Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Image result for blue and red eraser

By Juan Montoya
Years ago, when we still had one kid – our youngest girl – at Hudson Elementary when Dr. Rita Hernandez was principal there, it fell on my lot to go shopping for school supplies a day before the school year began.

This was always an unpleasant task and I always left it for the last  minute because you would invariably find yourself pawing through piles of left over pencils, composition books, rulers, folders, dividers, etc. to try to get everything on the list the teachers ask parents to get for their students..

That was bad enough.

But when you consider that you are trying to do this against other desperate parents (especially pushy moms) who procrastinated like you and find themselves trying to scratch off every last item from their list, it becomes a pitched battle on the school supply pile at stores like Walmart, Kmart when there was one, the Family Dollars, Target, etc. by parents with their back against the clock and a fast-approaching deadline.

The moms were the worse. They weren't above edging past you in the line and pushing you aside as they grabbed for that missing three-hole binder (had to be black), or the safety scissors they needed for their list.

To make the long story short, as 10 p.m. approached, things were getting desperate. Still unscratched on the list were two blue and red erasers. Everywhere I went, they had an eraser of one color, or some other types, some of them with a small brush at one end, and instead of the lead, it was an eraser point like a pencil.

I gave up after the stores started closing and the elusive erasers were nowhere to be found. I had failed.

This had never happened before and I arrived at the house with my different bags from the different stores bulging over with supplies. But no double-color gum erasers.

The little one was at the living room coffee table drawing something on a paper with  crayon when I arrived. She looked up and saw the supplies looking at me expectantly as she filled in her drawing with a crayon. There was no way out. I fessed up, a bit defensive, even as I tried to hide my exasperation.

"Nana, It took me half the night and I got everything on the list except for one thing, those erasers with the two colors, you know, the red and the blue. I went to the four Walmarts and everything is gone. Then I went to the Target, the Family Dollars, all of them. There are no two-sided erasers left in the city. I'm sorry."

God made little girls different.

She eyed me somewhat distractedly, looked up from her creation and said: "Erasers? Oh, don't worry about that Dad. I just won't make any mistakes."


Anonymous said...


Just one day after the unsealed FBI warrant revealed Trump might have violated the Espionage Act, the Kentucky senator, who once had very harsh words about leakers of classified information, said he wants the Espionage Act gone.

-Predictable from a lawless Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

No money no nothing PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the controlling chicano bitches who passed for teachers in Harlingen in the 70s and 80s.

The best locally available erasers are the Staedtler followed by the Pentel. Pentel erasers will develop a nasty chemical odor over time though. Don't know of any good American or Chinese made erasers.

Buy off season too. Bought lots of 150 count filler paper when it was on clearance for 25 cents at Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Did you say lawless Democrats? Brain washed? I understand.

Anonymous said...

School supply shopping was always the most beautiful memory as a child. That and going to public libraries. Blessed I was to do both with my parents.

Your daughter cherished the moment more then the eraser……maybe not then…but when she reflects on it.

You are a good dad Mr. RRUN RRUN….not perfect…but who is?

Anonymous said...

That is a female for you. Females know and understand when they have to get it right. Most even pull through.

Anonymous said...

When I was teaching elementary and high school, I wanted the students to bring from the district and school supplies list 3 things: writing paper, pencil and 6 simple folders, any colors, two, three or as many holes in them. Period. I had plenty of colors from years which the students threw away on the last day of school by the thousands.

Anonymous said...

August 16, 2022 at 8:24 AM

Idiota there were no chicano teachers in harlingen all gringas mamonas with no degrees only a big mouth and tongue....culo

Anonymous said...

Nobody gives a fuck about Rita Hernandez. She got dumped by her own cousin, Mike Hernandez.

Even A&M isn't paying attention to her anymore. Mike made sure of it.

Anonymous said...

I remember all the kids being jealous with my glass thermos with the built-in cup and lunchbox. Lasted me all the way to college until I accidentally left it on the roof of my Dodge Aspen and broke the glass lining. A roast beef or ham sandwich on soft white wonderbread, a banana or orange, and maybe a Ziploc baggie of potato chips. My best friend would to bring his lunch in a old cement mixing bag and with that old crappy pepperidge farm bread that was thin and stale tasting. At least I would share some of my chips or chocolate him with him.

Anonymous said...

there was no wonder bread at that time idiota it had to be holsom or rainbow guey
