Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Gee, Fil. Thanks for nothing.

With almost nine months to go, Filemon Vela, who had represented the 34th Congressional District of Texas for the last nine years, announced on the last day of March that he would be resigning his seat on the U.S. House of Representatives to join the high-power lobbying firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld.

In doing so, he opened the door to having Texas Governor Greg Abbott start the process to set up a special election to replace him.

The result? 

Right-wing gun-right zealot Mayra Flores, a self-hating immigrant who cloaks herself as a Trumptite who mouths the former president's lie that the 2020 election was stolen from, him slid in with millions pumped in by the National Republican Committee over hapless Dan Sanchez, a former Cameron County commissioner, and a most unattractive candidate.

And Vela, who rode his father Filemon Vela Sr.'s reputation as one of the first Mexican-American federal judges in the United States and his mother Blanca Vela's stint as a Brownsville mayor to win his seat, has gotten a free ride so far. But his resignation has shown us that all he was after was to feather his nest.

It is highly unlikely that Flores, who will serve Vela's unexpired term until December 2022, will beat Vicente Gonzalez, in the regular election for the new redistricted District 34. But between now and then, she will have the chance to oppose any initiative from the Biden administration.

She, an immigrant from Mexico, now wants to shut the gates to would-be immigrants, even those seeking asylum from authoritative regimes in Central America and the world. Doesn't she know that there is a process in place for people like these to show up at the border and to get a hearing to be allowed tom enter? It's legal.

To her and other Republicans, all immigrants are drug-running, human trafficking murderers and rapists who will destroy our way of life. Was she?

So Fil got his. His wife, Rose Vela, also works as director of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships. And the Republicans got their foot in the door. And us?

We end up with a gun-toting liar who claims she picked cotton by hand 30 years after that crop has been harvested by machines playing the part of a poor (but honest) immigrant who's done good by dint of her hard work and family values.

Flores won't beat Gonzalez in the new Democrat-friendly District 34. But until December, this district will be represented by the likes of Flores who – despite the Uvalde tragedy – continues to resist any attempt at sensible restrictions of gun ownership like enhanced background checks and a ban on assault weapons.

Thanks for nothing, Fil.


Anonymous said...

Fil's wife ("Prende la vela!") is a Republican.

any other questions?

Anonymous said...

Typical democrats. Quit your whining and do something for the people of this country. Democrats own the presidency, congress and senate. What do you all have to show for it? Come November there will be a flip. People want real change. Give Myra a chance she might just surprise everyone. Or is that the fear you all have?

Anonymous said...

Los velas fueron y son puros mamones son DINOS and a good replacement for them was a racist republican NO CHANGE HERE... puros pinches GRINGOS/COCOS.

Anonymous said...

He was a Republican and everyone knew and his wife was the worst type of Republican with her known racist statements.

Anonymous said...

Sent them all to highway five-one-one. Put some bleachers out on the sun out on highway

Anonymous said...

aqui, todo guey me hace los mandados! Son gente para abusar. Todo Brownville.


Anonymous said...

So much hatred! Are you democrats still crying because Myra won? You guys need to get over it because come November a tsunami is going to hit. What happened Juan? Maybe you should become more open minded and just state the facts instead of taking sides. It’s unfortunate that you have become part of the fake news, since you have such great writing skills. But than I guess you are owned and controlled by the Democratic Party. Break those chains Juan and scream FREEDOM!

Anonymous said...

The government of Nicaragua has extended an invitation to the Kremlin for Russian troops to train inside the Central American country and conduct joint military exercises with the Nicaraguan armed forces. Yet you small-minded democrats support the disarmament of the population and open borders. Is there a hidden agenda somewhere? Maybe it’s the democrats that are working with the Russians not Donald Trump. If some terrorist group attacks our country the democratic party should be held accountable. That includes you Juan!

Anonymous said...

"Right-wing gun-right zealot Mayra Flores, a self-hating immigrant who cloaks herself as a Trumptite who mouths the former president's lie that the 2020 election was stolen"
Another example of half truths. Lets have discussions based on TRUTHS, not half, partial truths.

Anonymous said...

Give them hell Mayra. Democrats are are going mad with hate AND I LOVE IT.
Let's go Brandon!

Anonymous said...

Mayra will be powerless in Congress....unless she breaks out her True Aztec.

or is she just another wannabe, a fatalism-addled Mexican?

pronto sabremos, Raza!

Anonymous said...

I love watching all you cry baby demorats squirm. Show me the source that says Mayra picked cotton by hand. Never said it. She only said she worked in the cotton fields. She is going to kick Vicente’s midget ass. Sucks being you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Fil for showing the people you represented your true colors. Going for the REAL MONEY! AS a lobbyist! Vicente Gonzalez a fellow lawyer should just follow his steps and do the same. As far as Biden everyone in the Democrat party sees him as spoiled meat and are running away from a lame President! Biden is a disgrace to the American people and will go down as the worst president EVER! President Jimmy Carter can now die in peace.
Congress woman Mayra Flores should be proud of this accomplishment and keep fighting hard for the people! The writer of this story doesn't know hard work if he saw it!

Anonymous said...

Myra won already. Stop the crying already. Give her a chance and see what she can do.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Brandon you boot licking cowards,you guys are so stupid and gullible you can't see pinche gringo Trump has been lying to your faces for years.

Anonymous said...

What is so wrong about Her being a Hispanic woman with Mexican values, being ProGod, Pro family, Pro Country? If anyone want to remove our rights it’s democrats by changing the constitution to their convenience. Gente pongan atención y voten Republicano antes de que ya no tengamos país! Mayra que Diosito la bendiga en su camino!

Anonymous said...

Filemamon Verga now lives in the Weslaco area when not selling himself in DC. Democrats in the valley love their guns too. Are you a felon who's not allowed to own a firearm?

Anonymous said...

Juan the democrat party lost so get over it. Come november i hope she wins again. DemocRATS had this seat for over 100 years and what did the commom folks get? NADA.NADA NADA NADA. Maybe we might get something now. As for the democRATS, Gilberto, hockema and democrat bunch and company could have should have come up with a better candidate than that Javalina guy. Well its crying time baby adios.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And give me a hell yeah!

Give them hell, take Brownsville Texas city and county politicians with you.

Anonymous said...

June 23, 2022 at 1:43 PM
Squirm when you see your idiota racist republican mentiros exposed for jan 6 riot. On his way to sing sing with his whole family.

Anonymous said...

Fil is about FILLING HIS OWN POCKETS, including his wife's . He didn't accomplish a darn thing for us.

Anonymous said...

All you pinche Demoncrats COCKroaches Biden supporters have no credibility to abri los pinche sicos! It's all your fault we're in this fuking mess! You all can't deny seeing Trump with so little experience as a politician do 100% better than a vegetable who has been in politics for more than 40 years, and still estos culeros Idiotas estan chingando la madre con Trump. You all know things are bad, when you have chingos of democrats missing Trump! Hahahaha! BUILD BACK BETTER is now BUILD BACK BROKE! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Quit kissin white ass coco they don't like you, they dispice your ass and call you a rapist, murderer and a thieve, and you continue to kiss white ass. IDIOTA, THE COTTON PICKER IS ONLY ONE VOTE SHE WON'T GET FAR MAYBE JUST ACROSS THE RIVER WHERE SHE CAME FROM.

The gringos are hiring labors to built the wall, you are a great fit for that job and at cincueta centavos MAMON!

GRINGO/COCO - remember you are a rapist a murderer and a RATA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahah jajajajajaja
somebody calls me a rapist a murderer and a rata, for sure I won't kiss his ass more-so if he's a gringo or a coco like the idiota posting above.....

Anonymous said...

Russia are you listening, Georgia find me 11k votes, Mexico will pay for the border wall, will replace Obamacare, believe Putin instead of his own intelligence agency? Covid19 will just go away and is not deadly, instigated people to attack the Nation's Capitol and the list can go on and on. wake up people and face reality. We need a true Republican or Democrat president to lead our country.

Anonymous said...

C'mon ya'll!!! Admit it ya'll!!! Things were soooooooooooo much better when Trump was president.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Said - give Mayra a chance? Why? We gave a Trump a chance and look at what has happened or not happened! Name something great that he will be noted in history for? We already have several gun totting QAnon politicians in our Senate and House. Have you seen and heard how they comport themselves? Have you educated yourself on the difference of being a person that is suppose to represent their constituents and not represent just themselves like a narcissist? We have no room for politicians that just want for themselves. What does she bring to the table? I would say probably a mouth full of conspiracies. Every woman that has had a child or has a child in the school system needs to fear this woman. She is not for protecting your children or humans period. She loves those AR15s that can destroy a human to the point where they are not recognizable. Not even a hunter will use one on a deer since they will not be able to process the meat. How can anyone be that callous? She is not for the constituents but for herself. Wake up and educate yourself what her values are and what she will or will not do for you. Remember in November-You Deserve Better!

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2022 at 8:42 AM
lam brain idiota joke of the century by a moron

Anonymous said...

временный, temporario, temporaire, temporalis and abiit of course bye bye in novem...

Anonymous said...

6/24 8:42 a.m.
You are still savoring the kool aid.

Anonymous said...

I wish some of our city leaders would step down….all the money down town and for “current favorite groups”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

same question was asked in Truth Social blog. there were no comments hummmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Don’t blame Filemón. Blame Sanchez. How can you win an election if you just sit on your behind? Democrats, it is not business as usual. Entitlement is over. Politicians….. CAMERON County is not the land of ENTITLEMENT!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2022 at 4:29 PM
They come from below it comes from an unkown source, mijita!

Former RGV LEO said...

Montoya, its simple. Filemon "use to be Republican" Vela abandoned you democrats for getting making more money by making those in Congress to vote a certain way or push another worthless law that will cost us taxpayers. Maybe, he also quit because of that dumb ass in the White House and no longer believed in the democrat way?

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2022 at 12:16 PM
CONVOUTED, typical racist republican starts with an idea and ends up in the Sewage.

Anonymous said...

Mijita this is how you plant the aks right here seeeeee....
