Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Texas Onion Production:
The majority of Texas onions, approximately 55 percent, are grown in the Lower Valley.
Acres Planted: ........................16,400 
Acres Harvested: ....................14,600 
Cash Value:..............................$70,197,000

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"Desde 1905 estamos apoyando a los campesinos..." a female narrator intones in broken Spanish in the latest Spanish-language Texas Roots commercial from HEB.

Then the camera pans across lush produce fields in the Rio Grande Valley and the fantasy begins. 

Three clean middle-aged white people are semi-bent over picking onions and other produce in the fields and loading boxes of the produce on a tractor-pulled trailer. Their clothes are clean and they don't look like they have been laboring all day long at back-breaking work in the fields.

Then, as the sun is setting in the bucolic scene, the trailer rolls toward home.

As some of us who grew up as farm workers know, there were very few – if any – middle-aged white farm workers, or even kids who toiled alongside them in the onion fields, the half-acre long rows of sugar-beet fields where they hoed daily from sunup to sundown, or in the fields of tomatoes and cucumbers in the Midwest where South Texas farm workers traveled to find better-paying farm work than in stingy Texas. This included Mejicanito kids. No summer camp for them.

Their poorly-paid work made people like those fake field workers in the HEB ad rich.

To people who toiled in the Texas onion and cabbage fields, the Spanish-language HEB ad is an insult to their intelligence. Interestingly, in the English-language ad the narrator refers to "growers," which would translate to "agricultores," not "campesinos."

Obviously, the Spanish-language ad is geared to elicit a positive feel-good response from Hispanics toward HEB. But here, among us who actually experienced field work, it elicits disbelief, and not a little anger, at the deliberate deceit. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All history is gossip....

La pisca made men out of lounging pachucos. Vaos flojos. Ni la abuela los podia hacer trabajadores. La pisca los chingo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan it was a great motivator to work in the fields up north, made you appreciate hard work and also i remember my father would always say stay in school, get an education so you dont have to do this the rest of your life. So true,

Anonymous said...

When people actually worked ….. now yall kids are tablet babies and are lazy as fk…. Dont blmae society blame yourself

Anonymous said...

Never seen any negroes doing farm labor either.

Anonymous said...

May 17, 2022 at 9:28 AM

So all your shit is gossip IDIOTA? PINCHE COCO/GRINGO MAMON

Anonymous said...

Montoya, why don't you report about the $40 Billions going to Ukraine as war aid??? While people here struggle with inflation, and high food/gas prices! Baby formulas are low at the shelves, because they are first going to the illegals with babies! Then you have ese retard still hating on Trump and Republicans! Fuk all you idiotas who voted for the vegetable in office! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Say GOODBYE to Food Stamps, Welfare housing assistance and WIC if the Republicans win back the House and Senate.

Republicans will shut them down.


Anonymous said...

El director general de Tesla, Elon Musk, dijo el martes que no puede seguir adelante con su adquisición de Twitter a menos que la empresa demuestre de forma pública que menos del 5% de las cuentas de plataforma son falsas o spam.

Musk hizo ese comentario en una repuesta a otro usuario de Twitter el martes por la mañana. El ejecutivo pasó la mayor parte del día anterior en una discusión con el director general de Twitter, Paraj Agrawal, que publicó una serie de tuits explicando los esfuerzos de su compañía para combatir los bots y cómo ha estimado de forma consistente que menos del 5% de las cuentas de Twitter son falsas.

En su tuit del martes, Musk dijo que “20% de cuentas falsas/spam, aunque es cuatro veces lo que afirma Twitter, podría ser mucho más. Mi oferta se basa en que los documentos de Twitter ante la SEC sean fiables”.

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry McHale hit by rent hike. Old coot says he's out.

"The management jacked the rent skyward by $300 a month. I'm leaving at the end of May."

When you're old and poor.


Anonymous said...

The Mexican was born for fieldwork.

you know that.

Anonymous said...

When you say Hispanics, what are you referring to? Spanish speaking only or people only born in Mexico. When you say White people what do you mean by that, any one who has Hispanic family members or what is the cut off where you are Hispanic and not "WHITE".
Pretty much anyone in the United States has some Latino in their genetic make up, so what is the cut off percentage?
My Grandchildren are just as white as can be but we have some Latin genetic make up.
I'm encouraging them to say they are Hispanic, easier to get into colleges and more likely to get scholarship money.
Thanks for showing us the way to game the system mijo.

Anonymous said...

la mano de dios.

Anonymous said...

The Racist Ideas Behind the Buffalo Massacre Are Now Mainstream on the Right

FOX News parrots Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Elise Stefanik: They’ve all revved-up loons who hate Jews, people of color, and immigrants, and some want to kill.

Republicans want an All-White country.

Anonymous said...

McAllen started a volunteer program asking for artist to paint murals downtown and other places. IMAGINE THAT? Here the city commissioners take from the taxpayer and hire some idiota from california and pay them 40,000 dollars to paint A WALL, A WALL, A WALL...
WHEN IS THIS PENDEJADAS GONNA STOP???? Y el pinche mayorsito con sus movidas chuecas. HE NEEDS TO GO!

Anonymous said...

May 17, 2022 at 2:20 PM

Yout still with a red-ass? Your camote lost get over it mamon, orejon. racist repubicans will never win get it through your ass idiota hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA.

Anonymous said...

May 17, 2022 at 3:40 PM
Hillbilly is better, they have never work in their stinkin live, ever. teach your pedejitos that they are hillbillys and you will save a bundle PENDEJA!

Anonymous said...

The only red-ass is that democratic retard @4:58 who hates Hillbillies, because he once got rape from behind by a huge hillbilly d$#k while in the woods. Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

For the moron May 17, 2022 @2:20pm. You can't blame a single Texan for voting Biden. Texas went 100% for Trump thanks to the electoral college. What a pendejo, hahahahahahahah.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2022 at 9:50 AM

Lee bubba roy a black/gringo is happy and will be waiting for you and your camote trumputo at sing sing with a high note. The BISD population will be there watching your ass get creamed....jajajajajaja!!! MARICON.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2022 at 9:50 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

May 17, 2022 at 2:20 PM, May 17, 2022 at 2:32 PM, May 17, 2022 at 3:39 PM, May 17, 2022 at 3:40 PM, May 18, 2022 at 9:50 AM

I D I O T A !

Anonymous said...

GRINGOS can't do stoop labor hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA was labor induce to pick cotton. pinche pendejo

Anonymous said...

May 17, 2022 @2:20pm
once an idiota always an idiota pinche maricon joto
