Thursday, May 26, 2022


By Adam Schiff

I’m so tired. I know you are too.

Tired of the moments of silence.

Tired of the BS about “thoughts and prayers” after each mass shooting from legislators who won’t do anything about it.

Just tired. And I know millions upon millions of other Americans are tired too. Just like you.

It shouldn’t be this way. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Republicans cower behind their fake talking points about being “pro-life,” but stand in the way of stopping this carnage.
Enough. Enough.

The shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas is a tragedy we have seen over and over and over again. Gunshots ring like echoes down long hallways, from one side of the country to another.

From our children’s schools in Uvalde, to Santa Fe, Parkland, Newtown, and Columbine.

Our houses of worship in Laguna Woods, Pittsburgh, Poway, and Sutherland Springs.

To stores in Buffalo, El Paso, and Boulder.

Places of entertainment in Las Vegas, Orlando, and Aurora.

My heart aches for the families devastated by this tragedy and the Uvalde community. For each family and community that has experienced these horrors firsthand. But more than that, I want to do something about it. I want Congress to stop talking about it, and do something.

Our children are dying. Our children are dying because they are being shot in school. Our children for God’s sake.

The Washington Post recently reported 300,000 of our children have been exposed to gun violence at school since Columbine. We can do something about it – but the GOP won’t stand up to the gun lobby.

Shameful doesn’t begin to cover it. Spineless doesn’t begin to cover it.

Republican cowards will complain that enough time hasn’t passed since the massacre of children in Uvalde.

But the Sandy Hook kids started high school this year.

The Columbine kids are raising their own families today.

And the NRA convention in Houston starts on Friday.

We’ve had enough time. It’s time to act.

And be ready to take on hell or high water to protect our kids.


Anonymous said...

Texas law allows for school districts to let teachers carry guns. Why weren't the teachers armed? Seems like the school district in Uvalde didn't care about the safety of their children. Stop trying to defund the police.

Anonymous said...

Beto O'Rourke got my vote yesterday.

He confronted Republican Abbott, who said noting but let his goons attack Beto.

Texas needs change this November.

Republicans don't care about the RGV.

Anonymous said...

A year before Uvalde school shooting, Texas expanded gun rights
Last June, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law seven measures to expand gun rights, one of which allows people to legally carry handguns without licenses.
Racist republicans let just all of us vote racist republican and sent this country to....

V. Tinker Shays said...

FUCK YOU adam schiff

Anonymous said...

This coming from the guy that lied to the country about Trump Russian Collusion for 3 years. This guy has so much hate towards Trump and the Republicans that he's blinded to the truth. The truth doesn't matter to him and he's able to do it and get away with it because the Democrats don't call him out on in.

Anonymous said...

All yall nice and quiet now when they start talking about guns

Anonymous said...

I am numb. No, numbness is the loss of feelings. I have no feelings to lose; I am void; I am empty. I wonder what I’ll have for breakfast tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Mental issues have always existed
Assault weapons have not always been so easy to purchase
Fucking politicians like Trump, Abbott, Cruz, Cornyn will always support the second amendment in favor of the NRA because of the money that is earned under the table by these Cock sucking Blow Hogs.
Beto O'Rourke has the right idea and as all of us has the right to be angry
This has to stop NOW
Abbott and his Dick Brains are trying to comfort parents on their loss instead of saying we need change and the way to prevent these things from happening is to stop the NRA from producing these assault weapons and selling them to the general public. Everyone has the right to own a gun, not an assault rifle. These guns should only be in the hands of law enforcement and the military.
After all the fucking hypocrisy from Abbott and his Jesters he has the audacity to meet with Trump the Dump and other politicians to support the NRA. Don Mclean did the right thing by cancelling his appearance at this event.
For Politicians, business as usual.
Fuck you Governor Abbott, Cruz, and Cornyn
Hell is waiting for you

Anonymous said...

Trump signed a bill reversing Obama rule to ban gun purchases by mentally ill.
An executive action that would have tightened gun background checks following the San Bernadino shootings in 2015.

The rule required the Social Security Administration to submit records of mentally disabled people to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the FBI database used to determine whether someone can buy a firearm under the 1993 Brady bill.

The rule would have applied to 75,000 people who were "adjudicated as mental defective" and who had applied for SS benefits and had a mechanism to notify those affected so they could appeal. But congressional Republicans said the rule would ensnare people who had mental health issues but otherwise were competent to own a gun.

Anonymous said...

We can curse, insult, call eachother names but until Democrats, INDEPENDENTS and old school REPUBLICANS with a brain (wonder if there are any left in TX), start voting these people out, we will be still where we are until another shooting. A friend of mine said a comment to me these past 2 days. They will not do anything until some nut goes into a rich Republican district and does that to majority WHITE AND RICH REPUBLICAN area. Notice how it always happens in minority districts.

Law + Order said...

People who comment go to race or political affiliation. Latest mass shootings.

Shooting on subway Shooter was African American
Shooting in Buffalo Shooter was Caucasian
Shooting at church Shooter was Asian
Shooting at school Shooter was Hispanic

All politicians from both sides should be voted out. This is not a political battle but rather one of their making.

Anonymous said...

VOTE RACIST REPUBLICAN and continue the mass killings give assault rifles not food stamps, give credit cards to purchad assalut rifles only. Tax discount of 75% of your tax will be given back every time you purchase a weapon of any kind but has to be made in the USA....

Anonymous said...

The tragedy in Uvalde shouldn’t have ever happened. The numerous mass killings in this country should never have happened. But gun control is not the answer. Take a look at Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, South Africa and lets never forget Nazi Germany. Can we improve our gun laws? Yes. The gun laws that Hawaii currently has in place are common sense laws that I as a gun owner would like to see implemented. But there is more to these horrific crimes being committed in this country. Mental health is on the top of the list.

We as a country need to unite in a peaceful manner to tackle the complex issues facing our nation.

Democrats for decades have been pushing their agenda for gun control. If they are serious they should take lead by turning in all of their weapons to the local police departments. This action would disarm a great portion of our population and according to them make us safer. As for the democratic politicians they also need to disarm their hired security personal.

Lastly, lets stop all this hate. This could be a great start.
