Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Proclamation recognizing and honoring Deputy Consul General Vladimir Hernandez Lara. (Commissioner R. De los Santos/Mayor T. Mendez)


Anonymous said...

The ties that bind...

Anonymous said...


"Sir, Mr. Graham, what about the Abortion bill?"

Senator: "I'll pay it!"


Anonymous said...

La comunidad entera se pinta buena o mala con la accion o palabras de unos pendejos. Felicidades a este Mejicano.......

Anonymous said...

Ask him if he's going to pay for the wall lol, Trumpudo tontos

Anonymous said...

So many great people and business leaders in brownsville - who do so much for our community- but yea,- go ahead.

Anonymous said...

Lamento decirlo, pero esta ciudad de Brownsville aprecia poco de lo que le da - y le ofrece - su vecino, Mexico.

Triste, pero cierto.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of him who is he has he help this city in any way or just another gimmie gimmie elected official mamon?

Anonymous said...

Why not honor all the winter Texans beggars on our streets, especially the guy on Price Rd and frontage that has been dying of HIV for years but drives his bicycle to and from work. Beggar of the year award.

Anonymous said...

Was el chief Chapete Sauceda posing for pictures again? That guy sure does love taking pictures for Facebook... instead of posing for pictures, why not listen to your patrol officers who are always understaffed on the streets while your taking pictures with kids at the movie theater!
Will you be posing for pictures with that SWAT officer that accidently shot himself in the foot last week?
Will you be taking a picture with the female officer who had a domestic dispute after being busted by her husband while she went over to "visit" another officers house? Isn't that male officer the one you assigned to ATF just because his father is your compadre?
When will you be posing for pictures in your old Porter Cowboys cheerleading uniform???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Juan Montoya

the place will be packed !!!

Anonymous said...

Complaining about the cost for the border wall. How much do you think taxpayers are going to pay for all the social services the millions of illegals in this country will receive. You probably don't pay taxes and are just one of the numerous hispanic democrats wanting a handout.

Anonymous said...

What does Mexico give to the people of this country, other than illegal immigrants? Thanks but no thanks. If we had a strong government we would force the Mexican government to take care of its own. Since when did the United States become the guardian of the world?

Anonymous said...

@3:02 PM

The immigrants coming to the border are not from Mexico, you imbecile.

Try Central America.

But it doesn't suit your assholish racism, does it? Fuck you and your Mama, puto.

Anonymous said...

This is for you 🖕 Mr complaining about paying taxes first you moron been paying taxes for over 30 years 2nd your so stupid that the lies that cheetos told you you believed lol. Dont be mad that your boy Trump is a bullshitter.3rd there are just as many white folks on government handouts as you call it., suck it up butter cup you Trumpublicans are a fraud to America and we all know it.

Anonymous said...

FUCK mexico.

Anonymous said...

“The immigrants coming to the border are not from Mexico, you imbecile.
Try Central America.
But it doesn't suit your assholish racism, does it? Fuck you and your Mama, puto.”

US Immigration by Country 2022
Top 10 Countries of Origin for Immigrants to the U.S. (2020)
1. Mexico — 100,325
2. India — 46,363
3. China — 41,483
4. Dominican Republic — 30,005
5. Vietnam — 29,995
6. Philippines — 25,491
7. El Salvador — 17,907
8. Brazil — 16,746
9. Cuba — 16,367
10. South Korea — 16,244
Read if you know how before you make stupid remarks. The use of profanity just shows your lack of education. Typical low class democrat.

Anonymous said...

To the guy who has paid taxes for over 30 years and never cheated on his income tax return. You are 1 of 261 million. I’ve been paying for over 53 years. So don’t be too proud.

Anonymous said...

And! So you paid taxes for 53 big deal one day I'll say the same.,but it doesn't take away the fact that Trumps a scum bag and you believed him. Not sorry for you but if you want with what I have left over of my income tax return I can send you a case of tissue paper for your tears lol.

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2022 at 8:20 AM

When I was born 70+ years ago the tax man was beside the bed with a tax bill. ANY MORE QUESTIONS???

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2022 at 7:28 AM
