Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Special to El Rrrun-Rrun

Hello, my name is Heather Gillentine-Velasquez; my father-in-law is the wonderful Gilbert Velasquez, Sr. He is a beloved Brownsville resident who is the true definition of a champion for Brownsville. He has spent many years as a volunteer for the Brownsville Historical Society, worked with several elected officials in their runs for office, and was a key individual involved with the idea of the annual lighting of a Brownsville City Christmas Tree.

Additionally, he has given his time and photographic skills to support and promote many downtown events. Such as Car Shows, Vintage Days, The Farmers Market, The Downtown Historical Association and The Brownsville Historical Association, and some of the most breathtaking images from annual events like Charro Day. Evidence of Brownsville's day-to-day life and his love of Brownsville, Texas.

Many of you have noticed Gilbert's absence lately; since June, he has been battling health concerns. We now know that he has Stage 4 Prostate Cancer and a lump in his back that is still waiting for a diagnosis. As you can imagine, treatment needs to start immediately, and the initial meds the doctor would like to put him on will cost roughly 5K a month.

We are asking for your assistance. Let's help Gilbert in his hour of need to keep him as a bright light in our community. My husband and I are asking for assistance in defraying some of his medical expenses. We know the bills will only increase, but we would like to invite you all to help us bridge the gap and support us in giving back to a man who has given so much to the Brownsville – and Rio Grande Valley – community.


Anonymous said...

Did he not have health insurance? Medicare??

Tough when everybody asks for money. Sorry, but no.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, I hope you don't post this but why do you post this indegent people's needs? The folk that want to help them already do. Let the Hisorical Society help him or what? Are they history already when it comes to his needs?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Historical Society?

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this guy.

notables only!

Anonymous said...

Look, get it through your heads, no one lives forever.

If it's his time, it's his time.

No amount of money can save him.


Anonymous said...

In this country everyone gets some type of assistance.

Anonymous said...

Does he not have Medicaid/medicare or Health insurance.... at his age, he should. All and or any work he did was as a volunteer..., unfortunately, no organization is obligated to help him. May god be with him in his recovery

Anonymous said...

Listen, Montoya, life is difficult. Personally I do not log on to you blog to read about someone's personal health tragedies. I want the low down on what is happening around town. Yes, I get it but where are his friends? I do not know this man and he has never done anything for me or the people I know. It's like Jerry if his father had a bar where did the money go? Not that I care to know that is their business. I know there are things that I want "pero" no there I am paying Cancer Insurance for me and the one's I love. To each his own and God bless.

Anonymous said...

Otro tear jerker!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Historical Society is run by gringos what's he doing there? Ask the gringos. Never heard of this person, never seen this person but good luck also talk to the gringos he should know all of them BGHS brownsville gringo historical society...

Anonymous said...

These people are not indegent. He has a business GV&A. He has money stashed for a down pour. His family just wants to take our money and keep his. Our prayers are with him "pero no se crean." He went to college back in the day.

Anonymous said...

Hello Elon? This man was all out promoting you when everyone in Brownsville thought SpaceX was a scam! You owe a lot of the social goodwill to this man.

Few did more to promote SpaceX when it mattered! Si vamos a ver if the billionaire next door lifts a finger for the local man
$5000 to el Musk is less than a dropped penny.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Montoya, you are a wicked wicked man. There is no way that you posted this go Fund Me thing for us to help him. Your post is your way of saying "look who is asking for a handout." These people have money. Readers Google Gilberto Velasquez and Associates.

Mr. Velasquez has done a lot for the community but he did it out of the kindness of his heart without expecting anything. His DIL writes "he's been there for us, let's be there for him." His family are the one$ who need to be there for him becau$e all he ha$ done ha$ been for them. They need to ensure that the money Gilberto Sr. earned is used for his medical needs. At least Jerry's people asked for a hand up, they did a fund raiser, these people want a handout.

What I take from your article is that Gilberto Sr's son and daughter in law are shameless. They are too stingy and self centered to provide for their Father.

They want to raise $75,000. The money would provide for 15 months of medicine. What are they going to do if he passes away within the next two months? Keep the money and use it for a vacation, home improvement, or bran new car? No matter how bad this sounds may his death be a swift one because he is going to suffer. There are things worse than death.

Anonymous said...

Pero tomaba dos XX como high roller
Pay for heath insurance bronsbil!

Anonymous said...

Please tell his family to go see Dr. SHEKENBERG in Harlingen. He is an oncologist and the pharmacy at his practice helps patients who can't afford to pay for their medications. I hope this helps! Dr. Shekenberg is wonderful and is helping my father who has stage 4 prostate cancer.

Anonymous said...

August 16, 2022 at 9:33 PM

That's GRADITUDE for you, any way he worked with cocos and gringos that hate meskins. GOOD RIDDENCE.
