Sunday, May 29, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The timing couldn't have been worse.

Just Friday, a mailer from the Republican Party of Texas in support of candidate Mayra Flores in the  upcoming District 37 special congressional election arrived in local mailboxes.

Her pro-gun, ant-immigrant message surely did not resonate among local residents who are still in mourning in the wake of the shooting deaths of 19 elementary school children and two teachers in Uvalde. 

All over the country, flags are flying at half mast and a growing call for sensible background checks to keep assault weapons from unstable people.

And it was the Republican-led Texas Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott who did away with gun permits and who lowered the age of individuals to 18 so they can purchase the weapons just as Salvador Ramos – the psychopath who caused the massacre at Robb Elementary – was able to do days after he turned 18.

"You get much more of a background check to get a driver's license," said a patron at a local bar. "They ask for citizenship, whether you take medication, owe child support, have any DWI's, and numerous other questions. That's because a car can be a dangerous weapon. How much more dangerous is an assault rifle? And Ramos was able to buy not one, but two, AR-15s without any questions and walk out. Even when you get a marriage license you have to wait for at least 72 hours so you can think it over."

Then, the woman who herself was born in Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and allowed to migrate to the United States, promises to "seal and secure the border," to keep out unwanted immigrants and asylum seekers "defend and fund law enforcement and border patrol" ostensibly to defend us, and protect the right of Texans to defend themselves" like the Uvalde gunman. 

Fact is, the Uvalde ISD and city police failed to protect the shooting victims, as it has now become clearly apparent.

Sounding more Catholic than the pope, Flores also rails at the "D.C. Democrats" who "open the border to drug and human trafficking," and destroy the right to defend your family."

Pictured among the "D.C. Democrats" is former Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Dan Sanchez, one of her two Democratic opponents in the special election. He is pictured with a mad-looking President Joe Biden and a confused V.P. Kamala Harris.

But wait! 

Sanchez has never been elected to the U.S. House or Senate before. So how can he be a D.C.  Democrat? Fact is, he isn't. But if he beats her in the upcoming June 14 election, he might become one.

Even if she loses in the special election, she will face Vicente Gonzalez in the November general election on the GOP ticket. With this mailer, Flores has become the de facto Texas Republicans' Trojan Horse.

Flores apparently doesn't let facts get in the way, as when she claims she picked cotton in the fields with her parents to buy clothes and shoes for school when she was 13.

If she graduated from San Benito High School in 2004 – as her website claims – then she was 18 then. Take away five years and she was 13 in 1999, some 30 years after cotton had been harvested mechanically (1969 or 1970).

We said at the outset that the mailer's timing was bad. We also say that now is the time to call her out on her anti-immigrant/gun rights dog whistle.


Anonymous said...

She has my vote. Latinos are sick and tired of living on the democrat plantation. The time for change is here.

Anonymous said...

Juan, the caliber of political candidates has dropped to the bottom of the barrel in the racist Republican Party.

This broad is only doing what other ditzy broads have been doing. She's lost as a human being and doomed as a Hispanic. Pobre bruja. Ni sabe quien es ella. Republicans will never invite her to their homes.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Valley residents leaving the Democratic Party for the racist Republican Party is the equal of people going from a safe, accepting environment to one where they will never really belong.

Trump had NO Hispanic in his Cabinet.

Anonymous said...

The timing is perfect we knew now we know I will vote against her as many times as my ar15 allows me. MAMONA COCO/GRINGA

Anonymous said...

Nothing more unattractive than a dumbass Mexican woman.

She has to know that she's dogshit to the Republican Party. But perhaps she was born stupid.

Anonymous said...

It's her or crooked lawyer, Chente con los Chinos, Vicente. Legal immigrants don't want illegal immigration. Some of you chicanos are dumber than African Americans.

Law + Order said...

Give me Mayra any day. Dan looks like he would collapse if he had to do anything strenuous.

Pass whatever laws you want, but bad guys will still have weapons. The politicians will congratulate themselves for doing something by passing something, but it will be ineffective and will not curtail the violence.

The same Democrats that cry for the "children" are the same ones that want the right for abortions up to the very second before birth.

4% of killings are done with AR's.

Anonymous said...

Confused Mexican.

Anonymous said...

@11:34 AM

Law + Order,

Your jefa called. She says you would have been aborted had she had the $20 that Matamoros clinica was charging back in the day.

Anonymous said...

Lol at age 18 should not be allowed to buy guns. If I can enter into a legal contract, get killed in a foreign war, get in student loan debt, etc., then I should be able to buy a gun and drink a beer at 18. We all agree that Uvalde killer is a psychopath but what difference would it be if he’s 18, 21 or 51? And as a half-hispanic man I can’t believe all you racists who label a woman that dares to run as a republican a coco/gringa wannabe whatever. SMH 🤦‍♂️ Are all of you saying that to be conservative is to be white? Most whites are dirty marxist liberals with white guilt and I say that as a half-white man. Bring it on, racists :)

Anonymous said...

May 29, 2022 at 10:49 AM
You sound hillbilly pendejo, and stupid coco/gringo/hillbilly PENDEJO

Anonymous said...

I guess there is one exception to trumputo's accusation that all meskins are rapist and murderers MAYRA!

Anonymous said...

Go Mayra ! Voting for her is voting for a change that we need now. The Democrats are leading us into a community and nation of disaster and despair but you can't fix stupid. We need better leaders in both parties that will work together and get things done instead of all TALK.

Anonymous said...

In your story above, who is Flores?


Despierta, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

She's just a very insecure Mexican, insecure with who she is culturally.

Ask her out, Montoya. Is she goes, that'll confirm that she is also stupid.

Anonymous said...

Her perfect timing and now she needs both feet in her mouth, ooooooh she's aready got them there! GOOD now go to an nra and a racist republican convention.
Use your ands to walk idiota

Anonymous said...

Where does one vote in this effen election? Is there early voting? The courthouse? The library? Or does one have to go the precinct location on June 14th, wherever that may be, and most voters including me have no idea where that is.

Anonymous said...

Mayra is breath of fresh air. Ask yourself why lucios are leaving office. Writing is on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Who's the coco/ hillbilly poster? Democratic chicanos were the inspiration for the stupid people in the movie, Idiocracy. Watch it and compare. You know that I'm right!

Anonymous said...

Ask a Democrat why he/she is a democrat and the answer is always the same, "because I've always been one". The truth is that Democrats for years have been indoctrinated that if they vote Democrat they will receive a little bone, kind of like a mordida. This little bone comes in the form of free housing, free food stamps, free TANF, free school lunches, free day care, etc. Everything FREE! It’s never about hard work. Why do you think all these illegal immigrants are coming to the U.S.? Because this a country of free! In order to keep the little bone coming the majority of the voting population in south Texas votes Democrat. So the cycle continues, the Democratic politicians remain in power making a (measly) salary and the bone keeps coming. Quit being free loaders and get to work people. Ask not what you can take from your country but ask what can you give to your country. Voting for MYRA FLORES!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Valley residents leaving the Democratic Party for the racist Republican Party is the equal of people going from a safe, accepting environment to one where they will never really belong.

Trump had NO Hispanic in his Cabinet.

May 29, 2022 at 10:06 AM

If i was president i wouldn’t have any hispanics either… always looking to find a way to make transas …. Porq el q no transa no avansa.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

f that mojada!

Anonymous said...

Not one gringo is going to vote for a cotton picker only cocos/gringos wanna be white but never will the gingo won't let you be white BABOSA.

Anonymous said...

To: May 30, 2022 at 6:15 PM

The fact that you speak only in generalities makes your argument illogical. You almost made a salient argument ... almost. Hijole'

The truth is that chick is cliche' of other moronic politicians around the county. She is not original, which is obvious from her Annie Oaklie political ad.

The dumbass comparing her to the long awaited exit of the Lucio's is, well, sad. She in a federal race and the Lucios were state legislators ... oh well, another critic down in flames.

more later,


Anonymous said...

May 30, 2022 at 6:15 PM

Ask why racist republicans hate meskins, ask why racist repblicans like guns and shoot at innoceant citizens, ask why racist republicans lie and lie and like to mis-inform the public. Can't find an answer? BECAUSE THERE IS NO ANSWER THEY JUST HATE AND HATE. ALL THOSE WHITE SUPREMIST AND RACIAL ORGANIZATIONS ARE RACIST REPUBLICANS. ALL OF THEM LOOK IT UP y mayra? COCO/GRINGA PERIOS!!!
