Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

For years now, the historical archives of the Brownsville Historical Association have been locked up in walk-in vault at Market Square, accessible to the historians, researchers, students and to the public only by a ponderous and expensive process. 

Even when one can get access to the material, there apparently is no general catalog to help researchers find documentation for specific research topics. Donations from individuals and families are basically stacked on top of others and never exhibited, sometimes prompting the donors to ask for their return. And if some of these donations walked out the door, who would know?

The collections, exhibits, and donations there, are, for all practical purposes, our hidden history.

According to the Visit Brownsville website, "in early 2009, Market Square was leased to the Brownsville Historical Association. 

"Thanks to the support of the Stillman Trust, Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, and the City of Brownsville, Market Square became the home of BHA's collections and archives.
The vaults of Market Square house one of the largest South Texas photograph collections in the Rio Grande Valley. 

"Additionally, the archives are home to numerous documents include the Frank Cushman Piece Papers and the A.A. Champion Collection."

And some who remember back far enough recall that the historical books and documents that were kept in the Jose Escandon Research Room at the Central Library were also removed to the Market Square "Castle." And furthermore, the contents of Texas Southmost College's John Hunter Room were also moved in crates to Market Square, including the vast genealogy research done by the late Yolanda Gonzalez, remains unavailable – except by special permission – and are stored in a closed area of the building as well.

After attempting unsuccessfully in previous years to secure access to the archives, University of Houston professor and researcher Dr. Marie Theresa Hernandez referred BHA administrators and board members with information into grants that might aid the BHA in cataloging and sorting the archives to make them available for researchers and the public. 

So far, there have been no takers. Here, Dr. Hernandez again offers BHA Director Tara Putegnat the link to grants awarded by the National Archives for just such a purpose. Will the archives ever see the light of day? Or will they remain in a dark vault forever? Here's the professor's latest effort to make them available:

From: Dr. Marie Theresa Hernandez
World Cultures and Literatures

Dear Ms. (Tara) Putegnat,

For the past four years I have been working on a cultural history of Juan Cortina and the Rio Grande Valley. As you know the BHA archives have not been available for research… I understand there is some accessibility, but it is prohibitively expensive and requires an extensive wait time. 

I realize that lack of funding has been a significant problem. I met with Mr. (Gilbert) Velasquez and Dr. (Anthony) Knopp, and have spoken to Eric Gonzalez and Aubrey Nielsen. Ms. Nielsen informed me several years ago that there was nothing in the BHA Collection on Juan Cortina. (Really, Does that include references to Cortina in all those documents and photo collections?) 

In this email, I am sending a link to a call for proposals to the National Archives for a grant-maximum $150,000 (See below). Perhaps funding of this size would help make the BHA collections more accessible. Please let me know if I could be of help.

The manuscript of the Cortina book will probably be completed by August 2023, if not sooner. Publication usually takes another 18 months.

Best Regards,
Theresa Hernandez


Anonymous said...

All history is gossip.

Anonymous said...

Typical gringo, afraid of the past. Why, because it tells the truth and they are afraid of the truth and actions that could follow - lawsuits etc...
Open it up it does not belong to the gringos...

Anonymous said...

They likely did their best to keep and handle with care whatever the White people wrote about the city's early days.

Now they are ashamed.


Anonymous said...

It is such a shame that this "protected information" is not made available to the public. I remember several of us, primas, spending hours and days at the Jose Escandon Research Room (RIP) at the Central Library until someone decided it best to remove them to Market Square Castle! I spoke at a City Com. meeting and Tony Martinez PROMISED to have it corrected! I am still waiting.

Why is Brownsville so behind the times? I know it is history, but some of us care enough to read documents that are considered valuable to each one of us.
We pay people to head certain positions of responsiblity and all they do is
sit behind their desk and some have absolutely no people skills. This Putegnat Lady shoud be on top of things since the Putegnat Name is one of the best known in Brownsville for many reasons. May Sharon can get involved and get that "relative" moving??

Anonymous said...

SpaceX explosion shakes lighthouse

should have shaked el enano's home not the lighthouse. NOW WHAT. Wait for another one bigger and louder? Maybe it will bring down the el jardin hotel than it will be worth it...

Anonymous said...

WHO: COVID triples across Europe, hospitalizations double
wear your mascaras idiotas!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes that’s true/ all history is gossip -

A well respected historian once said “ history is what has not been written”

Anonymous said...

They probably have some writings on Juan Cortina, but it's likely some white man calling him an asshole.

be careful of what you ask for, cause you may get it.

Anonymous said...

El pasado me da susto.

a ti tambien, verdad?

Anonymous said...

Tough times get tougher for Harlingen restaurants -

“It’s the first time we’ve closed down like that in twentysomething years,” Rodriguez said. “We’ve had a handful of customers that have been here from Day One, every morning. Drinking coffee, a lot of times ordering the same taco.” When the restaurant opened back up at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, only two of the seven morning regulars showed up. “It brought a tear to my eyes,” Rodriguez said. “Like, man, am I losing it? I’ve put too much work in here. I’ve worked so hard to want people to come in here. And now I have it, and I’m having to shut the doors.”

- inflation will kill off many small eateries. Price of huevos rancheros plate to reach $15, say owners.

Anonymous said...

Another non story.

KBRO said...

What do you expect Juan? This is Brownsville. It's the same in San Benito.. Harlingen... keep going until you get to major University in Austin and maybe you will speak with actual certified /trained knowledgeable archivist?

Anonymous said...

Need to hide that information because it will tell you the truth about city of Brownsville? It's run by stupid people yesterday and still today. By the Mexicans. Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone ask Gilbert Velasques about any history of Brownsville,TX? He doesn't know anything about anything. They use him to make graphs for free. That is all they need him for. There is your mistake.

Sandy’s Balls said...

Ahh, Javier Garcia making sure to make his comments while the BHA is funneling money to pay him… Javi plays with Stillman’s balls and getting paid! Talk about fucking around with history… Javi, are you a certified ass kisser too?

Anonymous said...

Largest south Texas photography collection in the grande valley, of what? Lynching post cards of hangings, “bar-b-ques,” and atrocities, during which hundreds of Kodaks clicked?

Anonymous said...

Bombarded by scammy robo-texts? You're not alone.

Anonymous said...

It appears to me that Ms. T. Putegnat has a cushy job and that the BHA is a club where only a selected few participate. Starting of course with Ms. Putegnat and the Board of Directors Harry McNair, Dr. Anthony Knopf, Gilbert Velasquez, and Rolando Garza. The hispanics, Velasquez and Garza, are more than likely buddy buddy with Putegnat & as a result ended up being the token Mexican and they do not even know it. If they know, they are the token Mexicans, they do not care and are just happy to be rubbing elbows with the Putegnats, McNairs, and Knopp.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, there was a teacher from Brownsville, last name Cortina’s. I had visited her ,many years ago. She said that they were related to Cortina,person. So just my 2cents worth. Also some last names thru the times were changed. Example; Garza,delaGarza. Just something to ruun,ruun.

Anonymous said...

Uvalde videos -

To see those so-called Police officers standing outside the classroom where that mass murderer was killing little schoolchildren, without doing absolutely nothing to stop him, is so heartbreaking!!! What was going through their minds??? Hearing gunshot after gunshot, and now knowing that shots killed a child by every shot, it is beyond what I could think of police officers!!! They must forever live with this --- knowing that they actually are to blame for the children's death. I feel so sorry for their parents, who were told to stay back.

Coward Cops!!!

Anonymous said...

Que pasó Juan? You are actually talking about someone needs to do some work.
There is no money to steal.
Lo cagas güey.


Anonymous said...

I am willing to bet that the token Mexicans can't speak Spanish properly. Estan bien jodidos.

Anonymous said...

July 19, 2022 at 9:24 AM

This is the problem gringos ain't gonna help specially known gringos from this area. The have something to loose. Their pride and of course their integrity. Their motto is hid hid and hid we will remain in power as long as the truth don't come out....DAS DA REASON MIJITA and I am not going to call everybody cocos not today.....

Anonymous said...

July 19, 2022 at 5:25 PM

In the past they were call tokens now they are cocos wanna be white but can't and whites just use them. pinches cocos.

Anonymous said...

One of the contina's relative went to the BHA to pick up his great great father and they kicked him out very rudely of course (they don't like meskins).

Anonymous said...

Its like that uppity orginazation that only people with degrees can join mitt something can't remember the name I don't have a degree. and this organization begs for funding from the poorest city with an 89% of poor hispanics. BEGS IS PIDICHES IN SPANISH GIMME GIMME GIMME pinches PIDICHES!!!!

Anonymous said...

July 19, 2022 at 9:16 PM


KBRO said...

Sandy's balls works for BHA -- and insults rather than explains their incompetence and best of all, projects their ass-kissiness on me. ok Sandy's balls -- Tell us more about what you know since you dont know a anything about Brownsville history or museums.

Anonymous said...

Where’s Tony “El Curandéro” Zavaleta and Gene “El Creído” Fernandez when you need them?

Anonymous said...

July 20, 2022 at 11:03 AM

Pinches cocos none of them speak spanish se creen gringos just like the sucios lucios they speak with a snake tongue and they call it texas twang Hahhaahahah coming from a coco souns funny as a shit hillbilly.....

Anonymous said...

Like putting a criminal to guard the evidence that will convict him....

KBRO said...

I came to check on the BHA staff member who had no excuse as to why historical records have been closed to public for years but nothing yet so.... I have a solution. Fire that guy and re-hire me and pay me whatever he is being paid + $5000 sign-on bonus. I will open that facility for you. I sound like a pinche politician and Rrun Rrun can make anything sound political. lol
