Tuesday, May 3, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Whether it's spending the public's nickel on travel to education conferences in Las Vegas, Miami, etc., landing a lucrative jail commissary contract through his relatives in the Cameron County Sheriff's Department administration, or advancing the employment opportunities for his relatives, former Brownsville Independent School District board member Ruben Cortez knows how to sniff out a dollar. It doesn't take a lot of learning to hustle a buck because his educational attainment consists of a Graduate Equivalency Diploma (GED) which he has parlayed into a license to print money for himself.
Now he wants to be your Texas House of Representative for District 37 in the runoff election against  Brownsville land developer Luis Villarreal. How long will local voters put up with this act? Early voting start May 16 and ends May 20. Election day is May 24.)


Anonymous said...

He's not the only one, and that's the problem with your bitching, Montoya.

Cortez is Eddie Trevino is Joey Lopez is Trey Mendez is Eddie Lucio is (fill in the blank).


Anonymous said...

bruh. stop embarrassing your family.

Anonymous said...

Political saying "Spend what you don't have - NOBODY MINDS, JUST DO IT, AND IF THEY DO NOBODY LISTENS!

Anonymous said...

Lets sent all the bozos to Austin

Anonymous said...

What, his money mongrel wedding mother can't support him? Please don't vote for this POS!

Anonymous said...

GED Ruben has sucked the Cameron County tit dry.

Anonymous said...

@ May 3, 2022 at 6:28 AM

A totem pole statue should be made with all these guys. Embarrassing, they wouldn't have made their money without the taxpayer help and special privileges. Now their attorney friends are piggy backing.
