Thursday, August 4, 2022


By Agence France-Presse

A charred chunk of space junk found jutting from a paddock by an Australian sheep farmer was confirmed to be part of one of Elon Musk's SpaceX missions by authorities Thursday.

The ethereal-looking debris, believed to have plummeted to Earth on July 9, was found last week in Dalgety -- a remote area near Australia's Snowy Mountains, about five hours' drive southwest of Sydney.

"It was kind of exciting and weird all in the same way," astrophysicist Brad Tucker, who visited the site after local farmers contacted him last month, told AFP.

He said that finding the large chunk embedded in an empty field reminded him of something out of the sci-fi film "2001: A Space Odyssey".

"It's astounding to see it."

Australia's space agency confirmed the debris had come from one of Musk's missions in a statement and told locals to report any further finds to SpaceX.

"The Agency has confirmed the debris is from a SpaceX mission and continues to engage with our counterparts in the US, as well as other parts of the Commonwealth and local authorities as appropriate," an Australian Space Agency spokesman said.

Tucker said the piece was part of a trunk jettisoned by the earlier Crew-1 capsule when it re-entered Earth's atmosphere in 2021.

He said the trunk had split up on re-entry, with reports of other space junk also found at nearby properties, making more discoveries linked to the SpaceX mission likely.

Most space debris splashes down at sea but with the increase in space industries worldwide, the amount crashing to earth would likely increase, he added.

"We do have to realize that there is a likely risk it may hit in a populated area once and what that means."

Australia's Space Agency said it was working to mitigate debris and had raised the issue internationally.


Anonymous said...

Companies and or Corporations making money sending this junk into space need to be held accountable for any tragedies they may cause returning to earth. We’re not satisfied into polluting our earth now we have to pollute the universe.

Anonymous said...


Have you given up on generating local news, Montoya?

We here have no dog in that trash/dumping fight. You trying to "upscale" your Browntown blog now with the French news agency stuff?

Anonymous said...

Cuando el cielo quiere, el cielo llueve - lo bueno y lo malo.

Anonymous said...

How long before Boca Chica Beach see the same thing? Imagine the people
at Kopernick Shores (or is it still there?) and the mess around their once
perfect environment?

Anonymous said...

And what fucking relevance does this have to my life in Browntown?

La cagas, Montoya, la cagas.


Anonymous said...

Brownsville COB will take responsibility for this junk from spacex. Brownsville will tax the taxpayers more money and tell spacex that next time any space junk that comes down from space to have it fall on Brownsville. The people in Brownsville are so stupid that they don't mine having space junk fall on them and their homes. Look at the all the trash, tires and people's junk all over Brownsville. Just add this new radioactive space junk to the city of Brownsville. Viva Spacex and the idiots democrats leadership of Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Social Security checks Cost of Living increase for 2023 set to be between 9.6% and 11%

do the math.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump to be indicted any day now.

He may flee to Russia.

Anonymous said...


(look it up, ese)

Anonymous said...

12:45 dummy - do you not know that there is a rocket city close to Boca
Chica? Que sabe la raza? Se banan en el Rio Bravo!

At what force are these rockets sent off? Do you not know one could
land within the Brownsville City Limits or even Matamoros?

Anonymous said...

ok as Elon Muskeeter said SAFIS ESE.

Anonymous said...

Judge convicted for bribery to be released early from federal prison
Looks like he didn't miss a meal...

Anonymous said...

Brownsville ISD presents students with backpacks, school supplies
A 1.99 backpack while the 3 months off with pay teachers got several thousands of dollars each, plus the clerks and secretaries.

Anonymous said...

Why So Many Cars Have Rats in Them Now
and they are FREEEEEEEEEE!

Anonymous said...

Tell you the truth, space junk might actually improve the property values.

Anonymous said...

If Trump is indicted I'm Juan Montoya.

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2022 at 4:14 AM

Idiota, you can never be montoya you're a white/coco moron...
