipstick on his kisser.....

Anonymous said...

I was a huge supporter of Chief Felix Sauceda but he has been nothing but a disappointment 😔...Becareful what you wish for!

Anonymous said...

(Acá lamentablemente hay mucha negligencia y corrupción de los gobiernos.)

The drug cartels own Mexico. And the "president" gets paid really well by them.

Anonymous said...

A pig is a pig is a pig reeeeegardless, even with lipstick.

Anonymous said...

My condolences to ese guey half coco transgender dumpster rat for losing his mother on the side of the road! Hahahahahaha!
