Thursday, May 12, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It's funny to see that the city of Brownsville paid $30,000 by Communications and Marketing/BCVB under Felipe Romero and now Monica Tellam, who is now the interim director, without no experience in communications or marketing. 

And now Helen Ramirez who sees Monica as a "personal Project" is showing it off to the world on social media. With $30,0000 of course we can name the City of Brownsville Best of America, the All-American city, etc... The tragic thing is that they can actually get themselves to believe it, for a slight fee, of course. 
Also note, the city hasn't named a director for communications because no one has applied for the position as Helen wants to keep Monica. How much did the city pay to be named the Best of America?
Also the whole Communications director position is interesting as Monica wants the position but has no experience and often goes to Helen and to Perla Cepeda for hand holding and suggestions just like Felipe did. Well, of course she does, she learned from him. 

She's just another Felipe.


Anonymous said...

But can she cook?

Anonymous said...

City employees look out their windows and see a shining city on the hill. People in Las Prietas and La Southmost do it and see poverty in full display.

Brownsville is the ugliest, poorest and least-ambitious city in the Bally!

Anonymous said...

Well, like El Paya Jerry McHale full-well knows, if the world won't praise you, well, praise yourself!!!

Brownsville must have something worth honoring.

What that may be no one knows.

Anonymous said...

That’s who she goes to? Word on street someone else /or some other entity pulls her strings….

Anonymous said...

If racist republicans pendejos believe el idiota trumputo won the election, everything is NOW possible.

Now we can call the stupid ENANO mayor and his coherts (CITY COMMISSIONERS) IDIOTAS!

Anonymous said...

We are the best…but not because of what that says…or leadership


Anonymous said...

Its like the awards, cost the taxpayers 50k to 150k dollars for these changos to join an organization to get an individual award. NONE deserve any, specially PUB. RATAS.

Anonymous said...

Juan, a bunch of nepotism. I have seen no marketing north of Olmito welcoming people to visit Brownsville? Who is the new interim director? What experience does she have? Is she qualified? Do an open records request to see what qualifications are needed for this position? I wonder how many people are directors and assistant directors but have no prior experience? Doesn’t the city manager have to approve all hires? Ask the tough questions!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pos, mano, aqui todo se vale.

Eso dicen en las cantinitas, que no?

Pos, si.

A mi, me hacen la barba!

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal hired a talent coordinator... Citizens of Brownsville getting taken for a ride!

Anonymous said...

come on, mayor. stop fluffing shit.

perhaps we were better off sucking as a city instead of sucking as a city and pretending we kick ass.

Anonymous said...

I love Brownsville, Tamps!

who doesn't?

Aqui el juego es chingar y ser chingado. Todos lo sabemos.

Anonymous said...

I know of numerous people with lots of experience and have applied for the job but have been looked over.

Does the city want a "Yes sir or Yes Mam" person in this position rather than a person who can think for themselves?

Anonymous said...

I dealt with this Monica person and she has know idea what she is doing. She has no background in Communications.

Anonymous said...

The CoB is often criticized for hiring people from outside. Monica has been humble and stayed out of the spotlight. She's educated, professional and dedicated. Since 2019, the city has lost many talented individuals to other organizations, for once forget your bias against women in positions of leadership.

The real hot gos here is why did the entire staff feel compelled to leave the Comm department for dead? And how did Romero get away with securing a cushy state job after screwing the pooch here.
If Monica is up for the job, give her a fair shot. Stop overlooking dedicated staff for out of town gambles who will leave anyway. Re: her lack of experience, any Comms person worth their salt wouldn’t take the job with the reputation the city currently has.

Anonymous said...

I Smoked Chinese Hurricane Guns
Yo, why did no one tell me Elon had his Tesla workers in China forced to work 12 hour shifts 6 days a week and they had to sleep at the factory and couldn't leave? Bro, that's not a job, that's prison.

Anonymous said...

WOW, Official Best of America !! At the same time, watching our city and county being neglected by our elected officials is the cruelest and saddest thing to see. They ignore to look into the Tenaska thievery amongst other things. But yet you want raises (county) jump to the front of the line for grants ( with your friends) and some of you don't pay property taxes. What makes you spend so much money to run for a position that some of you don't get paid for? Are you in it to get insider information to invest and get richer? Are you happy to see your reflection in the mirror? Are you proud? Top of the totem pole City employees ,what have you done to better Brownsville? Oh ! I forgot most of you are not from Brownsville. You want what our taxes pay you. Remember all of you !!" You Work for Us, but neglect us ! but most of you wanted a multi-million arena.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that cities need to pay for a title but why shouldn't Brownsville be a "Best Year Round Destination" or a "Best All American Town." We have great year round weather. We are on the boarder by the sea. We have a history as deep as the Grand Canyon. The first battle of the US Mexican War happened here. Mexico gave up 55% of its land you know, Palo Alto Battlefield. Some of the flora and fauna found here is unique to the US. Most importantly respectful, wonderful, friendly, and hard working people live here. For the sour pusses every town has its low life's.

I think that if the norm is for cities to pay for such titles it is money well spent. Come on, the Most Handsome Man Alive needs to pay for the title. If Brownsville doesn't pay for the title others will. Men think of it as masterbation. If Brownsville yanks it people will come.

Anonymous said...

How much did it cost the taxpayers to join that fake company? 150k or more? PUROS PINCHES mamones fake award. PLUS A PAY RAISE just to top if off.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Downtown Brownsville, rundown all thrift stores.

Is being the best, having potholes streets, bad drainage, terrible, terrible water, corrupt city and county leaders, high electric rates, private parking for pizza eaters who like bad cheese and cheap wine, no lights downtown.

Anonymous said...

I wish all these elected city leaders and high salaried city employees would get off their high horses and do what is right for the city and not spend thousands for a recognition. Now you still want to keep bringing in your buddies to leech off our city?

Unknown said...

I found the YouTube channel and all its 13 views. Mine included.

Anonymous said...

Now wonder the city is in ruins top level employees want to be recognized to go look else where for a better salary and using taxpayers funds to get a fake recognition.... Y el city commission? scratching their asses. FIRE ALL THESE FAKE AWARD WINNING FAKERS

Anonymous said...

I've also dealt with Monica and she lacks charisma and thinks she's better than all another wrong choice by misalignment Bernal.

Anonymous said...

we so awesome our leaders create fake positions for fake offices.
everyone laughs at us

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville rolling in the $$$$ yet they are cutting the City of Brownsville employees pay and benefits cutting insurance and other benefits. Yet El Rata Bernal increases his pay to almost $300,000 while hiring employees from his his hometown while finding ways to get rid of employees that have been with Brownsville for many year's. Then giving these new employees inflated salaries and even making up positions just to waste citizens of Brownsville money...

Anonymous said...

Visit Browntown, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, when you apply for the Open Records request, get a list of city employees who are recei5a car allowance, on it, you will find Assistant city manager James Walker receiving a hefty $550 monthly car allowance but this person uses a city truck every single day to conduct "city business" therefore, bluntly and clearly committing fraud and no one(including his boss Bernal) has the guts to hold him accountable. Taxpayers are being taking advantage by these bozos. They should be in jail for committing fraud.

Anonymous said...

Yes we're the best in the citizens of Brownsville getting fucked by our own city commissioners who have done a piss poor job overlooking the city managers wasteful spending on several nonessential asst city manager positions and easpecially the handling of the incompetence at PUB and the PUB board.

Anonymous said...

Con dinero baila El perro

Anonymous said...

@12:43 Este pendejo can't stop thinking of Trump! Ya deja de mamarle la verga a Trump! America is going down the drain because of shit pants Biden, and este vato still can't stop having wet dreams of Trump! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Why can’t Browntown be as good as McAllen? We deserve better.

Anonymous said...

To May 12, 2022 at 1:29 PM

You're absolutely right! There is no sign, or anything in the north side of town welcoming visitors into our town, and letting them know what Brownsville is about. You can pretty much drive into any little town in Texas and they will have there welcome signs.

We are the most historical city south of San Antonio, and our leaders don't know how to promote that.

Maybe we can also be on the Guinness World Records as the city with the most taco stands. Nothing to be proud of, but if it puts us on the map why not?

Anonymous said...

In regards to City of Brownsville employment is who you know not what kind of skills/credentials/degrees you have. An example is the current HR director who was hired at $107,000 annually plus a $500 monthly car allowance but what makes it strange is that this person has a Mexican college degree and zero HR experience. In contrast, the previous HR director was making $86,000 annually and had an MBA from a US university. That's what"Total Alignment" is all about, total bullshit that is.

Anonymous said...

Imagine what $40,000 could had bought? The Jewel of the Rio Grande River, Brownsville? Where the rats of valley meet and take home plenty of taxpayers monies.

Anonymous said...

Many talented and qualified people apply for city jobs and get overlooked because of nepotism. It is really disheartening that Brownsville still does not grow past the buddy system.

Anonymous said...

Poor woman, Helen. Not only does she look old. I think she's losing her mind.

Anonymous said...

Read between the lines, families and friends of all elected officials could not pass the arena. WHAT DOES THAT TELL ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS? THE TIME IS HERE AND THE VOTERS WILL VOTE ALL OF YOU RATAS OUT, NEXT ELECTION! ITS COMING BELIEVE IT!!

Now we want to know how much was spend on advertising for the arena and what funds were used to pay? The DA needs to start an investigation on this. The FBI and the state MUSt START THE INVESTIGATION, NOW.

Anonymous said...

This is an abuse by the top administration to use city funds to enhance out of town top level administrators, with fake awards. This needs to stop, they pay fake companies for fake awards and who gets screwed? THE VOTER THE CITIZENS THE COMMUNITY. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. ALL THE CITY COMMISSIONERS NEED TO BE VOTED OUT. WE NEED AN ARENA LIKE WE NEED THESE FAKERS AND THE CITY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The arena is a good example of how we the voter can improve this city, simply vote all current in office city and county commissioners out DO NOT RE-ELECT. simple

Anonymous said...

County , P.U.B., City Of B'ville , School Board, Port of Brownsville!!! ( and all your special friends)
We are not "ATM Machines"for your personal gain !!

Anonymous said...

No words. Speechless to say the least. OMG

Anonymous said...

May 13, 2022 at 1:55 PM
The city is going to the pot y este idiota all he thinks about is to defend his personnal friend (ha) trumputo what a dedicated MAMON. racist repubicans stick together like flys on fly paper or bad smell on a turd....

Anonymous said...

"Who Deserves This City of Brownsville and Cameron County Good Employee Award", a new organization consisting of citizens of cameron county, only requirement to join is a voting card.
call for more info...

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2022 at 9:45 AM

It all depends on the time, AM or PM?

Anonymous said...

McAllen started a volunteer program asking for artist to paint murals downtown and other places. IMAGINE THAT? Here the city commissioners take from the taxpayer and hire some idiota from california and pay them 40,000 dollars to paint A WALL, A WALL, A WALL...
WHEN IS THIS PENDEJADAS GONNA STOP???? Y el pinche mayorsito con sus movidas chuecas. HE NEEDS TO GO!

Anonymous said...

Y que onda con la monica casi incandose cuando se tomó la foto con el gobernador. Que falta de respeto. They should teach city employees to behave in public! Y que onda con todos los achichinkles que tiene la Helen? Puras fotos y nada de acción! Do an open records request, Juan! Y todavía trabaja la fantasma city Manager que tiene salario pero nunca sale en eventos públicos? Bring back Charlie y Michael!

Anonymous said...

2 Texas Cities Among Best Travel Destinations In US.
McAllen Texas made it on list 92 of 100.
No Brownsville Texas.
