Sunday, May 29, 2022


"78 Minutes...
That’s how long police say they left children locked in a classroom with a gunman as they repeatedly called 911, begging for help."

By Elizabeth Brueing
The Atlantic

We were told today, in the latest version of events offered by authorities in Texas, that police left children locked in a classroom with a gunman for 78 minutes as they repeatedly called 911 begging for help, not knowing that their would-be rescuers were standing idly by. If there is a more poignant and more savage allegory for a country with a clear and urgent reason to solve an obvious policy problem that lacks either the will or courage to do so, it couldn’t be imagined by a vengeful god.

I don’t know why these children had to die like this, terrorized. I have wondered, when I’ve been too weak to counsel myself against wondering, how the surviving children from that classroom will live now. I think about the kids calling 911—just as they were told to do, just as we, adults, have always told them to do—hearing the operator, and requesting help. I want to know why their classmates’ lives are over. I want them to come back. I want none of this to have ever happened. I want this country to change.

At times like these, I think we ought to have some kind of language for the uniquely contemporary experience of grieving after the mass murder of children, or some ritual for comforting ourselves. It’s hard to grieve in a nation of anxious strangers, and there will be so much more grief. But I wish there were some word for that other, darker emotion, bred sui generis by these hellish events.

By the time the estimated death toll was emerging in news reports the day of the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, my husband had already picked up our small children from school and preschool, and had taken them to a nearby park to play while I cooked their dinner. As the news alerts lit up my phone, I started to feel dizzy, then nauseated, then panicked—I texted my husband asking if he wouldn’t mind bringing the kids home right away, as I felt something like a raw-edged ache in my ribs that I knew wouldn’t be soothed until I held each of their little bodies in my arms. My husband texted back. They’re having such a good time, he said. Why bring them inside? It’s finally warm and sunny out.

Immediately, I felt ridiculous. I was ridiculous. I’ve been ridiculous so many times in the hours since, glancing in on my sleeping children with hawkish nervousness, like a first-time mother fretting over a newborn; pacing on the front porch awaiting their arrival home, unfocused and unsteady until I can see their faces and hear their voices. I know it’s a statistical anomaly. I know it almost never happens. I know there are a million things I worry less about that happen with greater regularity and worse effects; but those things are unfortunate, and this is evil. Misfortune is awful, but this was something worse. This was torture. This was cruel. This was intentional. The distinction matters.


Anonymous said...

Cops went cowardly in Uvalde. Border Patrol took out shooter.

Border Patrol?

Local cops, DPS, FBI, county deputies were there. They stood shooting the shit outside the school.

May God damn them.

Anonymous said...

Investigate and fire everyone that stood around and charge all of them.

Anonymous said...

What we need in the United States is love, wisdom, and compassion. As the Greeks said so many years ago "To tame the savageness of man and make gentle the light of this world."
Abbott must be defeated and his minions.
The profanity and hate spewed at Beto by Abbott's minions proves a change in leadership is necessary and at least have background checks on all gun purchases as 90 percent of America and Texas agree with.

John Shergold

Anonymous said...

Weapons That Can Cause 'Grave Damage' Aren't Sacred, Texas Bishop Fumes

"Don't tell me that guns aren't the problem, people are. I'm sick of hearing it," tweeted Brownsville Bishop Daniel Flores.


Anonymous said...

Pos no ke defund the the police
Defund means less training
Less equipment
Less personnel to lower salaries
More police leaving retiring or going to federal or private jobs

Anonymous said...

Justice Dept. Says It Will Investigate Police Response to Uvalde Shooting
1000% better than los rinches. Texas rangers are sell-outs for law enforcement agencies. THE HAVE NEVER FOUND ANY LAW AGENCY GUILTY OF ANY THING MORE THAN A MISSING ERASER... PUROS PINCHES MAMONES too bad rey too bad rudy

Anonymous said...

Guys in Stetsons sucked. Chickened out on gunbattle.

19 kids died.

2 teachers died.

Stetson hats went home to Mama.

Anonymous said...

One of the young victims of the Texas school massacre bled to death while waiting for nearly an hour for police to come to the rescue — possibly dying because of the delay, a first-responder allegedly told her mom.

Texas State Sen. Roland Gutierrez said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the girl’s heartbroken mother recalled to him how the worker told her the child might have lived if cops hadn’t been slow to move in on the killer.

“Her child had been shot by one bullet through the back, through the kidney area,” Gutierrez told the outlet. “The first responder that they eventually talked to said that their child likely bled out.

“In that span of 30 or 40 minutes extra, that little girl might have lived,” the Democratic lawmaker said. “So absolutely these mistakes may have led to the passing away of these children as well.”

Police in Uvalde, Texas, have increasingly come under criticism for their handling of Tuesday’s massacre, which left 19 fourth-graders and two teachers dead and 17 others wounded, police said.

Police did not breach Robb Elementary School for more than 90 minutes after arriving at the campus, where the deranged 18-year-old gunman, Salvador Ramos, fatally shot his innocent victims with an AR-15 assault rifle.

Texas State Sen. Roland Gutierrez said the girl might have lived if police responded quick enough to the massacre.

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget it was a MEXICAN who killed the children. If it was a white guy, democrats would be talking that up 24/7.

Anonymous said...

All of the sudden the haters and the know it all have an answers?

Anonymous said...

We need to elect board members and leaders who are focused on the community, not just “themselves” and their special projects.

Why are we cutting security and staff at our campuses, but adding central office
Why are we focusing all our funds on downtown? Why do we allow people to buy buildings and then city funds are used to remodel them?

Focus on safety. Focus on families.
Special interest all the time on our commission and leaders.

It’s always about insurance, buying our friends land, fixing our friends buidlings, taking care of my club or special group.

Never the safety of the community. Sure, you run on that story-but it changes to revenge and personal interest as soon the ballots are canvases.

Anonymous said...

Gracias "la roca"

Abrazos no balasos

Anonymous said...

At the state level, Democratic leaders are pushing for swift action on gun control. Republicans are doing the opposite.

Anonymous said...

We don't need a Border Patrol assistance in our schools, We need BISD's HELP! Dr. Rene Gutierrez Super intendent is not helping schools by denning any installation for more security equipment. Something like Metal detectors and more security would benefit schools greatly. I know it will not stop all threats from happening but it is a step to the right direction, We have to protect our children from any danger, and we know that BISD earns a lot more money that they said they do.

Anonymous said...

Turns out, tough Texans in Stetsons aren’t so tough.

The excuses offered by state police in Uvalde to excuse their cowardice only confirm their cowardice.

Nineteen armed police stood in an elementary school hallway and did nothing for more than an hour while an armed teenager murdered 19 children pleading for help and the two teachers who perished trying to protect them.

That, by any measure, is cowardice.

It was not a “wrong decision.” It was cowardice.

If only one of the 19 armed police – who apparently waited for 78 minutes for a key to charge into the classroom where 19 children were being dismembered by bullets – had had even a speck of the steel of two unarmed teachers, then perhaps some of those children would be alive.

But they did not. Instead, 19 armed police loitered in a hallway until they were convinced the killing was over, that all the children were dead before they finally broke into the classroom.

That was not a “wrong decision”. It was cowardice.

Anonymous said...

Trump Added More to the National Debt Than Obama and Bush

The fiscally irresponsible 45th president somehow bloated deficits more in four years than his predecessors did in eight.

Anonymous said...

The Texas DPS provided spent incidiary device evidence to the Congress to prove that federal agents started the fire at the Mt. Carmel compound near Waco. To the Brownsville Bishop: Stay out of politics or lose your tax exemption. That's 19 kids that won't be molested by a priest.

Anonymous said...

The browntown obsession with trump is hilarious. To embarrassed to talk about Biden. Democrats are a failure. Wait to see what happens in mid terms.

Anonymous said...

In browntown they kill kids in school, mental patients in their home and if you run on the back and nothing and no charges for any of those murders. The rinches cleared all of them PINCHES MAMONES Y MATONES...

Anonymous said...

May 30, 2022 at 6:24 AM

The browntown obsession with trump is hilarious. To embarrassed to talk about Biden. Democrats are a failure. Wait to see what happens in mid terms.

BROWNSVILLE doesn't understand why Americans voted for Trump. He was an evil doer, that promoted an attack on democracy.... nothing was done to him.

People need to remember that. Americans failed the USA. The Republicans do not know how to create a strong nation that is inclusive, with liberty, and justice for all. They do not know how to work with the Democrats to save the USA.
