Wednesday, May 11, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It was in the middle and late 1500s when the first Spanish monks arrived in Chile to convert the natives to the Catholic faith.

Ensconced in their monasteries, the monks began the tradition of establishing vineyards  in the otherwise desolate and dry Chilean highlands.
 The monastery, located 4 hours south of Santiago, the capital, in the mountain valleys is considered to be the heart of Chilean wine country and the grapes grown there are the delight of wine connoisseurs.

Over the years, the quality of the Benedictine grapes and the wine made from the grapes grown there acquired a reputation for its full flavor, and robust body.

But there was a problem. When the monks transported the wine in bottles over the mountain roads, the bottles inevitably bumped against each other in the ox-drawn carts and shattered, spoiling nearly half the load before it got to the market. They devised a method to prevent it by wrapping the bottles in burlap to prevent the loss. (See graphic above.) 

One of the monks – one Erasmo Yzaguirre – was a native of the Basque country in the Pyrenees mountain range that separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe. Over the years, as his bloodline thinned out, his descendants started looking for any heirs that might take over the vast wineries he had established in Chile.

They sought the ancestry genealogies through church records and found out that a direct descendant of the Eyzaguirre bloodline could be traced to the tax assessor-collector of Cameron County, one Antonio Yzaguirrre.

Only last month, Tony – as he is known to his few friends – got a knock on his office door. The man, a monk, gave him the news that he was the direct descendant of the Basque Benedictine monk who had established the winery in Chile.

He carried a case of bottles of the finest Cabernet Sauvignon produced in the highlands of Chile and told the astounded tax assessor collector that he was the sole descendant of the founder of the vineyards.

"He brought me a case of their finest wine," said Yzaguirre. "Now I own one of the most productive vineyards on the continent. Usually, I prefer a cold brewsky, but I'm starting to develop a taste for the lowly grape. For example, I can tell this wine came from grapes that grew facing the east in the mountains of Chile. It's somewhat pretentious, of course, but delightful to the palate. Bottoms up!


Anonymous said...

"It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."

The Mexican-American dream is to just sleep.

Anonymous said...

Reads fake, Montoya.

Pumping up yzaguirre? Didn't he go to jail?

ja ja ja

get real, bro.

Anonymous said...


just because the guy's name is yzaguirre doesn't make it so,

Mexican claiming fame.

Anonymous said...

Pseudo Republican Carlos Cascos after the arena vote -

"I am pro-growth, pro economic development, pro jobs & pro Cameron County What I do not support or encourage is the lack of transparency, honesty or information shared with our voters."

(He's never heard of Donald Trump, is what he's saying here?)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm…..sounds like veryyyy fishyyyyyyy. Only descendent? Now owner of vineyards in Chile????? Aqui en Brownsville hay muchas lavanderías.

Anonymous said...

In hoc vino non est veritas
In this wine there is no truth

Anonymous said...

Damn, reading and reading comprehension must be really hard for El Run-rrun's readers. Read the article again, but slowly boys.

Anonymous said...

The only claim to fame for the worthless hillbillys is "suspenders" a new kind of dressing that no one wants...
third and fourth generation work for food stamps and los gringos/cocos

Anonymous said...

Some key facts your fictitious story missed. Monks do not have children. The web page clearly says a family, not the monks brought grapes from France. They were not tied to the monks. The web page also shows the company is owned by a California corporation.

Anonymous said...

May 11, 2022 at 10:40 PM

El pendejo eres tu guey google blog and find out, joto...

Anonymous said...

GOOD Wine coming to brownsville? cuando?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bottle 2019, not aged enough. Sell it to dirty pizza trey, he likes cheap wine and cheese.
His wine and cheese is not aged.

Anonymous said...

May 15, 2022 at 1:34 PM

That cheap dirty place that sells mogan david wine thinking is Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2018 and spoiled cheese thinking its A gruyere from Switzerland will never make it as a joint visited by the rich ooooop execpt muskies.

Anonymous said...

He decided to go to the el hueso fraude instead of that dirty pizza place. THAT TELL YOU EVERYTHING. PENDEJO ENANO

Anonymous said...

May 11, 2022 at 9:02 AM

Its called the gimme gimme dream and its prevelent in the appalachian mountains region. Hillbillys dream of freedom of work and free food.

Anonymous said...

May 11, 2022 at 10:28 AM

Hillbillys claiming lands, stealing from the owners with help from los rinches. Now all those are fake claims! To make it worst los cocos mamones adore these theives and murders and name streets and building for them. RATAS
