Sunday, May 29, 2022



Anonymous said...

Karma has a way of working itself into these things.

Republicans will pay the price.

They are animals.

Anonymous said...

A few photos of what the classrooms looked like with all those dead, bullet-riddled children would sway many Americans.

Get them, Juan.

Get the photos.

Anonymous said...

RIP Emma Perez-Trevino

Anonymous said...


Police, it appears, were not keen on confronting a Uvalde teenager armed with an AR-15. That's understandable from a human perspective but in direct conflict with the image that law enforcement likes to portray of themselves as brave public servants who put their life on the line for ordinary citizens. This image has been bandied about even harder in recent years, in response to the ongoing debate over how much public money is spent on policing in lieu of other social services. It's safe to say that the widespread support for robust police funding is entirely due to the assumption that cops have a duty to rush in and protect people, especially children, in such situations.

They have a duty, but...they didn't want to die. Yes, they will keep seeking more and more funding - for SWAT Teams and tanks.


Anonymous said...

Where is mayra in the picture above? She need to be there, Juanito...

Anonymous said...

Ted Cruz is a poor excuse for a man! I am ashamed that Texans actually voted him in to represent us. He could not even defend his wife and his Dad from the Trumpter, so why should he bother to make Texas a safe place for those who voted for him and others. To the police who stood and picked their nose otherside the room, imagine if you kid was in there?

Anonymous said...

The blood is on the hands of the people who refused to arm the teachers. Democrats are only upset about the 19 children that they won't be able to groom, molest, transition, or brainwash.

Some reports state that one of the teachers unlocked and left unlocked the door through which the shooter entered. Are you going to praise her mistake?

Anonymous said...

All of the sudden the haters and the know it all have an answers?

Anonymous said...

This Flores woman is a carbon copy of the Puente-Bradshaw woman. They both are PATHETIC !!

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, this coming from democrat followers who allow abortion to be performed up until birth? I just hope I don't get run over by Pelosi' drunk ice cream husband? Democrats are just plain RATS, like it is in the word!

Anonymous said...

A meskin racist republican, NOW I'VE HEARD IT ALL, WOW, MUST BE AN M.R.!!!
